We are seeking images of male models for immediate pay.

Here's how we work. Unlike other agencies who require their models to show up in person, we take an entirely different approach. We ask that models submit photographs directly to us for inclusion in one of our many CD-ROM projects. That's it. You do not need to show up to a studio. You need only to have worked previously with a photographer and have non-copyrighted materials you are willing to submit to us for consideration.

We pay $1.00 per image that we decide to include in one of our projects. That may not sound like much on the surface level, but consider that if we use 100 of your images, that is in instant payment of $100.00. No waiting for sales or commissions. That's it.

What kind of content are we loooking for? You should be a young man between the years of 21 and 45. You should be masculine in appearance, in shape, and be able to wet the erotic appetite of our audiences. While we pay most attention to nudes, non-nudes are welcome as well if they fit these criteria. While images do not need to be professionally photographed, they should have a degree professionalism about them -- that means no fuzzy shots or poorly done work, please. Payment for photographs can be made through PayPal services or cash. The choice is yours. (Please note that an Agreement & Model Release Form will need to be mailed back to use before cash payment can be made.) To submit photographs to us for consideration, email them us at this address. We look forward to working with you!







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