These mind boggling quizzes brought to you by.....
All of the following questions are pretty basic to the sport of fencing. Think you're ready? Here we go...........
Think you know enough to try something a bit tougher? Give these a shot then...."
This is the link to a quiz on Fencing Actions. IF you think you know an attack from a parry, here ya go!"
This is the link to a quiz on Fencing Gear. Miss too many of these, it's back to the basics for you!"
This one is way tough. Not even our panel of experts could get all these right. So don't be put out if you miss a few!"
Ummmm, hmmmmm, this quiz is, well, it's all about the Redlands Fencing Club Memebrs. The ones with the really great sense of humour!"
If we get good feedback from this, new quizzes and games will be added as soon as possible, so tell us what you think.....Email or drop a note in the guest book.