This fountain had little spots to jump on that activated both the water and individual sounds of the instruments. It was really cool...

I took this picture of Sean while Cam and I were in line for the Kid Power Tower. It doesn't look like it here, but he didn't seem to mind that Cam went on all the rides and he just got to watch...

Here we are on the Kid Power Tower. You pull yourself up by the rope and then ride down. Cam loved it UNTIL we got 20 feet up, then he wasn't nearly as thrilled, as you can see here...

All those times Dad let Cam sit up front and drive the car back to the house after we picked up the mail have paid off. He kicked the other kids' butts out there. All the cars went about the same speed, and he STILL lapped every other car. He was hoping that the car went faster, but he was still very proud that he got his own LegoLand Driver's License...

This ride is kind of like Dumbo at Disneyland. Up, down. BORING! Not only that, but Dad noticed that the propellers were turning the wrong way. Spinning counter-clockwise (from the pilots' perspective), the props would push the planes backwards...

They had an interactive area called Waterworks at the park. If you jumped on these spots, it would activate fountains. There were also water guns to spray lego animals. One man (some pompous British guy) got really mad at a kid who was spraying outside the animal area (barely). WHAT A LOSER!

I saw that as Cam was walking away, another kid was about to set off the fountain right onto him, so I snapped this as he was startling and scooting away. He got sprayed on his back! HAHAHA!!!

Cameron with a big Lego guy called Buddy. Having just come from the restroom, Dad wonders how the heck Buddy uses the facilities, unless Buddy is unusually gifted, girthwise...

That Darth Vader statue is made entirely of Legos. If that light saber wasn't fixed in place, I would have worried that Cameron would've smashed it into 100,000 little black pieces...

FINALLY, a ride that Sean could go on. As soon as I put him down on the seat, he told me it was "OT!"

NO, the corn wasn't made of Legos. It was real. There were, however, Lego carrots and Lego radishes...

The models were unbelievable. The little placard said that if the legos for the Empire State Building were stacked one on top of another, the stack would reach 7.5 miles high...

Here is a model of the Sydney Opera House. There is a cruise that takes you on a tour of the world, via Lego monuments. You shouldn't miss it...

Next on the grand tour, the Eiffel Tower. Let's keep in mind that all of these things are made of LEGOS!

Mount Rushmore. Take a look at Washington's left ear. Yes, that is a Q-tip sticking out of it...

Another part of the New York model, the Statue of Liberty. There are also models of buildings and landmarks in New Orleans (complete with moving Mardi Gras floats), San Francisco (with the Golden Gate and working trolley cars) and Washington, D.C. (there appears to be a press conference happening on the back lawn).

While Cameron and Karen were waiting to go on the helicpoter ride in the background, I snapped Sean in this (nonworking) Lego race car. He didn't want to get out. He was getting a little tired, as it is nearing the end of our day. We ended up staying for almost SIX hours; I was very proud of BOTH of my boys for being so good all day...