TC ...MiLeHiGhPoLLPlAcE... ......

...Nuggz Heart...

Does this team have enough heart to get us where the 94 team did?...

don't even compare...
got the talent...not the heart...
no heart no talent no coach no good...
doesn't look good but neither did the prospect of having suicidal Williams and waived Williams...
we kan do it!...
we got talent and heart...just a matter of time...

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...Dump or Keep Stith?...

Should the Nuggets in ur opinion keep or dump Bryant Stith?...

...Keep Stith...
Dump Stith?

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thank u


Who will the Nuggets starting sg be in the Nuggz final game this upcoming season?...

Eddie Jones...
Tariq Abdul-Wahad...
James Posey...
Voshon Lenard...
Derek Anderson...

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...Dump Stith?... tell me how u feel bout this site...

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