BEECHWOOD JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB formed in 1997 as Waterbridge Park F.C.
Following a successful season at the C.F.S.V.J.F.L.(We finished third
from seven,)we played a full season in the WEST DERBY J.F.L where we
found ourselves Frankly out of our depth.We have started this season
well and indeed have flourished since changing the club name in 1999
whilst still Carrying on the proud tradition started at W.P.F.C
In 2000 we now have four squads U11's U13's U14's and U16's
we have the players in mind at all times and consider their needs 1st
and foremost.
Village Lesiure Hotel Whiston offers the finest leaisure facilites to
be found anywhere on Meresyside. Making time for people is our aim,
so whether you wish to work out or simply kick back and enjoy your
precious leisure time we have the facilites to suit you.