Rank & File
The Bimonthly Magazine
of the
Southern California Chess Federation
Rank & File:
- Rank and File - ISSN 8750-9164 USPS 738-320 is published bimonthly by
the Southern California Chess Federation (SCCF), 1300 Ballista, La
Puente, CA 91744. 2nd Class mail is paid at La Puente.
- Advertising Rates:
Full Page: $80
Half Page: $45
Quarter Page: $25
Eighth Page: $15
Back Cover: $75
Flyer insert: $50 (advertiser must supply flyers)
Send copy to the Editor together with check payable to SCCF.
All rates are for camera-ready copy. 50% discount for tournaments requiring SCCF
membership. SCCF reserves the right to reject any advertising.
- Copy/Advertising Deadlines: Email the editor
for further information.
- Photograph Policy: Black and white preferred; color acceptable.
Indicate players, event, date, and background information. Mention
photographer. Do not use ball-point pen. Please enclose SASE and mark
photos "for return" if you would like photos back. Otherwise, they will
remain in SCCF photo file. E-mailed image files in .jpg, .gif, .tiff, .pdf and most other standard formats are also accepted, but note that these files can be large!
- Game submissions: Please fill out the scoresheet/heading as completely
as possible. Annotations and diagrams are welcome.
- Submissions: Please send all correspondence including letters, games,
articles, and photos to the Editor. Preferred format: 1) Email; 2) IBM
3.25" disk or CD; 3) Typed pages.
- SCCF Dues & Change of Address: $14 for Adults, $9 for Juniors (under
19). Send SCCF dues (includes subscription to Rank and File) and any
change of address to Membership Secretary Randy Hough, PO Box 205,
Monterey Park, CA, 91754
Rank and File is Copyright SCCF, 2004. One-time only publication rights have been
obtained from signed contributors. All other rights are hereby assigned to the authors.
The opinions expressed are strictly those of the contributors and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the SCCF, its officers, or members.

SCCF Home Page