General Rugby Sites
A small section, covering sites where you will find information on all aspects of the game. Many of these will be familiar to you, I am sure.
IRB - Informative, well laid out and a good source of info on major international news
Team Talk Rugby - Another information site
RugbyNet - New Zealand site with excellent information on the World Cup - You will probably know this site already, but its news service is second to none - The name really tells you all here
rugby365 - A good site based on sister sites football365 and music365, and no less informative - Another informative news service
Underwater Rugby - Can only be listed under general sites, very interesting and amusing site - Site with impressive database of 7's events, also includes interviews and reports
Irish Rugby Online - Great site with news on every aspect of the great game in Ireland
Welsh Rugby Pics - Not quite sure where to put this, but here will do. Good site
Rugby Fitness - Aussie site with useful information
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International Unions