Okee dokee. I figured I'd create a page
where I could launch myself into a better explanation of my existance, or at least
attempt to do so. Those of you who know me well shouldn't have much trouble understanding
the meaning of the title of this page...
You can read this from top to bottom, or choose the portion
of the page you're most interested in:
Where I Live
Well, let's see. I was born in Los Angeles in June of 1975.
I spent the first 22 years and 51 weeks of my life having lived exclusively within
the city limits of Los Angeles. Having grown tired of the same scenery (and with
a little motivation from a person who is to be named shortly), I relocated to
Azusa, CA, which is about 25 miles ENE of downtown Los Angeles. It is a rather
pleasant apartment complex surrounded by lots of food, movies and shopping. I
have 24-hour access to two swimming pools, two tennis courts, and a basketball
court (and a jacuzzi).
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My Social Life
My social life is pretty simplistic, although I enjoy it
quite a bit. The majority of my free time is spent with my
true love and wife, Jake. She spends a lot of her time resting her head
on top of me, often out of spite. Other than that, we try to catch movies and
occasionally shoot some pool. I'm working on turning her into more of a bowling
freak - give me time. She and I met through a long defunct BBS called Castle of
the Dark Sun (R.I.P.) through a guy named Tony, who will be described in more
detail later on this page (I have to include him now that I've brought him up,
After knowing each other for about 3 years and dating for a little over 2 years,
Jake and I are were married on April 3, 1999. Amazingly, she hasn't kicked me
out of the house yet! If you're feeling particularly sadistic, you can find wedding
and honeymoon-related photos by following this
link. She is by far one of the most intelligent people I have ever met,
despite her frequent denials. She is also remarkably beautiful, as luck would
have it for me, with a wonderfully twisted sense of humor to boot. She is everything
I thought I'd never be lucky enough to have in life, and I am eternally greatful
for her.
Other than Jake, I used to spend a good part of my time with my friend Dale,
who, to my great dismay, but for the betterment (we hope) of his career, relocated
to Missouri. He and I, according to outside observers, share too many inside jokes
and bad puns, but when you've been best friends with someone for several years,
you tend to think along the same lines. I always had an easy time getting him
to go bowling with me or shoot pool with me, and we saw the occasional movie together.
We also went to the same high school, and we enjoyed going back as alumni to catch
our old school, Loyola High School,
get to the Championship football game each year. I do try to keep in touch with
him via the phone occasionally just to make sure Missouri hasn't got him wallowing
in misery. (smile)
My other very good friends are as follows, and I will stress that these are intentionally
placed in random order so as to squash any unnecessary future bloodshed - namely,
mine. (grin):
- Anne
Anne is a highly unique individual, as are all of my friends, but I think
it's best you check out her web page (still under construction!) to get some
idea of what I mean. I met her online through Tony (whom you will encounter
later in this list), and although I have not spent nearly as much time with
her as I would have liked (which is entirely my fault, not hers), she has
remained a consistent friend.
- Ilana
She and I met about ten years ago via a series of events that I won't recap
here (ain't I a tease?), and have remained friends steadily ever since, despite
the fact that we only met in person for the first time about four years ago.
(If you're curious, ask me about it. Our meeting is *quite* a story!) She's
often been busy traveling around the country and the world, so I don't get
to see her as often as I'd like either.
- Angie
I met Angie through another defunct BBS called Star*Games in about 1993. Although
I don't see as much of her as I used to, we still enjoy getting together occasionally
to eat at Bob's Big Boy or to shoot pool. Also, we've recently discovered
our mutual interest in bowling, so hopefully we'll get to spend more time
together now.
- Gillian
Gillian (pronounce with a HARD "g", as in "goddess") is a dear dear friend
of mine who I almost never get to see, much to my chagrin. However, now that
we both have functioning cars, that may change. Among our bonding points is
a shared love for Cartoon Planet. (smile)
- Kimberly
My introduction to her was when she accosted
me online for not being creative in my choice of font colors. Needless to
say, I developed a deep sense of respect for her from that moment onward.
Since then, I've successfully used my mental powers to convince her to move
to the LA area, and have had the pleasure of spending time with her on several
momentous occassions, including the selection of a cat, and her first trip
to BC Cafe in Claremont. She is very intelligent and a lot of fun to be around.
