The bug's homepage

Hello there. First I thought I had better add a very important link here.. just in case anyone from NZchat came and had a look and was disappointed in me not including it. NZchat is a nice friendly chatrooms with lots of New Zealanders. Quiz night is Thursday at 8.30pm New Zealand time and will be starting again Feb 2004. Feel free to come visit :-)

Hehehe of my favourite sounds...Click on the play button to hear it... (bubblewrap heaps of fun!!!!)

First...a little about us....we got a computer in November 1998. Me and the two older kids go on the net, mainly in ICQ and xtrachat. Our nicknames are Bugardifieno (me), Rocksie (older daughter), Ted_E_Bear (son). The littlest bug loves the comp, but is too young for the net, so she just plays games on it!! Mainly Pokemon, with a gameboy emulator With all of us fighting over one comp, it became necessary to buy another one, which we did, and which the Madmilkie kindly networked for us.....and he let me "help" lol. Thanks Geoff.
UPDATE: Well, things have changed. I now live with Geoff(Madmilkie), along with my two daughters. We have lots of fun playing with the computers, and are now learning about linux. We have 3 computers dual boot with mandrake 7.2 and windoze95 which are connected to the net through a debian linux server. This system works well for us and we are always connected to the net.
ANOTHER UPDATE(I try to update at least once every 2 years without fail!): I have been living here for ages now. We still have lots of fun playing with computers, although the number has increased.. now 6 computers networked. Server, running debian still, 3 windows95 machines, 1 dual boot win95/mandrake7.2 and one winxp/mandrake 8.2. We also have jetstart, meaning fast internet!! We have all 3 of my children living with us and now have 2 cats, a dog and 4 guinea pigs!! *****************************************************************************
AND YET ANOTHER UPDATE(Just in case anyone ever reads this page) got winXP times 3, Win95 times 1 and wahoooo... Mandrake 9.2..finally. Geoff mentioned I should date the updates... so... 29th November 2003 *****************************************************************************
YET ANOTHER UPDATE - Oops doesn't time fly! I have passed the biennial update deadline... nearly 3 years later it is 20 May 2006. Our family has grown in more than one way. We now have seven people living here with my eldest daugher, her boyfriend, Geoff's daughter and my other two children, along with 2 cats, a dog, 2 rabbits, 3 guinea pigs and 5 rats! The operating systems have changed too. WinXP is more or less the only windows operating system, with Mandriva, Debian, DSL and Ubunutu on the adult's machines. We also have a Mac running OS9, but have yet to figure out how to get it networked. A wee hobby job for when we have nothing much else to do.


Page Two

My Grandfather

My other website with bookmarks