Jim Ross Welcome to NWO Politically Incorrect! King, tonight we are set to see some damn good matches! What do you think about Stone Cold taking on Bad Ass Billy Gun tonight for the IC championship?

Jerry "The King" Lawler Simple, what in the hell did Billy Gunn do to earn an IC title shot!?... That's what I thought! This match shouldn't even happen Ross!

Jim Ross Well King he is a former IC Champion...

Jerry "The King" Lalwer Right FORMER! Stone Cold Steve Austin should have the night off! Not wasting his time with a worthless peice of trash like Gunn!

Jim Ross Well Also tonight we will see World Champion Triple H take one Number one Contender Superstar for the NWO Championship!

Jerry "The King" Lalwer I hate this match! I can't decide who to root for! On one hand Superstar is sided with CEO Blackstone, and on the other... it's Triple H!

Jim Ross Well King things don't get much harder do they? On to our first match!

Suddonly X-Pacs music blast over the PA system as X-Pac makes his way down to the ring. Once in the Ring X-Pac fires off his crotch chops with green pyro X's as the fans boo there heads off.

Suddonly Bobby Bronx music hits the PA system and Bronx makes his way down to the ring.

Stings music hits as the lights go out. The fans go nuts as X-Pac and Bobby Bronx stare at the entrence ramp for Sting to come out. No suck luck though, because Sting does not come out. Bronx and X-Pac continue to wait for Sting unknowing that he just droped into the ring from the rafters. The fans let out a huge pop as Sting stands behind X-Pac and Bronx.

Sting stands behind X-Pac and Boby Bronx and a few seconds while the fans cheer him on. Sting looks at the two men who seem puzzled as too where Sting is as he walks closer to them. Sting then taps X-Pac and Bobby Bron on the shoulder as they turn around to see him. Bronx runs and jumps out of the ring as X-Pac recived a good old fashion ass kicking fron the Stinger!

Sting lays into X-Pac with lefts and rights as Bronx slides into thering with a chair. Sting Press Slams X-Pac and is hit across the back with the steel chair by Bobby Bronx. Sting no sells the hit, and turns to attack Mr. Bronx. X-Pac is up though and he spin wheel kicks the back of Stings head, thus sending Sting to the mat as both X-Pac and Bobby Bronx double team him.

Soon enough Bobby Bronx goes for the pin, but X-Pac is not about to allow someone else to gain the win over a veteren like Sting. X-Pac runs up and kicks Bronx off of Sting, and soon enough the two are fighting it out over who will make the pin. This of course gives Sting time to pull himself up in a corner while X-Pac kicks Bobby Bronx in the opposite corner of the ring.

X-Pac decides to finish it off with a Bronco Buster on Bobby Bronx as he runs towards the corner Sting is in, but Sting grabs X-Pac by the hair and... DEATH DROP!!! X-Pac is out cold. Sting stands waiting as Bobby Bronx pulls himsief up in the corner of the ring and as soon as Bronx is on his feet... Stinger Splash!!! Bronx falls flat on his face and Sting ends it all with a Scorpion Deathlock that has Bobby Bronx crying like a baby!

Sting has won the match!

Jim Ross What a hell of a match King! Sting is back in the NWO and it looks like he means business!

Jerry "The King" Lawler Sting is a nobody, and if it weren't for that brainless moron Shawn Bishop he would have been an unemployeed nobody!

Jim Ross Well the Stinger has made his return to the NWO, I can't wait to see what this man is going to bring us next!

Jerry "The King" Lawler You know your good at sucking up Ross!

Jim Ross Well fans it's time to get back to the ring as The Rock defend his Extreme Title against The returning Baltimore Assassin!

Jerry "The King" Lawler Oh great, I have to sit through one of these trash matches...

The challenger for the NWO X-Treme title, The Baltimore Assassin's music blast over the PA system as the fans begin to go nuts. This is after all one of the all time legands of the NWO! Assassin makes his way to the ring with Lady Kelly.

Suddonly instead of the Rocks music CEO Blackstones music blast over the PA System. The crowd begins to boo as Blackstone makes his way down to the ring.

CEO Blackstone Hey Assassin, I hate to be the guy to tell you this, but your Title Shot will NOT happen tonight! I have fired The Rock, and I have decided to RETIRE the X-Treme Title until further notice!

