Jim Ross: Hello Fans, Good 'ol J.R. here once again to bring you inside the minds of the top NWO stars. Today we have NWO stars The Rock and Azreal here to "spill the beans" to the world! I would like to first welcome Rock here.
Rock: Its my pleasure Jim, I love the show!
Jim Ross: Tell us a little about your wrestling backround.
Rock: Well, I actually had my start pretty easy. But my climb to greatness pretty hard. See, I’m a third generation Superstar. My Father and Grandfather were both great wrestlers who worked for Vince McMahon. They were both champions just like me. So it was pretty easy to strike a deal with Vinny Mac. I was a four time WWF World Champion, a two time WWF Intercontinental Champion, and a two time WWF Tag Team Champion with Mankind. I went through hell and high water for me to become a four time WWF Champion. My first Title win, besides the IC belt, came at Survivor Series 1998. When I won an eight man tournament to crown a new champion. Then my soon to be partner, Mankind, beat me for the belt. Well at that point in time I was a heel aligning myself with Vince and Shane McMahon. Then when I lost the belt at Wrestlemania to Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock fought hard for one year and two months two win back my World Wrestling Federation Championship. Then only to lose it to Triple H three weeks later when I was screwed by Shawn Michaels, but let by gones be by gones.
Jim Ross: Just like I started the last interviews, I would like to know what wrestling figure you have found most influential in your career.
Rock: Well, I actually grew up watching Ric Flair, Randy Savage, and Hulk Hogan. Luckily, all three men are here and I’ve already beat one of them last night when I won the Television Championship. I think it was better coming to the Net World Order than staying with the World Wrestling Federation.
Jim Ross: You bet your bottom dollar! Now Rock, Name the four wrestlers who you think are the biggest "Names" in the NWO. What are your feelings on them?
Rock: Well, actually even though he is retired. I would have to say that
Triple H is still one of the biggest names in the Net World Order. He was a
great champion. He won the belt three times. No, that doesn’t mean he lost it
three times. He lost it once. In his second reign he had it taken away from
him by former President, Jordan O’Neil. He retired with the belt the third
time and I say that is one hell of a way to leave the Net World Order. The
only problem is, he came back this Sunday to be the special guest referee and
caused some controversy in the match with Hogan.
Rock: Saying that, I believe Hulk Hogan is one of the biggest names as well.
Even though he was disappointed Sunday. I’m sure he’ll make his way back to
the top.
Rock: Now, Azrael. He is the champion and that leads him to be “The Game”.
But just because he is “The Game” doesn’t mean he is “The Great One”. One
day, if he is still champion I plan on dethroning him.
Rock: Last but not least, Shane Douglas. He has been here for quite some
time, probably longer than any wrestler here. But he has only a one the Net
World Order Champion. That’s pretty sad. But he is a great member of Triple
Threat. And will always be either a champion or contender in my book.
Jim Ross: What has been your most memorable match in the NWO?
Rock: Well I’ve only wrestler five matches here in the Net World Order. I’ve won all five of them. But I would have to say last night when I won the Television Title.
Jim Ross: Who is the NWO superstar who you would LEAST likley want to step into the ring with?
Rock: If he was still around it would be Triple H. But since he’s not, it would definitely be “The Franchise” Shane Douglas. I probably have more respect for him than I have for any member of the Net World Order. Actually, I don’t have respect for any members of the Net World Order except Triple H, Shane Douglas, The Baltimore Assassin, Hulk Hogan, and very little respect for Azrael but I still have some.
Jim Ross: Lastly Rock, a lot of our female fans have written in and are wondering.... boxers or briefs?
Rock: Well Jim, that’s for me to know. And all the GOOD looking ladies to find out. See ya later, Jim!
Jim Ross: Well, up next we have the current NWO World Heavyweight Champion, Azrael. Now first off Azrael, the last time we had this show back in I believe March, you were on it as "Rage", and at that point I believe you were a week away from fighting Jeff Jarrett for the Intercontinental Championship. Well, as we should all know, you were beat by a hair by the "Chosen One", who then retired with that victory. Then you took the reigns of the NWO IC Title scene for quite sometime before the proposed "New Era" of the NWO came about. You came within another eyelash of winning the World Title at "4 Way Dance". I would like to know your thoughts on what happened that night at 4 way dance ....
Azrael: Well first off, this is a little thought to the Rock. The only chance in hell you have of getting a Title Shot is if you [edited] Shawn up the ass, and considering that Shawn is not queer, then it will never happen !!! Now, to answer your question, lets put it plain and simple, I dropped the ball both go arounds. But I am not worried about the past, only about my now bright future as I hold this World Title.
Jim Ross: Alright, well, next question, who are you planning on giving shots to for that belt in the coming weeks ?
Azrael: Alright, well, first off, it took me Two Shots to get this belt, and I'm lucky I even got that second shot, so really, I cant be biased. If its within reason, I will give anyone a shot. The top names on my list are both my fellow Triple Threat members, Shane Douglas and the Baltimore Assassin, Hogan, hell, even Rampage deserves a shot now. It doesnt really matter really Jim ...
Jim Ross: Well, we are getting really close to our time limit here, so if you dont mind, give me the top four Names in your opinion that are still around in the NWO, and we only have time for the names ...
Azrael: Well, then it would have to be Shane Douglas, The Baltimore Assassin, Rampage, and Hogan, the people that I plan on giving the first shots too. I would just like to add a little something here Jim, so bear with me. When I came to the NWO, I was a nobody, but now, I am one of the highest prospects the World of E-Wrestling has ever seen. So all these so called "Great Feds" Champions better watch their back, cause Hells Bells are coming for them !!!!
Jim Ross: Were out of time folks, join us next week when we will chat with hopefully Hulk Hogan and Rampage !!!!
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