Frequency to Wavelength Converter
This web page focuses on converting a radio frequency into a wavelength. Many people who have older radio sets (mainly pre 1980), will have their sets marked in metres, however most radio stations nowadays in Great Britain and most of Europe give out their frequencies (in kilohertz). This causes a problem meaning the listener has to either manually tune (and guess a little), where the station of their choice is - or alternatively make a calculation and then tune from there. This excel document should make life a greater deal easier, given a frequency the wavelength (in metres) can be calculated. Therefore any Longwave, Medium Wave or Short wave station can be found on the dial easily.
This also works on sound clips from the golden age of broadcasting, where the frequency is given out in metres, this file can convert this into kilohertz giving modern day researchers an easy guide to finding where these stations were on the band.
Note also this file is very small and will take up very little space on your computer, or you could run it from here - or use our look up table - to save you downloading anything at all! - You will need microsoft excel on your computer - alternatively, you could print of the converter page, which lists all the frequencies and their respective values in metres.
Click here to download the file (15kBs)
Now you have downloaded your file here click on the link below for a quick guide on how to
use the file.
I have produced 2 full guides on how to use this converter file step by step showing
how a frequency can be achieved from a wavelength and vice versa.
Click here to see how to convert from Frequency to Wavelength
Click here to see how to convert from Wavelength to Frequency
Look up Table
I have also produced a look up table which lists all the frequencies and wavelengths, this may save you
downloading the file.
Click here to view the Medium Wave (M.F) look up table
Click here to view the Long Wave (L.F) look up table
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