The Baltimore Assassin Blackstone, I know what your doing, Your trying to get me to attack you so you will have a reason to fire me, I'm not stupid.

CEO Blackstone That's funny Assassin, You think I need a reson to fire you? I own this damn company and in turn I own your ass! So if I want to fire you, your gone!

The Baltimore AssassinYou know what, The Net World Order isn't what it used to be when I worked here last. This place used to be about Family, and even though we al didn't get along, we worked together to get this damn place to where it is today! Now we have greedy assholes like you running the place and it is going to the shitter!

CEO Blackstone How dare you talk like that to...

The Baltimore Assassin Shut up! I'm not finished. Like I was saying, all your here for is to make a buck, you don't care who you destroy in the process! Right now the Rock is sitting at home because you fired him? Let me ask you this, why did you fire him? Don't even answer, let me guess... Maybe he didn't want to kiss your ass? Maybe he wanted to do things his way? I hear that kind of attitude pisses you off, that's why we have Shane Douglas sitting at home right now, because you and him couldn't agree on ANYTHING! Well Blacksotne, if that's how things are going to be fine! I quit! And remember, I don't need a title to prove I'm Extreme...

The Baltimore Assassin jumps on CEO Blackstone and begin beating the living shit out of him. TBA sends Blackstone to the mat and starts throwing lefts and rights to the face which in turn bust Blackstones nose open. then out come the trops, Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Superstar! But Assassin escapes through the crowd as Austin and Superstar check on the fallen CEO.

Jim Ross What was that! The Extreme Title retired! CEO Blackstone beaten! TBA Walking out!

Jerry "The King" Lalwer TBA can leave for all I care, but with what he did to CEO Blackstone I think he is fired anyway.

Jim Ross Well King What about the Rock being fired, and the X-Treme Title being retired vacated?

Jerry "The King" Lalwer The X-Treme Title is for trash wrestlers anyway, and CEO Blacksotne is not a fan of trash wrestlers, as far as the Rock, good riddence!

Jim Ross Well up next the number one contendership to the United States Title!

Jerry "The King" Lalwer "Bring in the clowns!"

Jim Ross Well King your already out here aren't you?

Suddonly Chris Andersons music blast over the PA system as he makes his way down to the ring. The fans hate this man who is shining with Canadian Pride.

Suddonly Chris Jerichos music blast over the PA system as he makes his way down to the ring. The fans cheer at the odds on favorite!

Undertaker makes his way down to the ring to cheers.

T-Bone does not show up for the match. All three men stare each other down as the bell sounds and they rush in for the attack. Undertaker sends Jericho into the turnbuckle then sets him up for the Last ride. SMASH!!!

Undertaker goes for the cover but Chris Anderson breaks it. Taker gets up and stalks Anderson into the corner as Jericho smackes a forearm into the Takers back. undertaker turns around and Chris Anderson hits him with a low blow!


“Self High-Five” begins to play over the PA System as the
fans are booing their asses off with the NWO Television champion, Diamond
Dallas Page making his way out to the ring along with his lovely wife
Kimberly who the fans still love to death. Diamond Dallas Page then
enters the ring being followed by his lovely wife Kimberly. Diamond Dallas
Page then asks for the microphone in which Lillian Garcia hands to him
between the ropes and Diamond Dallas Page begins to talk on the

Diamond Dallas Page: Well, well it looks like Diamond Dallas Page has
not only defeated Bret “The Hitman” Hart from the NWO Television
championship title but he has also ran Bret Hart out of town. It just goes to
show you just how bad Diamond Dallas Page is. In fact, I am feeling
pretty good tonight how about you Kim? Well right now, in the back or even
one of you idiots in the crowd Diamond Dallas Page is putting his NWO
Television championship title on the line right here right now for
anybody who wants some.. Come get some!

Diamond Dallas Page then drops the microphone..

[ US title ] Maxx Payne vs Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle quit the NWO. Winner and new US champion Maxx Payne

[ IC title ] (c) Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Billy Gunn

Stone Cold did not RP, the match was booked anyway with an angle to return the belt to Hulk Hogan after the booked match that took the belt off of Hogan. New Champ, Hogan

[ World title - Main Event ] (c) Triple H vs The Superstar

Well this is duh, our World Champion didn't RP, so the winner is Superstar.