Panthers Sponsors:

1434 Main St.
Speedway, IN   247-7587

North Central-Lawrence Junior Varsity
Hockey Club

Updated: Feb 22, 2005

The Panthers Lose to Both Noblesville and Bloomington in Hoosier JV Tournament

The Panthers Post-Season Party Planned for Friday March 18th at the Coliseum

Summer Skates Planned and Panthers JV Will Have Team in the Summer JV League at the Forum at Fishers


(See ya next season!!!)


(See ya next season!!!)

2004 -'05 Season
W-L-T: 8-23-3

10-2-04 — Panthers 6, Evanston 1
10-9-04 — Penn Black 5, Panthers 2
10-10-04 — Brebeuf 2, Panthers 0
10-15-04 — SouthStars 10, Panthers 0
10-23-04 — Panthers 8 vs. Carmel 5
10-24-04 — Panthers 5, Columbus 4
10-30-04 — Panthers 1 vs. Trinity,KY 1
11-7-04 — Panthers 3, Bloomington 2
11-13-04 — HSE 7, Panthers 3
11-14-04 — Brebeuf 8, Panthers 3
11-20-04 — Centerville,OH 3, Panthers 3
11-21-04 — Carmel 3, Panthers 3

Thanksgiving Tournament

11-26-04 — Panthers 5, Carmel 2
11-27-04 — Panthers 3, Hillard 0
11-27-04 — Penn Black 3, Panthers 0
11-28-04 — Crowne Pt. 5, Panthers 0

12-04-04 — Noblesville 10, Panthers 1
12-11-04 — Panthers vs. Brebeuf - PPD to 2-10-05
12-12-04 — Bloomington 6, Panthers 4
12-17-04 — HSE 5, Panthers 0
12-18-04 — Ft. Wayne Northrop 12, Panthers 3
1-08-05 — Columbus 7, Panthers 3
1-09-05 — Brebeuf 8 Panthers 2
1-14-05 — SouthStars 9, Panthers 0
1-15-05 — Panthers 12, Elder-Cincinnati 0
1-16-05 — HSE 6, Panthers 1
1-22-05 — Centerville,OH 4, Panthers 2
1-23-05 — IAHA BT Checkers 8, Panthers 1
1-30-05 — Carmel 5, Panthers 0
2-5-05 — Noblesville 6, Panthers 4
2-6-05 — Panthers 2, Columbus 1
2-10-05 — Brebeuf 8, Panthers 2
2-11-05 — Centerville,OH 6, Panthers 1

Hoosier JV Tournament

2-18-05 — Noblesville 8, Panthers 0
2-19-05 — Bloomington 10, Panthers 4

The Panthers JV Hockey Club lost 8-0 against Noblesville on Friday 2/18/05 and lost 10-4 against Bloomington on Saturday 2/11/05 in the Hoosier League JV Tournament. The Panthers started off strong against both Noblesville and Bloomington but were sluggish in the second and third periods in both games. The Panthers JV team finished their first season as a combined North Central/Lawrence team with an overal 8-23-3 record and 3-11-0 and finished in sixth place in the Hoosier High School Hockey Association JV league.JV League.

The coaching staff would like to thank all of the players and parents for a fun season and look forward to next season. We are looking at having our post-season party on Friday March 18th at the Coliseum from approximately 10:00 pm to 11:30 pm. The kids can either do a stick-and-puck or open skate. Pizza and drinks will be provided for the players. Also, we plan on having a few summer skates and will provide more information to all as we get time/dates.

Please be sure to sign up for the High School JV/Bantam Summer League which will be at the Forum at Fishers starting June 5th through August 7th. We plan on having a Panthers JV team in the league. For more information, call Mike Berger at (317(849-9930 extension 101.

See the Stats page for all the particulars.

Directions to all Indiana rinks are found on the links page or by clicking here

For more information on the North Central Hockey Club, visit: .

For more information on the Lawrence Hockey Club,
visit: lawrencehockey.

For more information on the Hoosier High School Hockey Association,
visit: Hossier Hockey.

The Panthers are members of the Hoosier High School Hockey Association and the Indiana State High School Hockey Association


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