Welcome to the Home Office of

Hello and welcome to the home office of the Chaos Coordinator. As this site develops we hope to have a variety of topics of interest to fencers. In the meantime, please feel free to check out the links, view the pictures, take the quizzes, and be sure and bookmark us for future reference. We will be furiously updating this site continuously. So don't forget to bookmark, or drop an email, we'll put you on the list and let you know when the site updates. Thanks for dropping by, and don't forget the complimentary donuts on your way out.....

The dark side of the Home Office

These little lynx will lead you off into the nether realms of the Home Office. But be warned, some of the photos in the Rogues Gallery are not for the faint of heart.

Rogue's Gallery, don't say you weren't warned....

Links to other Fencing Websites

Upcoming Events for Redlands Fencing Center

Latest Gossip from the Redlands Fencing Center

Results from competitions attended by Redlands Fencers. Includes year end point standings for San Bernardino 1998-99

USFA Ratings chart to determine Event Ratings

Email Me!!!!

Sign my guestbook ......Sign it! Sign it! Sign it!!!!!

AND NOW, for something COMPLETELY different!!!

Here's where you find the latest info on Fencing in the Park! A new Event is planned for October, so check here for the latest......

A SURVEY if you please. This could really help us make this the best site possible, so if you can take a moment to fill it out, we would be deeply appreciative.

This button will whisk you off into the Shakespearean Insult Generator. Ever been on the strip and have NOTHING to say? This will help you come up with the perfect phrase with which to strike fear into the heart of your opponent......

This button will take you off to a bunch of fencing quizzes. Think you know your fencing? How well? Take these QUICK QUIZZES and find out!

And this is something REALLY special.......with permission from Maestro de Scherma Willaim Gaugler, a letter on fencing form and other topics.

Next time you face a competition and start feeling a little nervous, use this Fencing Forecaster to predetermine the outcome before you hit the strip.

A brand new addition to the Chaos Coordinator site, a Fencing Forum!! So please take a moment to read or better yet, add a thread. (hopefully by now there's a thread or two there to read!)


This page is the SOLE responsibilty of the Chaos Coordinator. Redlands Fencing Center is in NO WAY responsible for anything posted herein. SO, if you find any mistakes, have any complaints, or, surprise, compliments, please pass them directly to the Chaos Coordinator, and someone on our friendly staff will get right on it!