Welcome To The Diver's Log. I recently did some diving in St. Lucia. Be sure to check out the review and pictures!

Hello!. I live in Toronto and I have been scuba diving now for approximately five years. I was PADI certified through a dive store called The Wet Shop ,in Richmond Hill. I did my classroom and pool components on a Saturday and Sunday, and my open water certification was completed up at Tobermory, Ontario. I must admit that I have not really taken to cold water Ontario diving. Its not that I didn't enjoy my time at Toby, but I find it difficult to drive four hours north of Toronto in order to get a weekend of diving in. To be completely truthful, however, I must admit that I enjoy warm water diving a little more. After obtaining my certification, I managed to either center my vacations around diving or, at the very least, squeeze a few dives into my vacations. Below are some of the spots I have been to. I am not going to provide a full description and review, but I am trying to provide links to any websites these places may have. Enjoy!


My first open water dives were at Tobermory-and that is usually the case with many divers in Ontario who are being newly certified. Tobermory is about a 3  1/2  hour drive north west of Toronto. It is a protected marine park and a recent issue of Scuba Diver (I believe) rated the park the number one fresh water dive in North America. My experience at Toby is limited, and I haven't gone back since my initial open water dives. I was impressed, however, by the quantity and quality of wrecks in the park and the care taken to protect those wrecks. If you don't mind cold (colder?) water diving, Toby might be a treat. It doesn't have the visibility of southern dive destinations, but it does have plenty to offer. Visit the above link and check it out. For more information on diving in Ontario in general, click HERE

To find out more about some of the places I have been diving, and too see some photographs I have taken, click on the image below

Costa Rica /  Florida Keys  /  Catalina Island  /  Turks And Caicos  /  Bonaire / St. Lucia

Read My New Review On St. Lucia

Other Great Scuba Web Sites!

Dive Travel Express


Scuba Times Magazine

Diving Adventures

Rick's Master Scuba List

Scuba Network's Home Page

Oscar Knows

Underwater Sports World

Rodale's Scuba Magazine

Scuba Central

Dog's Scuba Page

Dive Travel Planner

Divers Alert Network (DAN)

Go Diving Scuba Planner

Waterline Sports

Underwater Canada

Diving Encylopedia

The Scuba Archive

Scuba Diving Navigator

The Internet's Diving Guide

Dive Web

Diver Magazine


Nerd World:Scuba

Please e-mail any other interesting scuba sites you would like to see listed here.

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