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Instructors  |   YCGF  |  What We Practice and Teaching  |   End

Welcome to the web page of the Yin Cheng Gong Fa Association - Nevada Branch. We are martial arts enthusiasts who come from different styles and practice YCGF together in Reno. Because we enjoy our practice and find much benefit in the YCGF training system, we would like to introduce it to you.

The Yin Cheng Gong Fa Association was founded by Great Master Wang Peisheng of Beijing, China. Master Wang began his training in the martial arts at the age of twelve, and through more than seventy years of study, practice and teaching, his mastery of Chinese martial arts has reached the highest level. He has prevailed in competitions with many famous masters and has won a great reputation for his fighting skills. Drawing on his knowledge and personal experience, Master Wang developed his own training system called Yin Cheng Gong Fa. This training system has greatly enhanced the martial arts practice of all the members of our group and has helped us understand more fully the real meaning of the martial arts.

The Yin Cheng Gong Fa Association - Nevada Branch, located in Reno "the biggest little city in the world," was established by Shifu Zhang Yun in 1989. Shifu Zhang taught YCGF, which includes the traditional Chinese martial arts of Taiji, Bagua, Xingyi, Tongbei, Changquan, and Qigong for more than five years in Reno before moving to the east coast. During these years, Shifu Zhang not only trained us in martial arts skills but also imparted his knowledge of traditional Chinese culture and history. By the end of the five-year period, we had become his in-door disciples.

We love YCGF and practice hard. To maintain and further our study of YCGF, members of our group have traveled to the east coast to see Shifu Zhang and in some cases even to Beijing to train intensively with Shifu Zhang's kungfu family. At present, Shifu Zhang's senior disciple Master Strider Clark and Master John Benavides teach YCGF classes in Reno. If you are interested in this training system, please contact them for more information.

Yin Cheng Gong Fa is our introductory program. It is an inclusive system that complements other systems or styles and improves one's techniques regardless of the style practiced. If you are already a martial arts practitioner and want to study Yin Cheng Gong Fa, we suggest that you continue your original training in conjunction with the YCGF system. Such a combination can be very advantageous. Whatever your skill level or preferred style, the YCGF training system will give you a better understanding of the fundamental principles and applications of the Chinese martial arts.

For more information about this system, please visit the website of the Yin Cheng Gong Fa Association - North American Headquarters.


Master Strider Clark

Master John Benavides


Quality Links:

Yin Cheng Gong Fa Association North American Headquarters

Yin Cheng Gong Fa Association Pennsylvania Branch

Yin Cheng Gong Fa Association Oregon Branch 

Internal Martial Arts (Modern Journal Coverage Traditional Internal Martial Arts)



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Our Great Grandmastwer Wang Peisheng


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Shifu Zhang Yun






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Strider and John in Beijing

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                                                                    Yin Cheng Gong Fa Association - Nevada Branch

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