1999 - 2000 League runners up Under 13's

Carl Rimmer Memorial Trophy Winners

Prescot Reporter Cup Runners up 2000

Under 15's Sportsmen of the year 2000

Empress of Canada Cup Runners Up 2000

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Tel:0151 449 2341 Fax:0151 449 3832
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..........LATEST RESULTS.....U11's.....0.....Elite.....6.....U13's Harrison Shield Runners Up.....beaten 3 - 1 by Boodecroft..........UNDER 14's.....1.....Wood Lane A.....6..........UNDER 16's.....0.....Boodecroft.....4.....

This site last updated 25/09/00

E Mail:beechwood@merseymail.com

Under 11's Beechwood Boys

Under 11's Player Photographs.

Under 13's Beechwood Juniors

Under 13's Player Photographs.

Under 14's Beechwood Youth

Under 14's Player Photographs.

Under 16's Beechwood Seniors

Under 16's Player Photographs.

NEW Click here for photo's of our Beechwood Brothers.

NEW Click here for details of team photo's for sale.

NEW Click here for photo's of our Muddy Mums and Dirty Dads.

Beechwood J.F.C. Coaching Staff 1999

Eric Goalkeeping,Joe U14's Julie U11's, Jimmy U16's, Greg U16's, Mary U13's, David U13's.

Under 13's League Table

Under 15's League Table


Player of the Month Sept 2000 U11's Antony McCoag

BEECHWOOD J.F.C. 1999 - 2000

BEECHWOOD JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB formed in 1997 as Waterbridge Park F.C.
Following a successful season at the C.F.S.V.J.F.L.(We finished third
from seven,)we played a full season in the WEST DERBY J.F.L where we
found ourselves Frankly out of our depth.We have started this season
well and indeed have flourished since changing the club name in 1999
whilst still Carrying on the proud tradition started at W.P.F.C
In 2000 we now have four squads U11's U13's U14's and U16's
we have the players in mind at all times and consider their needs 1st
and foremost.

ASDA 2000

Sandra Nuttall Bag Packing Parent of Steven Michael and Ben Blackburn.
Big thanks to ASDA bag packing parents
Sandra Nuttall
Angela Smith
Jean Brown
Dawn Savage
Pauline McCoag
Greg McCoag

ASDA 2000 raised £770.71 for club funds



BEECHWOOD UNDER 13's 3 Colwell 2


The league presentation took place on Saturday 6th May at the Fur and Feathers Club Cantril Farm. As usual the turn out was huge for this the league's 32nd annual presentation. With over 500 people crowded into such a small place the atmosphere was as hot as the games have been and all the teams equipped themselves with pride. As expected we recieved our four major honours this year namely: The Carl Rimmer Cup, The Empress of Canada runners up, the League Runners up and The Prescot and Huyton Reporter runners up trophies. However the league still had a couple of surprises up their sleeve with James Hewitt voted the Under 13's Player of the year based on Man of the Match awards he received an amazing 9 out of a possible 12. The Under 15's also recieved a huge boost being honoured with the Under 15's Sportsmen of the year award. All in all not too bad an honours list for this our most successful season so far.

1999 - 2000 Award Winners

NEW FOR 2000

McDonalds Players of the Year


Paul Dillon Under 16's...James Hewitt Under 13's...Carl Owen Under 11's

1998 - 1999 Award Winners U13's

Keith Player of the Year
Chris Top Goalscorer
James Most Improved
Marc Sportsman of the Year

1998 - 1999 Award Winners U11's

Michael Player of the Year
Leigh Top Goalscorer
David Most Improved

1997 - 1998 Award Winners U11's

Stuart Player of the Year
Chris Top Goalscorer
Craig Most Improved
David Goal of the Season.

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Waterbridge Park F.C. Photo's and Results '97 to '99.
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Beechwood Junior Football Club

Affiliated to Liverpool County FA

Beechwood Official Sponsors:

Sylvia Gore, Alan Kennedy, James Hewitt, Gary Bickley, Nicholas Lewis.

Sylvia Gore, Alan Kennedy, James Hewitt, Nicholas Lewis, Gary Bickley.
Mike Corran, Marc Radley, Michael Blackburn, Greg McCoag

What's on at the Village

..........Sat..12th..February.....Paul E John as Elton John.....Fri..10th..March.....Gerry Trew as Rod Stewart.....Fri..14th..Apr.....Tony Gold as Tom Jones.....Fri..12th..May.....The specatcular Blues Brothers.....Fri..16th..June.....Arrival the Abba tribute band.....(See Hotel reception).....

Fallows Way, Whiston, Merseyside L35 1RZ

Tel:0151 449 2341 Fax:0151 449 3832

About our Sponsor

Village Lesiure Hotel Whiston offers the finest leaisure facilites to
be found anywhere on Meresyside. Making time for people is our aim,
so whether you wish to work out or simply kick back and enjoy your
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