January 1, 2002

It's the first day of 2002 and T. Beezy is blessed to be around. I just would like to say that the journal may see some new changes, but it's still going to be all my inner feelings. I may say some more things than normal, but it will sill be my personal journal. It's cold here in Galveston, Texas like around 40 degrees. For most of today I stayed inside and watched college bowl game. Arkansas couldn't pull out a win today, but the Oregon Ducks whooped up on Colorado=D. I go back to school next weekend and I'm pretty much ready to get back. Now this coming semester, some changes will have to occur within my life and within my room. Now this sounds really harsh upon myself but I have taken down all my Trish and Tyra posters and I shall keep them in my trunk. Despite if people thought they were immature, dammit I like girls and those were my top 2. O well, guess it'll make me stronger. Now with my walk in Christ, that will become a more straightened path. Now I can go to church more often on Sundays since I have a vehicle. Now I've got to run and catch up on some more design of my page..holla