Hey Fans! It's Sun Mar 16 2025 03:07:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) The Thundering Herd is coming to town on September 11th!


2002 Divison III STATE CHAMPIONS!!! makes me somewhat of a poster child for our 1998 National Championship bid. Check it out!

My mug for all the nation to see.

Hey we always said no one can do it like the Bucks and this for sure goes to prove it. Check out this article which appeared on the college football website in 1998.

World Heavyweight Tailgating Champions

Hey check out the award bestowed upon me by the O-Zone for my amazing performance at the Northwestern game in 1998.My award!!!!!

It has been quite a while since I did any kind of editing here. Working nearly 60 hours a week when it's all said and done doesn't leave a whole lot of time for fun projects like this, along with my duties as a professional tailgater that I have had to take on since graduating (twice now) from OSU. However, I would like to make a point of editing here once a week with all sorts of junk like views on the game, the upcoming game, and other things along those lines. Please continue to check back and we will see what we can get done.


Well I seem to have gotten very few responses about having some Buckeye chats on mIRC. The format/server seems like it is more than suitable to handle even a reasonable amount of traffic, which I would hope we could cause if we got together for a regular chat time each week. Still waiting to hear from all of you crazy Buckeye fans though as to whether or not you would be willing to do it. E-mail me ASAP, and once we have enough responses I will try and post a time. The group may begin small, but will hopefully grow as more people find out about it Now let's move on, but as before let's take a quick look at something that all fans of the scarlet and grey need to keep in mind. Especially heading into the 2004 season with a number of unknowns...the definition of loyalty:
loyalty n 1: the quality of being loyal [ant: {disloyalty}]
2: feelings of allegiance
3: the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action [syn: {commitment}, {allegiance}, {dedication}]

Here's something else to consider right along with this, and I know there are many opinions on this subject. I've sat and listened to enough 'experts' in the stadium for the last several years, so even though this has been up for a whole I feel it still applies 100%.

If you are loyal to a team, does that give yone the right to use possessive terms like "we" in general conversation when talking about the team? It's a given that some people are going to do it, be it habbit due to their intense feelings of loyalty. Accidents do happen from time to time, but in general I don't think people should make it a common practice. I have always felt, and always will, that unless you are out giving your all on the field, running till you drop in the summer, etc...or spending hours breaking down film and coming up with game plans, then you really aren't part of the "we". I've heard reasons as to why people think it's ok, and they center around two main things; money and time. For example (hypothetical) it has been argued that because Person A has followed the team for 30 years and been paying for season tickets for the last 20 they have earned the right. I say no to this idea. That does show loyalty, which is great, but as noted before unless you're doing what the coaches and players do, making the tremendous sacrfices they make, you aren't part of the "we" no matter how much you may think so. If you see this please use the e-mail link at the bottom of the page and write me. Would love to discuss this with people further.

For those who haven't been fortunate enough to see it the new stadium, the millenium 'Shoe shall we say, is impressive. I got a field level view for the first time this spring, my first taste since the Michigan game 2 years ago. It looks mighty impressive from that perspective. I am sure it's even more impressive filled till the seams are busting, but it was still a sight seeing it during the scrimmage that day. I hope with all the enthusiasm that should surround the team coming into this season, that there is more than one record crowd this year, especially when the boys from up north stop down in late November. GO BUCKS!


Some cool pictures
Pittsburgh Page
Jeff Gordon

Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country...he won the war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his...all real Americans love the sting of battle!

-General Patton


This page is of course in no way official or affiliated with the Ohio State University in any way. Logos and all that jazz are exclusive property of the Ohio State University. And while I am here wanted to say a quick hello to Pat "Bench Press" Chun and the rest of that fun loving bunch in the Athletic Communications office.

You are visitor numbersince I put this beautiful counter back up.Also please feel free to take a moment and e-mail me to tell me what you think.

© 2004