

J. T. Lamonde



Now that you've found me...maybe I'll just let you peek a little into my life...Past, present and future!

But be forewarned, there shall always be a sad and dark side to my life, the loss of my first born son,Tommy.

my heart

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eternal candle

I feel like I'm drowning...in a river of tears - how long must it go on...

But first, the whole reason for my being,

My family

our family

taken at Billy's high school graduation in May 1997.

Left to right is Tommy, Sue, Billy, and me

The rest of the family, (clockwise from the fat dog) Nikki, myself, Molly, and Kate


Bits and pieces

About me

my family

Vietnam, a chapter of my life

Jethro Tull--simply the best ever


My classic Mustang

Camping & travel


Other links

My wife, Sue's Quilting hompage

My son, Billy's band's page

My son, Tommy's Memorial Hompage


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If you have comments or suggestions, email me at vampling@gvtc.com