What's new:
* I know I'm bad about updating the site - SORRY!
* Things that are new...
1. We lost Kayleigh this summer, and we miss her alot at the farm.
2. I lasted a week with the empty stall, and bought Curzon from a person in Toronto. He was VERY under weight, and not fit, but we're working on that, and in just 2 short months he's filling out very nicely. He's gained about 250 lbs, and has put on some muscle... and is ONE HAPPY PONY!! Oh ya - and he's huge! Curzon's registered name is "Tristram", and he's a 17.1hh registered (and branded) Hannovarian gelding. He too is a "licker" and is proving to have QUITE the sense of humour! :)
3. Zeus was a superstar in 2008, ending up 1st in the OADG awards standings for 3rd level, Silver circuit (Trillium). We only made it to 3 shows (what with Kayleigh being sick all Spring), but he was Champion at EACH SHOW and was such a good boy - we had tons of fun & got lots of prizes. We ended up being Reserve Champion AT the Silver Championships (combined score with West) and despite me having been injured (in a non-horse related accident the week before champs) Zeus was SUCH a good boy... I am looking forward to show season 2009!!
4. The hay season went really well for us this year, and I got all my square bales done in July... then all my rounds in August, and other than running out of storage, all is good with the hay this year!
* The ponies still love being at home, and I love it too! I am happy to say I think I may have the best boarders ever, and we're loving every moment of farm life. For pic's of the farm, click here and more barn pic's are here
* For info and pic's of the trailer, check out the trailer page. PLEASE NOTE that I am NOT doing much shipping now that we have the horses at home.
* Some pic's of my beautiful boy, lounging about at home, are here! :) He's so cute!
* I have more pics available online of all the ponies - to be uploaded soon!
* While you're surfing, check out my "friends'" pages.
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If you would like to send me mail, please send to: Deb's account
Thank you for visiting this site! Please check back for more updates!
A cute saying I found:
Dressage comes from the French word dresser, meaning ‘to train’. Dressage is an equestrian sport combining athletic ability with physical grace of the horse. Originally, it was used to train horses for battle in the 16th and 17th centuries. Riders now perform tests, containing a series of compulsory technical movements, which are each marked on a scale of zero to ten by a panel of three to five judges. The key to achieving a high score is for the horse to demonstrate expressive powerful and harmonious movements while the rider’s aids or cues are hardly noticeable.