Here are some players whose cards I collect
I have created a separate file for some players. Click on the link to see what I have and what I need.
Click on
to open each link in a new window
Kirby Puckett-any cards I do not have and I can afford.
Rheal Cormier
any cards I do not have.
Lance Johnson
any cards I do not have.
Steve Decker
played for the Giants, Marlins, and Rockies-any cards I do not have.
Mike Butcher
played for the Angels-any cards I do not have.
Curt Ford
played for the Cardinals and Phillies-any cards I do not have.
Bob Geren
played for the Yankees and Padres-any cards I do not have.
Click Here
to see a tribute to HOF pitcher Joe McGinnity
Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf
any cards I do not have
Steve Kerr-any cards I do not have.
I only collect goalies these days. I love the art on the helmets and like to find cards of the goalies I like. I don't necessarily want the expensive inserts just the regular issues. Who do I like and collect?

Curtis Joseph "CUJO", My favorite goalie
Guy Hebert
Jocelyn Thibault
Pat Jablonski "Jabber"
Vincent Riendeau
Jon Casey
Patrick Roy
Peter Ing
Daniel Berthiaume "The Bandit"
Ron Tugnutt
Clint Malarchuk
Felix "The Cat" Potvin
Andre "Red Light" Racicot
Martin Brodeur
Trevor Kidd
Byron DaFoe "Lord Byron"
Olaf Kolzig "Olie the Goalie"
Jean-Claude Bergeron
Fred Brathwaite
Grant Fuhr
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