~NWO Perspectives~

With Jim Ross

Jim Ross: Hello Fans, Good 'ol J.R. here once again to bring you inside the minds of the top NWO stars. Today we have NWO stars Rage and Shane Douglas here to "spill the beans" to the world! I would like to first welcome Rage here.

Rage: Its my pleasure Jim, I love the show!

Jim Ross: Tell us a little about your wrestling backround.

Rage: Well, lets see, I started out wrestling doing the Backyard Stuff with my friends. We eventually suffered so many injuries, from broken arms to Cracked Skulls, that we were all banned from any Backyard Wrestling "Shennanigans" as my mother would say. Then, around 3 Years ago, I started out in Indy Wrestling Shows, from Texas to Taiwan !! Then I headed to a place called the EHWF, won the World Title, got Fired for no reason besides the Prez needing Prozac, and here I am. Pretty Rocky Journey to be so short ....

Jim Ross: Just like I started the last interviews, I would like to know what wrestling figure you have found most influential in your career.

Rage: Well, the Most Influential Figure in my Career has been unfortunately Hulk Hogan. I watched wrestling for him and Him only, and I even had a Chance to wrestle the Aged, Weak Hogan right here in the NWO. Good Career Choice to come here instead of some other fed down south around my hometown, eh ?

Jim Ross: You bet your bottom dollar! Now Rage, Name the four wrestlers who you think are the biggest "Names" in the NWO. What are your feelings on them?

Rage: Well, I will start with the World Champ, HHH. Now, this man is unquestionably the Top Star in the WORLD Today, and he has shown that in the Past Few Weeks. I have the Utmost Respect for this Wrestler, as he goes out there and busts his ass off every time and still makes time for the little fans that like him still after his Heel Turn.

Rage: Now, Jeff Jarrett, I have respect for this man, but when he left the AKI for Dead and went to the Triple Threat, he made the Biggest Mistake of his life in my mind. And this Sunday at the Pay Per View in the Chicken House Death Match, he will get his dues, I promise.

Rage: Baltimore Assassin, the Best Mic Worker, behind HHH, in the Business. He handed me the Torch, so I am going to burn that Bitch! He passed me the Ball, and I am going to Run with it.

Rage: Now, Rampage, puts up with a Lot Of shit, and dishes out more than his fair share. Great Wrestler, now thats Enough Said.

Jim Ross: What has been your most memorable match in the NWO?

Rage: Well, since I have only been in the NWO for 2 Months, it would have to be the Bad Ass Battle at Hell Breaks Loose back in February. Me and Rampage gave it our all, but in the end, he beat me. I respect him for that ...

Jim Ross: Who is the NWO superstar who you would LEAST likley want to step into the ring with?

Rage: Syzurz. I just playing. Who would I not want to step in the ring with. Well, if he was still around, it would probably be Cactus Jack. That Mother was a Crazy Son of a Bitch, but he did Mrs Foley proud I guess.11

Jim Ross: If you could bring ANYONE back from the dead, who would it be?

Rage: Well Ross, if I could, I would ask for two People to be brought Back. The First, Wrestling Related, would be Owen Hart. He lost his life performing for the fans, but he should be brought back to keep on performing so we can truly Respect him. The other would be my cousin, who died back in 96 from a Fatal Car Crash. It was a waste of life and he is deeply missed.

Jim Ross: Lastly Rage, a lot of our female fans have written in and are wondering.... boxers or briefs?

Rage: Well Jim, here may be a Hint to all them Lady Fans out there, whats the First Name of my Personal Camera Man ? Add one of them Choices to the End of that, and there ya go, thats what I wear. Now if ya dont mind, I need to be heading out of here .....

ROSS: Thanks for your time, Rage! Now, onto another NWO wrestler who has definitely guaranteed his share of headlines! He's controversial, he's fired up, and you never know what he's going to do next! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you "The Franchise" Shane Douglas. Shane, it's great to once again...

DOUGLAS: Just ask me the damn questions! I swear, it would take you 30 minutes to find your ass in a pool hall!

ROSS:Tell us a little about your wrestling background, Shane.

DOUGLAS: I know it seems really hard to believe that the greatest damn wrestler to hit the NWO EVER had to start somewhere. Yet, somewhere did I start because there is that great path of glory that had to have a beginning. For me, it started in 8th grade, I had always been a huge wrestling fan. Me and a group of friends had a backyard wrestling ring, and we were looking for a way to raise money. Anyway, we decided to have a charity card for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Unlike these other inbreds around the NWO, "The Franchise" does give back to the community!

DOUGLAS: Anyway, the MDA sent Dominic DeNucci to come help with the event since we raised $250 in ticket sales so that we could have the card. I begged for DeNucci to take me under his wing to learn the tricks of the trade, but he told me no way unless I had a college education or I was trying to earn a degree. So, I drove 120 miles from Bethany College to DeNucci's barn in Pittsburgh on the weekends for his training! Of course, it worked because look at the greatest damn wrestler today!

