I won the http://games.activision.com/games/wspc/ email me Recently featured on: Autorush.com Autosportz.com Mothers.com Pics from Razzi.com Check out this write-up from MAX POWER (for some reason they think it's an automatic, and made fun of me, but it's a 5-speed manual) Awards & Recognition Modifications Coverage at recent shows Older pics before I owned it Original Sponsors Pics from the day I was presented the car Magazine exposure Fox Interactive is no more, the company has been sold to Vivendi Universal Games..... Fox (before VU took over) announced a new promotion for "World's Scariest Police Chases 2" for Playstation 2 & XBOX due out early 2004. RADD News & SEMA News My car was supposed to be involved with the promotion But, Vivendi Universal has cancelled the game (click to enlarge) Super Street Studio Poster - Aug 2001 My car was in the Fox Marketing Tuner Salon at the Harrisburg Auto Show, see more pictures here: from Super Street Magazine! Jan. 2003, page 124!!
I was not into imports before I won this car, I was into classic Mustangs, my 1st car was a 1968 coupe, and my latest was a 1970 Fastback with a 302, I sold it just a few weeks before I won the civic:
more pics! (click to enlarge) This is what it looked like when it was delivered to me, VINYL OVERKILL!! Super Street Magazine - May 2002

on 7/25 I took a bunch of pictures at the park, check them out here 
these are after 95% of the vinyl has been stripped off (but before I put the RAZZI ground effects kit on)

  Things I'd like to do:     
     Turbo or supercharger, 
     header, strobe lights, performance ignition wires, 
     monitors in the sunvisors (pre-wired), CTR headlights (black housing),
     adjustable coilovers,  and like a million other things

Click here for the WSPC game official website

CarSound.com February News Here's a listing of winners from H.I.N. 1-26-02, including me!!  (scroll down to the bottom)

   On MTX Thunder tour                           Hot Import Nights 7/7/01

The car was presented to me at Hot Import Nights in Del Mar, CA on Jan. 26, 2002
click to enlarge:

Contest Sponsors

Activision     Fox Interactive     AEM          MTX Audio      Meguiars         
Fiber Images   Hot Import Nights   Clarion      Modern Image   South Pole Clothing       
Konig Wheels   APC                 Warp Mints   Frank Hawley   Planet Hollywood
Super Street   Max Power           Gamepro      Apollo         Car Audio Craftsmen 

Press Releases announcing the Contest 

Activision June 28, 2001 dead link
MTX  June 2001 dead link


This is where I entered to win the AEM Intercept Pursuit Vehicle! (Links no longer work) 
Prize List Contest Rules Entry Blank Counter since 2/5/02 Autorush.com just did a feature on my car, check it out here: AUTORUSH Feature World's Scariest Police Chases - AEM Intercept Pursuit Vehicle - Honda Civic Si bill duffy

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