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Hi, my name is Katherine, but my friends call me Kathy.
Thanks for dropping by!
Welcome to my "Kool" homepage. This page is devoted to the
mating rituals of Manatees. Manatees are large water animals that inhibit
mostly the warmer areas of the Florida evergreens. The feed of plants,
insects and small water animals. The average weight is- what's that I hear
you saying? This is the boringest webpage ever? Well Ha Ha, I'm only joking,
it's not really on manatees and all that I wrote is probably wrong since I
don't reallly know anything about them, except for what I read in a
Sleepover Friends superspecial about 6 years ago. What my page is really
going to be on is a lot of different things that I like, so I hope you enjoy it!
A Little Information About Myself
My favorite movies are Romeo and Juliet, Empire Records and, yes,
Free Willy. I have a cat named Chester and my friends (especially
Carly) don't like him. Poor cat, he just tries to be friendly.
I'm in my last year at High School and I like doing the grocery
shopping at Maxi. By the way, did I mention that I work there
too? Yep, what a drag!
Thank you to my wonderful friend Kev for making this all
possible. Check out his excellent webpage:
The Oh Ciboire! Web Ring
Check out these kool homepages from the Oh Ciboire!
Web Ring:
Romeo and Juliet
I'm rather obsessed with Leonardo DiCaprio and Romeo and Juliet. It was an
amazing movie so if you haven't gone and seen it, go.

Empire Records
Empire Records is another one of my other favorite movies. You should check
out the Empire Records soundtrack.
Free Willy
My last favorite movie is Free Willy. Whales are my favorite animals. The
Whale Songs webpage is a cool site about them.
Free Willy 3 is coming out this summer! Friday,
August 1st, 1997 to be exact!!!!! Check out these cool
Free Willy 3 links:
Donovan Bailey
I love Donovan Bailey because he's really awesome. For more info on him you
can check out his official website at:
Sunday, June 1st, 1997 -- "Yaa Donovan!" for kicking Michael Johnson's ass in the 150 meter
race. Michael Johnson is a sore loser who was bragging about winning the
race without a doubt before it happened, and now he's just a big loser. HA HA.
Donovan (I like to think I'm on a first name basis with him) is awesome and
he could wipe the floor with Michael Johnson's ass anyday. And he's a lot
better looking than him too. "Yaa Donovan!"

Well, that's all for now. Don't worry, I'll try have more stuff on here
when my summer vacation starts, so please be patient. Later!
If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to email me at
Kathy /
Kathy /
Last updated on Friday, June 13th 1997.
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