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Rocky Mountains

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 of The Rockies


Hi, and welcome to my Web Page. I'm really glad you stopped by.  Please feel free to look around and e-mail me your comments and suggestions, they are always welcome.

The words I try to live by are "don't take yourself too seriously and above all keep a sense of humor." 

The photos on these pages were taken by me (except of course the ones of me, and the photos on the Phins page) during various trips over recent years.  Check back from time to time to see pics of my latest adventures.  

Until Then, God Bless

and remember . . . 

 Always  appreciate our beautiful lands and our diverse people, no one forces us to live here. . . you can love it or you might as well leave it. 




    My Favorite Places

Devils Tower,

               White Sands, New Mexico

Old Glory

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Bonita Lake,
New Mexico

Other Great Places:

Carlsbad Caverns,
New Mexico

Cocoa Beach,

Mt. Lemmon,

 View From Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota

Sunset, Waikiki, Hawaii

View from Top of Diamondhead,  Hawaii
 (Yes, the water is really that blue!!!)


My Favorite


Rocky Mountain

of The Rockies

Mountains Covered
in Pine Trees

Chatting With

All Types of Music


A Good Football Game
(Go Dolphins!!)