Welcome to the Hockey
History Page! The intention of this page is to provide a wealth of information
on the great history of Canada's national winter sport. Please feel free
to contact me if you find
any wrong information here or if you have any suggestions on how I could
improve this site. At this point, my site is far from finished, so bear
with while I compile the information that I intend to put in here. If you
click on a link and nothing is there, its because I haven't posted it or
compiled the information yet. Thanks and sorry for any problems.
Also, if this site is going to be what I want it to be, which is something of true value as a resource so many people, I'll need your help with the ads. I know they're a pain but it's the only way I can afford to spend my time and energy working on this website. You will also see a banner on almost every page that offers to pay you to surf the web, with programs called AllAdvantage, GoToWorld, and DesktopDollars. All are completely legitimate, and by helping yourself, you're helping this site out, by helping me get the funding to acquire a domain and make this an even better resource than it can be on Geocities.
Thanks Again