ROSS: Just like I started the last interviews, I would like to know what wrestling figure you have found most influential in your career.

DOUGLAS: Obviously DeNucci was a huge part of it! I know, he helped me get going! He worked my ass off night and day, and he most importantly taught me that there is more to life than wrestling! You see, what makes "The Franchise" so damn great is that I have a life outside of the ring, which is more than I can say for these losers running around this joint!

DOUGLAS: Of course, I had the opportunity to work with Magnum T.A. and Ricky Steamboat, two that many call true legends of the sport! I learned a lot from them, from composure in the ring to not giving a rat's ass what the fans think! You see, for all they were known for, they were a pair of pantywaists who just had to beg for approval from the bestiality experts who have nothing better to do but spend "quality time" with the family pets! "The Franchise" doesn't care what the fans think, because what I think is what they should follow!

ROSS: Now, these four wrestlers are some of the top stars in the NWO. I will read off their names and I want you to tell me your thoughts on each one. First, NWO World Champion Triple H!

DOUGLAS: Hunter's Hulking Honker! You know, Helmsley, for as big as that damn nose is of yours, I would half expect Pinocchio to be your tag team partner! Instead of that freak Chyna, Geppetto would be more than happy to be your manager as well!

DOUGLAS: Seriously, Helmsley is just another "Franchise" wanna-be! His efforts to be "the Game" are just another pathetic imitation of Shane Douglas! Helmsley knows this, and he is also aware that he can't run on his own! That's why you have the Clarke Clown College following right behind him! The only Game that comes to mind when I think of him is Gin Rummy or Candyland! Because "The Franchise" doesn't play games, but he sets the rules for everyone else to follow! Eventually, Helmsley, we'll meet again, and I'll whip you!

ROSS: Your fellow Triple Threater, the Sandman.

DOUGLAS: The toughest mother ever to step into the NWO! I speak from years of experience regarding Sandy! We've been stablemates, and we've faced each other from across the ring! I know the man inside and out, and he's given me some of my greatest contests! He is great as the Enforcer of the Triple Threat, for anyone who is stupid enough to want a piece of us goes through him!

ROSS: The Baltimore Assassin.

DOUGLAS: He wasted his greatest opportunity ever. He was the tag team partner of "The Franchise", in fact we were the first NWO World Tag Team champions. Yet, he forgot that he was merely a roleplayer compared to the star that Shane Douglas truly is! Now, he thinks that by cozying up to the President of this place, he's going to have a better life! WRONG ANSWER! You see, all that sewer rat is good for is comic relief! Plus, Lady Kelly needs to get with a real man, for he sure as hell ain't giving her what she needs.

ROSS: Neil Styles.

DOUGLAS: I thought these were four big names?

ROSS: They are, at least this is what I was given.

DOUGLAS: Try more along the lines of "Three Men and A Baby!" I can't freaking believe you would ask "The Franchise" to talk about this completely pathetic excuse for human sperm! Well, let's just say he was the most overrated superstar in NWO history! He wanted some competition, then the Pampers when he ran wetting his pants as I took this bitch over! In fact, Lady Kelly, Debra, or that whore Neil walks around with Brenna Licious is more of a man than he is! Of course, that slut sounds like she's ended up on many a cutting room floor, both in film and real life! Neil only deserves to be run out of here again, which I will in due time!

ROSS: What has been your most memorable match in the NWO?

DOUGLAS: Halloween in Hell '99! That was the night "The Franchise" Shane Douglas propelled himself into the spotlight by becoming the NWO World Heavyweight Champion! In fact, that was the evening that the NWO was thrust into higher popularity than it could ever imagine! Of course, having Shane Douglas once again as the World Heavyweight Champion again will do that one more time!

ROSS: Who is the NWO superstar who you would LEAST likely want to step into the ring with?

DOUGLAS: That fat piece of garbage, Neil "All-You-Can-Eat Means ALL-You-Can-Eat" Styles! I'm afraid that while the match is going on, he'll put one of those "special" holds on me he learned from watching "Oz" in the dark! Or, he lands on top of me and the whole ring falls on top of us!

ROSS: If you could bring ANYONE back from the dead, who would it be?

DOUGLAS: Albert Einstein! You see, he could learn a few things from "The Franchise" Shane Douglas! I'm not only the greatest wrestler in the world, but the most intelligent! Einstein would be proved as a fraud compared to me.

ROSS: Last, a lot of our female fans have written in and are wondering.... boxers or briefs?

DOUGLAS: Tell all those fat farmwives to sit their big asses down on the Rocking chair and sip that Countrytime lemonade! Because those ladies don't deserve such a response, so tell Miss Bertha McCoy of Parker City, Kentucky it ain't none of her damn business!

ROSS: Well, that wraps up another edition of NWO Prospectives...

DOUGLAS: So get the hell out of here!

(Ross leaves as Douglas shoves him along.)