Name: Rusti--President USMFC
Age: 20
Wrestling Maniacs
Fave Fed: WWF
Fave Wrestlers: HHH, Shawn Michaels, Billy Gunn, The Rock, X-Pac, Road Dogg, Val Venis, Test, Edge, Chris Beniot, Chase Tatum, Rey Misterio, Jr., and Buff Bagwell
Other info: Besides being a wrestling nut, I also LOVE fave team is the Atlanta Braves...I also like reading, listening to music, writing, and watching movies

Name: Katie Christie--Vice President USMFC
Age: 19
Katie's Little Piece of The Rock
Fave Fed: WWF, of course
Fave wrestlers: The Rock, Ken Shamrock, Chris Jericho, Billy Gunn, Steve Austin, Road Dogg, X-Pac, Edge, Christian, Test, HHH, Al Snow, Droz, and of course, Shane! (Even though he's technically not a wrestler *LOL*) And in WCW, I like Kidman, Rey Misterio, Jr., Buff Bagwell, Chavo Guerrero, Jr., Disco Inferno, and Chase Tatum.
Other info: I also love baseball, go Braves! :-) I live in Columbia, MO, I go to college at the University of Missouri-Columbia and I'm a nursing major. If I'm at home, you'll find me watching wrestling, listening to music, watching movies, watching baseball, or attempting to make my webpage look halfway decent. *LOL*
Name: Lexus
Age: 21
The People's Palace
Fave Fed: WWF
Fave Wrestlers: The Rock!!! Kenny, Jericho, HBK, Raven, HHH (too many to list)
Name: Meg
Age: 13
The Crazy Wrestling Fan Page
Fave Fed: Either WWF or WCW
Fave Wrestlers: Raven, Kidman, Edge, Christian, Kane, Undertaker, Vampiro, Lodi, HHH, and Shane
Name: Nikki Wilson
Age: 17
Nikki's Misc. Wrestling Stuff
Fave Fed: WWF
Fave Wrestlers: Edge and Shane
Name: Emily
Age: 25
The one and only..Undertaker
Fave Fed: WWF
Fave Wrestlers: Undertaker, Kane, The Brood, and Test!
Name: Nikki Hill
Age: 21
Fave Fed: WWF-Corporate Ministry
Fave Wrestlers: Shane McMahon, Rock, Vince McMahon, Road Dogg, Kane
Name: Lady
Age: 16
Website: Mean Street Style-The Internet MSP Fan Club
Fave Fed: WWF
Fave Wrestlers: Shawn Michaels, Mean Street Posse, Shane McMahon, Taker, HHH, CHYNA, Luna, Road Dogg, Kissie, Gangy, Hardy Boyz and LOTS more!
Other Info: I'm an internet addict, love reading, writing, listening to music, creating websites, um..I'm a nick at nite freak and I'm addicted to infomercials ;) I'm just the (un)usual female wrestling fanatic ;)
Name: Sheena
Age: 14
Fave Fed: WWF
Fave Wrestlers: Shane McMahon, The Rock, Road Dogg, X-Pac, HHH, Steve Blackman, Christian, Edge, and Ken Shamrock
Name: Anna
Age: 15
Anna's World
Fave Fed: WWF!
Fave Wrestlers: The Rock, first and foremost. He's on my website! and HHH, BABG, Chris Jericho, X-Pac, Road Dog, Shane, Matt and Jeff Hardy, Val Venis, HBK, and Shamrock
Name: Lisa T.
Age: 14
Fave Fed: WWF and WCW (I love them both!)
Fave Wrestlers: Shane McMahon (of course!), Triple H, The Rock, Test, Undertaker and from WCW Kevin Nash, Sting, and Kidman
Other Info: I'm an internet addict. I enjoy catching the latest movies, listening to music, singing, reading and acting (I have been in school plays my whole school life since 1990.)
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