Founded 1955
Running Writing
- No. 36 - April 2004
- In the final edition of Running Writing John Winsbury talks about the 19th World Mountain Running Trophy.
- No. 35 - June 2003
- 'A Master on a Mission' by Geoff Monro. A story about the 2002 World Masters Games held in Melbourne.
- No. 34 - May 2002
- '3 States, 6 Peaks in 7 Weeks' by Stuart Doyle. A story and photos celebrating the International Year of the Mountain.
- No. 33 - February 2002
- 'Professional Foot-Running' by Ken English and 'Jade's Life in the Fast Lane' by Ben Caddaye.
- No. 32 - July 2001
- 'Luke Tierney' by Jim Tucker, 'How to Maximise Performance with Less Effort!' by by Ed O'Keefe and 'Ka Huna Massage' by Sean Melbourne.
- No. 31 - January 2001
- Thoughts from runner and writer Steve Walker and a few of my photographs from the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games.
- No. 30 - September 2000
- Featuring the writing of Khan Gorlewski and photographs from the Australian Olympic Track & Field selection trials.
- No. 29 - May 2000
- Brian Lenton's interview with distance running legend Brendan Foster. Photos from the Canberra and Sydney Optus Grand Prix meetings.
- No. 28 - January 2000
- The Ansett Australia All Schools T & F Championships including photographs of the women's steeplechase.
- No. 27 - November 1999
- The 1999 Canberra Times Fun Run featuring SCT's 'legendary' training program. The ACT Cross Country Club's Carillon Relays.
- No. 26 - September 1999
- 'The 1999 Sydney City to Surf - One run in Fifty Thousand'. Read about and view photographs of the biggest City to Surf in history!
- No. 25 - August 1999
- 'Amazing Marathon Adventures - The Tale of an SCT Distance Runner'
- No. 24 - July 1999
- 'A Few Words' - Chris Cook remembered.
- No. 23 - June 1999
- Photographs and report from the 1999 ACT Cross Country Club Mount Tuggeranong Races. Complete rankings for 'my' race!
- No. 22 - May 1999
- Photographs from the New Balance Canberra Marathon & marathon eve fun runs. The President's Message at SCT's AGM.
- No. 21 - April 1999
- The GIO Australia Women's and Girls' Fun Run including photographs.
- No. 20 - March 1999
- The fast improving Stuart Doyle talks to Geoff Monro. 'New Career in Old Age' by Jim Tucker. Photographs from the World Cross Country Trials.
- No. 19 - February 1999
- The 1998 Australian All-Schools Track & Field Championships. The Parliament House Relays - 'Too Close to Call'.
- No. 18 - January 1999
- Interview with promising junior distance runner Michelle Ward-Pearson and The President's Message.
- No. 17 - December 1998
- 'Slinger Sanchez Running Gun' - Review of a Novel by Bruce Glikin.
- No. 16 - November 1998
- 'Interviews - Herb Elliott' by prolific Canberra running author Brian Lenton.
- No. 15 - October 1998
- The Australian Cross Country Championships from Canberra. 'An Ode to a Runner's Camp' by Gordon Nightingale & Gordon Pirie on training.
- No. 14 - September 1998
- 'Running Fast and Injury Free' - the new Gordon Pirie book by John S Gilbody and 'The President's Message'.
- No. 13 - August 1998
- 'Interviews - Lisa Ondieki' [ part 2 ] by Brian Lenton.
- No. 12 - July 1998
- 'Interviews - Lisa Ondieki'. Brian Lenton talks to Australia's best ever female marathon runner.
- No. 11 - June 1998
- Stories from Tuggie Athlete #43 - 'The Evenings Proceedings' & 'Erin Sutcliffe's Endless Summer'.
- No. 10 - May 1998
- 'The GIO Women's and Girls' Fun Run'. Story and photographs from Australia's biggest per capita female only fun run!
- No. 09 - April 1998
- 'Tom Knows Way to the Top' by Chris Wilson. A story about top Canberra orienteer Tom Quayle.
- No. 08 - February 1998
- 'Friendships' and 'Garner - Gates - Gilbert' - These two stories by John Harding were first published in The Canberra Runner.
- No. 07 - January 1998
- 'Interview - Scott McTaggart'. Jim Tucker talks to Canberra's promising young steeplechaser.
- No. 06 - October 1997
- 'Running in Pregnancy' by world record holder Elaine Cooper. 'The Canberra Times Fun Run' by Ewen Thompson.
- No. 05 - August 1997
- 'Gaining Speed - The Mary Libal Story' by Doug Binder. A champion fights back from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
- No. 04 - June 1997
- 'Trio Overcome Lonely Sport' by Chris Wilson and 'Scott Thomson at Sydney University' by Bert Thomson.
- No. 03 - May 1997
- 'The 11th Canberra Women's and Girls' Fun Run' by Ewen Thompson and 'Interview with Coach Garry Hosking' by Carol Ey.
- No. 02 - April 1997
- 'Confessions of a First-time Marathoner' by Blair Trewin and 'World Mountain Running Trophy' by Fiona Jorgensen.
- No. 01 - March 1997
- 'Amanda Ozolins' by Jim Tucker (the first issue collector's edition).
Copyright © 1997 - 2004 www.geocities.com/ewen_99/issues.html











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