Bluegrass Fastpitch Pitching Camps

"Success isn't something that just happens.
Success is learned. Success is practiced.
And then it is shared."
Sparky Anderson


SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 2000
Beginners 1 - 3 p.m.
Intermediates 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Advanced 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.


Cost: $35.00
Enrollment Limited to Eight Per Session



Beginner Session will focus on mechanics and drills designed to develop and/or improve proper pitching form. Pitchers should possess up to one year pitching experience and learning to develop the change-up. You will also learn how to recognize and deal with the most common problem areas you may encounter during training, and utilize specific drills to further develop muscle memory and fine-tune your individual pitching skills.

Intermediate Session will focus on improving speed and control through various drills and techniques. Pitchers must have at least two to three years of pitching experience, mastered the change-up & drop and presently working on the curve/drop curve or screwball.

Advanced Session will focus on improving speed, control and stamina through various drills. Pitchers must have at least three to four years of pitching experience, have mastered the change-up, drop, curve / drop curve and currently developing the screwball/rise ball.

Private Sessions and Video Analysis of Pitching Skills Also Available

Member of the National Fastpitch Coaches Association and Fastpitch Pitching Coaches Association

Now Available:
Topics Include: Mechanics of Windmill Pitching, Drills, Stretching, Work Ethic, Mental Aspects of Pitching, The How To's of Various Pitches, and Your College Search. Price: $14.95 (Includes S&H).

Having a Tournament? Searching For Players / Teams? Holding Tryouts for Your Team? Get the Message Out! Submit your Information for Display on this Website at No Charge. Simply e-mail your information to the address below.

For more information or to enroll for the March 2000 Pitching Camp, contact: Donna Witten, Pitching Consultant at

Learning the Windmill Pitch
Deciding Your Level of Commitment & Setting Goals
The Zone
Utilizing Simulation to Improve Technique
Problem Areas and Drills
Preparing For College-Level Softball - A Four-Year High School Academic Blueprint
Tournaments, Tryouts, Searching for Players / Teams
Champions Baseball Academy
A-Z Softball Search
The Strictly Softball Search Engine
All Star Softball Webring

Located in Louisville, Kentucky. Private pitching instruction packages available.

For additional information or to schedule your private fastpitch pitching sessions, contact Donna Witten at 502-458-9090.

Donna Witten, Pitching Instructor / Consultant