


I have worked on IBM, Apple, Digital Equipment Corporation, Mentor Graphics Corporation, and Hewlett Packard computers.

Operating Systems

Among some of the operating systems I have worked on are MacOS, OS/2, VAX/VMS, Unix and Windows 98/NT.

Programming Languages

BASIC. I started my programming career by learning AppleSoft BASIC. Then, I continued with MicroSoft BASIC both at work and at school. I eventually designed a reporting application in Oracle BASIC which is essentially a language similar to Visual Basic but with SQL capabilities.

Pascal. I only began designing more interesting applications when I discovered Pascal. First, I trained with UCSD Pascal on Apple computers. Then, I wrote some fancy programs in VAX Pascal which included my first attempt at implementing the concepts of Dynamic Memory Allocation and Recursion. Later on, I supported some applications that were written in an object-oriented version of Borland Pascal. Finally, I briefly experimented with the latest flavor of Pascal when I was introduced to Borland Delphi.

C. Over the years I have supported and developed applications written in MicroSoft and Borland C. I have made minimal attempts at writing applications in Visual C++ and I have developed C applications on Unix platforms.

Scripting Languages

HTML. I created my own Web page using HTML and included some JavaScript code I found on the Internet and which I later modified to suit my needs.


I can process tables in Paradox, DBASE III Plus, and Oracle databases.

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