Welcome to the Michigan Volleyball Connection. As you know, a strong movement is underway for Michigan to become it's own region within USA Volleyball, the National Governing Body for the sport.
What does that mean to the typical volleyball player in Michigan? It means that volleyball players of all ages and abilities (juniors, adult players, seniors; Open, Club, AA thru B) will have more and better quality opportunities to play volleyball -- indoors, on grass and on the beach. It means that Michigan juniors will have an automatic bid allocation to the US Junior National Championships; it means quality run tournaments with set standards that do not deviate from site to site; it means opportunity for training as players, coaches and opportunities to become certified as officials and scorekeepers. It means that all of these opportunities and more will be tailored specifically for the Michigan volleyball community, and you will have a hands-on opportunity to participate in the growth of our sport.
There is a lot more to USA Volleyball than most people realize, and we are excited to make a new home for it here in Michigan. If you wish to get involved, let us know your comments, suggestions and what you'd like to do to help.
Other VB sites you may wish to visit are:
USAV Open House
The Michigan USA Volleyball Open House is planned for April 12 and/or 13 at the IM West Sports Building at Michigan State University in East Lansing. Although targeted for junior players, it is open to adults who wish to participate. Participation does not require USAV membership and is open to all!
The Open House is designed to be interactive, with plenty of feedback being offered to participants at every level. It is a very important opportunity for players and coaches to become familiar or learn the protocols of our sport, and to sharpen playing skills in the player clinic. It is also an opportunity to become certified as officials, scorekeepers or coaches (IMPACT). For those participating in "survival training for scorekeepers and referees", you will be introduced to standardized systems of game management applicable for all levels of play (most notably, juniors). A special table will also be set up to assist coaches and administrators who have questions or need help in filling out USAV membership forms. Forms and handouts will be available as well as personal assistance.
Please contact us by email if you are interested in having us offer this type of event again in the fall.
Thanks for stopping by.
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