2002 is here yall........make it a good year to remember Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java(tm).

Well, I'm back again and my page has gone through another change in it's 2 years of existence. Well I got bored one day and decided to change the background again. I know y'all liked the black background, but this blue fits just fine=). It's T. Beezy bringing you another wonderful page to see his pics and other stuff that he's created.

Update for January 24, 2002

It's a new year peeps and T. Beezy's fixing up the page so bear with me as I get these new links set up.

Friends Links:

-This is one of my good friends who has moved away, but we still keep in touch=). She's creative in her own way and now people sign her guestbook!!

-This Yam head nizzle decided to make a webpage which I think is pretty off the hook. Mighty Molly Holly and Mariah Carey are his cuties of the month now. Be sure to check it out!

Favorite places to go to when I'm bored:

-This site is hilarious if you're into smashing gerbils or just want a good laugh.

- It's self explanatory for this link. I've been a fan of  wrestling for a really long time and this is the place where I get all my news and info from.