In Your House
In Your House
Diesel vs Sid [world title]
In Your House 2
Diesel vs Sid [world title lumberjack match]
In Your House 3
Yokozuna and Owen vs Shawn and Diesel [Triple Header match]
In Your House 4
Diesel vs British Bulldog [world title]
In Your House 5
Bret Hart vs British Bulldog [world title]
In Your House 6
Bret Hart vs Diesel [world title cage match]
IYH: Good Friends Better Enemies
Shawn Micheals vs Diesel [world title no holds barred match]
IYH: Beware of Dog
Shawn Micheals vs British Bulldog [world title]
IYH: Internation Incident
Shawn, Ahmed and Sid vs Vader, Bulldog and Owen
IYH: Mind Games
Shawn Micheals vs Mankind [world title]
IYH: Buried Alive
Undertaker vs Mankind [buried alive match]
IYH: It's Time
Sid vs Bret Hart [world title]
IYH: Final Four
Undertaker vs Bret vs Vader vs Austin [world title anything goes, 4 corner match]
IYH: Revenge of the Taker
Undertaker vs Mankind [world title]
Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
IYH: Cold Day in Hell
Undertaker vs Stone Cold Steve Austin [world title]
IYH: Canadian Stampede
Hart Foundation vs Austin, Goldust, LOD and Shamrock
Undertaker vs Vader [world title]
IYH: Ground Zero
Shawn Micheals vs Undertaker
Bret Hart vs Patriot [world title]
IYH: Badd Blood
Shawn Micheals vs Undertaker [hell in a cell]
IYH: Degeneration X
Shawn Micheals vs Ken Shamrock [world title]
IYH: No Way Out
HHH, New Age Outlaws and Vega vs Austin, Hardcore Legends and Owen [no holds barred]
IYH: Unforgiven
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Dude Love [world title]
Undertaker vs Kane [inferno match]
IYH: Over The Edge
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Dude Love [world title, Vince special ref]
IYH: Fully Loaded
Kane and Mankind vs Austin and Undertaker [tag titles]
IYH: Breakdown
Austin vs Undertaker vs Kane [world title]
IYH: Judgement Day
Undertaker vs Kane [world title, Austin special ref]
IYH: Rock Bottom
The Rock vs Mankind [world title]
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Undertaker [buried alive match]
IYH: Backlash
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs the Rock [world title]
IYH: Over the Edge '99
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Undertaker[world title]
Owen Hart dies during the event