My interests are chess news, correspondence chess and chess computers.This page is a collection of links to my favorite sites.
Last updated on 13 / 12 / 1999

Links to other sites on the Web
Chess news
- The Week In Chess. One of the best on-line chess magazines.
- Chess Planet. The latest tournament results.
- Inside Chess. One of the best chess magazines.
- Chess Life. Official magazine of US Chess Federation.
- Chess Monthly. One of the best UK magazines.
- Schach One of the best German magazines.
- Europe Echecs French magazine
- 64-Chess Review. One of the best Russian magazines.
- L'Italia Scacchistica Italian magazine
- Chess Mail. The best chess magazine for international correspondence chess and Internet.
- Chess Informant The book
- New in Chess Similar to Chess Informant
- FIDE. International Chess Federation.
- ICCF. International Correspondence Chess Federation.
- USCF. US Chess Federation
- BCF British Chess Federation
- CFC. Chess Federation of Canada
- ICCF-US US Correspondence Federation
- BPCF. British Postal Chess Federation
- CCLACorrespondence Chess League of Australia
- DSB German Chess Federation
- BdF German Correspondence Chess Federation
- SFSV Swiss Correspondence Chess Federation
- OSB Austrian Correspondence Chess Federation
- TÜRSEV Turk Chess Education and Improvement Foundation
- ICCA International Computer Chess Association
Chess computers
- SSDF. Latest chess computer ratings
- Gambit-Soft. Latest news about chess programs.
- University of Pittsburgh. The place to download a chess file.
- Rebel Rebel 9 has a SSDF rating of 2525 +/- 24 based on 883 games on a Pentium 200 MMX.
- Hiarcs Hiarcs 7 has a SSDF rating of 2570 +/- 27 based on 715 games on a Pentium 200 MMX.
- Chessmaster A strong program at a good price. It has a SSDF rating of 2576 +/- 61 based on 182 games on a Pentium 200 MMX.
- Shredder Shredder 2 has a SSDF rating of 2503 +/- 25 based on 765 games on a Pentium 200 MMX.
- ChessBase. One of the leading chess database programs and Fritz playing program.
- Chess Assistant A chess database program.
- Tasc ChessSystem Manufacturer of chess database, and the world's strongest stand-alone chess computer with a SSDF rating of 2372 +/- 44 based on 283 games.
- Chess Widower's Home Page Comments on chess programs
- The Macintosh Chess FAQ Homepage Everything about Macintosh chess programs.
- Macintosh Chess Software Directory A nice collection of Macintosh chess links
Novag Chess computer manufacturer. Sapphire II is the strongest portable unit in the world with a SSDF rating of 2112 +/- 35 based on 444 games.
Saitek Chess computer manufacturer. Also sells Mephisto brand. Mephisto Atlanta is the strongest computer that is still in production with an SSDF rating of 2187 + 37 based on 407 games. Also look at Mephisto Miami. A portable unit with an SSDF rating of 1896 +/- 29 based on 593 games and costs around 50 USD. I do not have it, but it offers a lot for that price.
Excalibur Another chess computer manufacturer. These three companines are the best.
Dowloadable software
- Rebel Decade 1.2 A very strong freeware chess program courtesy of Schröder B.V. It has a SSDF rating of 2278 +/- 30 based on 563 games on a Pentium 90. DOS, 671KB ZIP file
- Rebel Decade 2 Assumed to be stronger than Decade 1.2 by 40-50 Elo. DOS, 1227KB file
- MacChess 5.0 The strongest freeware chess program for Power Macintosh. 537KB MacChess home page
- Free Macintosh Chess SoftwareAll of the best Macintosh programs are here
- PGN 1.52 Software to view games saved in PGN format. Windows, 72KB ZIP file
- Slics 2.4m ChessBoard by D. Fong, to play in Internet in Windows. It includes the TimeSeal 2.0g program. 644 KB ZIP file
- Chess Client 1.41 Same as Slics. Windows95 718 KB EXE file. Author: James Barnett
- Tim Mann's Chess Page Programmer of X-board and Winboard. These are freeware programs to play against and to connect to Internet Chess Servers. Unix/Win95/NT.
- Frank's Chess Page A lot of information about Winboard programs
- ECTool A nice software to play chess by e-mail.
- Swiss Perfect Freeware to organize chess tournaments. Swiss Perfect 2.4 for DOS 95 KB ZIP file
- ChessBase Light Freeware chess database program
- Exachess Freeware chess database program for Macinthosh
- Chess Works A program to play chess on a LAN. Macintosh
- Giveaway Wizard 2.05 Freeware to play losing chess, where the aim is to lose all of your pieces and the king is just another piece that can be moved into a check. This program has the second highest suicide (another name for losing chess) rating in FICS. DOS, 30 KB ZIP file
- PKZip. Software to open and create .zip files
Sites to play chess
- FICS USA Chess Server Telnet freechess.org 5000
- EICS. European Chess Server Telnet eics.daimi.aau.dk 5000
- BICS British Chess Server Telnet crocus.warwick.ac.uk 5000
- ZICS. Australian Chess Server Telnet ics.interdomain.net.au 5000
- Internet Chess Club Online chess site Telnet chessclub.com 5000
- International Email Chess Group Email chess server
- International Email Chess Club Similar to IECG
- Internet Collegiate Chess League For university students
- First Saturday These tournaments offer you a chance to get a FIDE rating, IM, or a GM title in Hungary. It is not a online site.
- US Chess Federation Good selection of books and equipment.
- Chess Digest The best chess book dealer in the USA
- ICE Chess Shop A chess shop
- BCM Chess Shop One of the best UK chess shops.
- London Chess Center. One of the best UK chess shops.
- SchachDepot A chess shop in Germany.
- Chessformat. A chess shop in Spain.
- Het Schaakbureau. Book and software dealer in the Netherlands.
- Le2Torri Book and software dealer in Italy.
- Batsford. Publisher of English chess books.
- Your Move Chess & Games. The best computer chess dealer in USA.
- Gambit-Soft. One of the best chess computer dealers in the world.
- HCC A leading chess computer dealer in Germany
- rec.games.chess.analysis
- rec.games.chess.computer
- rec.games.chess.misc
- rec.games.chess.play-by-email
- rec.games.chess.politics
- alt.chess.ics Internet Chess Servers
- alt.chess.bdg Blackmar-Diemer gambit
- gnu.chess
Nice links
- Chess Space. One of the largest and best chess links site.
- Steve Pribut's chess page. A nice link.
- John C. Knudsen's Correspondence Chess Page. Recommended by ICCF.
- The Chess Cafe. Book reviews, history and endgame studies.
- Turnierkalender. Tournament information by Speckert.
- The Chess Variant Pages If you are so good at chess that it simply bores you, or want to try something different this is the place
- Computer Chess Programming A nice site on programming
- Chess on StampsSome information about chess stamps
- My wife's page.
- Cicek My sister's homepage. 14 new drawings
- Karpov and I in Groningen, The Netherlands, December 1995 20 KB
- A caricature 44 KB
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