Also Featuring the M1917 and P14
Welcome to my little corner of the web. This site is mainly dedicated to the British Lee Enfield Rifle. They were the standard issue rifle for the British and Commonwealth forces throughout WWI and WWII. These interesting firearms have a long and distinguished military career. They have seen conflict in nearly every part of the world and are still being actively used by military forces, target shooters and collectors.  I am a collector myself and decided to make a site that can be used as an aid in identification and in the dissemination of knowledge for everyones benefit. I am constantly making updates  to this site. Along with this website I have put together a few interactive forums for talking and sharing ideas, deals and information with your fellow collectors. Be sure to check them out and use them. The people that use these forums are the best people to be found and are always friendly and knowledgeable. There isn't a better group of people anywhere on the web, I think that is a credit both to them as individuals and as a group of firearm enthusiasts. There is also a real time chat room that is set aside for people that use this site and forums.
There have been many people who have donated things to this site for the enjoyment of everyone. You know who you are and please accept my thanks for your material. If you see something that is missing or want to see more about, send me a line at the email below or in the guestbook and I will try my best to get it done. If you want to contribute something for this site, let me know and you will receive credit for it.

Anyway,some of the firearms that interest me include Enfields, U.S Military Rifles and Czechoslavakian and East German pistols. I have tried to limit my areas of interest due to time and money restraints. I am currently a Veterinary Medical Student and time resources are a little stretched to say the least.  A curio and relics license issued by the BATF makes this a possible hobby for me as it allows me to purchase C&R eligible firearms through interstate transactions. To find out more on this license see the links to and OG's C&R page.
Lee Enfields
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.22 Cal Training Rifles
Lee Enfield Collector's Forum
U.S Model of 1917 and British Pattern 14
Links to Interactive sites, Dealers and C&R sites
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