A word of advice, though: if she wants you to watch a movie with her, just
do it. She doesn't give up easily. (grin)
- Kevin and Brenda
Kevin and Brenda are good friends of both mine and Dale from our older BBSing
days. They are probably the most fun couple I know, besides the couple I make
up half of, of course. I can always seek out computer advice from Kevin, and
he enjoys the opportunity to compete against me whenever the opportunity arises,
whether it be bowling or baseball or air hockey (there's a story about riding
a pony that I'm intentionally leaving out here). Meanwhile, Brenda is a pretty
unique combination of being shy and outspoken, and is just generally a fun
person to spend time around.
- Vincent
It is a little-known fact that Vincent is a reincarnation of the ancient Greek
God of Sex and Barbeque. He is the co-owner of a wonderful family restaurant
in South Pasadena called Gus' Barbeque, and for those of you who have known
me for a while, Vince is also the person who sold me the long-gone but never
forgotten Peugeot. Although that fact may now have you wondering why I consider
Vince a friend, I assure you that a large portion of the Peugeot Tragedy was
my fault, and not his. Honest! Some people also think that Vince bears a strinking
resemblance to Tom Cruise. In my opinion, it should be noted that Tom Cruise
bears the resemblance to Vince, since Vince is (a) funnier, and (b) a more
talented actor. And I don't know if Tom Cruise can cook.
- Sarah
Sarah. Another very good friend from the BBS days who spends far too much
time in Santa Barbara rather than down in LA bowling and watching baseball
with me. We are also fans of the late, great baseball player, Howard Johnson
(actually, is he still alive Sarah?).
- Terrie
Terrie and I met on Star*Games BBS several years back, and despite the fact
that we've both misplaced just about everyone we knew from that board, we've
managed to stay friends, although I can rarely find a way short of outright
bribery to fit into her schedule (smile). She is also a bowler, and hopefully
I'll be dragging her out to the alleys more often in the near future as well.
- Tony
Tony, Tony, Tony. No, not the musical group, friends, but, well...just Tony.
Ummmmmmmmm, what can I say here? Tony is someone I met through Castle of the
Dark Sun about 6years ago (man, it's been a long time). I usually run into
him on ICQ, busy playing with his DSL connection and trying to convince me
to sign up with AllAdvantage. If that sort of thing interests you, you should
visit him at www.stray-ventures.com.
- Melinda
I met Melinda several years back one summer while doing penance for my sins
(a.k.a working at McDonald's). She happened to have been visiting the LA area
from Spokane, Washington, to visit her aunt during the summer. We only became
friends in the last week that she was in LA, but we have maintained contact
and friendship ever since that time.
- Amanda
Amanda is a person I met during the Star*Games (or was it Castle?) days. I
can honestly say I don't recall how it is we came to be friends online, but
we have been good friends offline ever since.
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Social Life
Well, considering the fact that I spend a large portion
of the my working and free time online, I have a lot of online friends. Several
of them have web sites, and they are all dear to me, but since I'm doing this
in a relative hurry, I'm not going to build a comprehensive list just yet. I
will, however, name all the ones I can think of right now. I guess you could
consider this sort of a "Shout Out" section...wassuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup??
From Voyager Info Systems:
And from Aardvark's Always
- Sysop & Carol (of course)
- Pearl (a handful if I ever knew one)
- Snow White (where'd she go?)
- Sunflower (I TOLD you I'd add you to the list!)
- Niffer
- Kethry (happy marriage!)
- Sandra (happy marriage!)
- Imogen
- Saffron (another fun handful, about five handfulls
combined with Pearl)
- Velouria
- Lulu
- Mandm
- Camio
- Web Crawler (Why don't you go jump off a cliff???)
- Jello
- Quilaviolet (pronounce at your own risk)
- Halo
- Kimberly
- Chipper (I like to keep friends north of the border)
- Jars & Marsha Brady (they had the misfortune of meeting
me in person)
- Babs
- Snookumz
- LicoriceTea (Squirrel Nut Zippers fans are my friends!)
- Sugarhigh (Same as LicoriceTea, a dangerous duo, these
two...happy marriage!)
- Timon
- Donman (a 500-ton canary to you, too!)
- Kitkat
- LadyJane (an ellusive billiards challenger)
- Sabrina (neither teenaged, nor a witch, but too hot
to handle)
- Cocoa (wherever you've gone, you are missed)
From Annex BBS:
- Jade (a longtime friend, always there when I've needed
- Jasmine (a rose in Texas is a rose too far away!)
- The Poet (ditto on the above!)
- Kimberly (not enough space for all the wonderful things
I could say about her!)
- Izzye (recently re-acquainted)
- Natas (when are we playing pool again, man?)
- Honey
- Animaniac (is that ice cream on your blouse?)
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