Welcome to Floorball world

The Floorball history

Floorball was born in sweden about 1980 since then the game has been rapidly growing around the world. In the beginning Sweden was so dominating that they had not lost a match since 1982, they lost their first in 1996. The European cup 1996 was easy taken from all the other countries. Nowadays Sweden has lost two matches in thier whole history both against Finland (Soumi). But the Swiss players are gaining on the Swedish Team. I think if Russia put more money into this sport they can be the dominating land or if Finland goes for it very hard. But I wish that U.S.A and Russia begin to train this sport harder than they do in these days, and in a few years this is a big sports event in the Olympic Games. It is not funny to see a Floorball match when Sweden crushes allother teams, Floorball is thrilling, speed and techniquec. In Sweden there are about 75,000 licensed floorball players. (Swedens population is about 8,9 million). Floorball is a very fast growing sport in Europe.

Click Here for a detailed rules page.

If you like to see equipment, click here.

There are some rules that must be used in the manufacturing of Floorball equipment. Click here to see it.

If you want to see some world records, click here. All world records are in Swedish.

I have with the help of my friends created a page to nearly all Floorball pages on the net. Click here to go to it. Floorball links page.

Here is a link to the only team that is good enough to be on the main page and on the link page. BEWARE FOR ALL WHO CAN´T READ SWEDISH.

If you are one of those who can shoot really hard slapshots or anything like that check this hot site.

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You are visitor since 97/02/12

Last updated 97/04/05

This page was created by Karl Paulsson, Fredrik Andersson and Fredrik Åhlin.

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