Name-ATARI 400 Company Rarity Description back to home Price
3-D Tic-Tac-Toe Atari U 1979, 16K, utilize a 4x4x4 grid, if you like the standard game, you'll love this one. cart only $4
Ace of Aces Atari C 1988, cart only $6
Alphabet Zoo Spinnaker U cart only $4
Archon Atari C 1987, licensed from Electronic Arts, cart only $7
Astrochase Parker Brothers R 1983, cart only $7
Asteroids Atari C 1981, cart only $4
Asteroids Atari C complete in box $8
Assembler Editor Atari U 1979, cart only $5
Assembler Editor Atari U New-Shrink Wrapped sold
Attack at EP-CYG-4 Romox ? cart only sold
Atlantis Imagic C 1983, cart only $6
Atari Lab: Light Modue Atari R 1983, cart only $8
Atari Artist Atari ? cart only $5
Atari LOGO Atari U 1983, cart only $5
Atari LOGO Atari U 1983, New-Shrink Wrapped sold
Atari Music I Atari ? New-Shrink Wrapped $6
Atari Music II Atari ? New-Shrink Wrapped $6
Atari Writer Atari C 1982, brown label, cart only $4
Atari Writer (silver) Atari U 1982, silver label, cart only $5
Basketball Atari C 1979, 16K, excellent sports simulation-up to 4 players, cart only $4
Battlezone Atari U 1987, cart only $7
Basic Computer Language Atari C 1979, cart only $1
Barnyard Blaster Atari U 1987, cart only $6
Blue Max Atari U 1987, cart only sold
Buck Roger: Planet of Zoom Sega U 1983, cart only $7
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom Sega C 1983, complete in box sold
Bug Hunt Atari C 1987, cart only $5
Caverns of Mars Atari C 1987,  New-Shrink Wrapped, 5.25 disk $8
Centipede Atari C 1982, 16K, great game if you have trackball controllers, cart only $2
Centipede Atari C 1982, 16K, compete in box sold
Choplifter! Broderbund U 1982, cart only sold
Chicken Synapse Software U 1982, cart only $5
Chicken Synapse Software U 1982, complete in box $10
Claim Jumper Synapse Software U 1982, complete in box sold
CoCoNotes CBS U cart only sold
Computer War Thorn EMI U 1983, cart only $6
Computer Chess Atari U 1979, cart only $5
Congo Bongo Sega R 1983, cart only $6
Crime Buster Atari R 1988, cart only $7
Defender Atari C 1982, cart only $3
Deluxe Invaders Roklan C 1983, cart only $6
Dig Dug Atari C 1983, cart only $3
Diamond Mine Roklan U 1983, cart only, label fade sold
Dimension X Synapse Softwre ?? Complete in box, Data Cassette sold
Donkey Kong Atari C 1983, cart only $3
Donkey Kong Jr Atari C 1983, cart only sold
Eastern Front (1941) Atari C 1982, cart only sold
Educational System Atari U cart with box, no manual $6
Europen Countries & Capitals Atari ?? complete in box, Data Cassette $3

E.T. Phone Home

Atari C 1983,  cart only $5
Fantastic Voyage Sirius Rare 1982, cart only sold

Final Legacy

Atari U 1984, cart only $6

Flight Simulator II

Atari C 1987, cart only $6
Foot Fight Atari U 1987, cart only $5
Football Atari ? cart only $4
Fraction Fever Spinnaker C cart only $4
Frogger Parker Brothers C 1983, exact translation of the popular Sega-Gremlin arcade game, addictive & fun, cart only $6
Galaxian Atari C 1982, cart only $3
Gateway to Apshai Epyx U 1983, cart only sold
Gateway to Apshai Epyx U 1983, complete in box sold
GATO ATari R 1987, cart only sold
Gorf Roklan R cart only $6
Gridrunner HES R 1983, cart only sold
Gyruss Parker Brothers Rare 1984, cart only sold
Hardball Atari U 1987, cart only $7
In-Store Demonstration Program Cartridge Atari Rare CXL4019, cart only sold
Joust Atari C 1983, cart only $4
Journey To The Planets Roklan U 1983, cart only $6
Jumbo Jet Pilot Thorn EMI U 1982, cart only sold
Jumpman Junior Epyx U 1983, cart only sold
Jungle Hunt Atari U 1983, cart only sold
James Bond 007 Parker Brothers R cart only sold
James Bond 007 Parker Brothers R Complete in box sold
Kaboom! Activision U 1983, cart only $6
Kaboom! Activision U Complete in box $10
Kindercomp Spinnaker U 1983, cart only $5
Koala Painter Koala U 1983, cart only $6
K-razy Shoot Out CBS C 1982, 16K ram req., shoot'em up, good rendition of the arcade game Berzek, cart only sold
K-razy Antiks CBS C by K-Byte, 1981, cart only $7
Lode Runner Atari U 1987, cart only sold
Major League Hockey Throne EMI  U 1983, cart only $6
Math Maze DesignWare ? 1983, complete in box, 5.25 disk $4
MasterType Scarborough Sys U 1983, cart only sold
MasterType Scarborough Sys U 1983, Complete in box sold
Math Mileage CBS U Complete in box sold
Midnight Magic Atari U 182, cart only $6
Microsoft Basic II Atari U 1982, cart only $5
Miner 2049er Big Five ? 1983, cart only sold
Missile Command Atari C 1981, cart only $3
Monster Maze Epyx U 1982, cart only sold
Moon Patrol Atari C 1987,  the game is a bit simplistic in scope, lacks excitement & is repetitious, cart only $6
Ms. Pac-Man Atari C 1983, cart only $5
Ms. PacMan Atari C 1983, Complete in box sold
Music Box Program Design Inc ? 1982, Complete, 5 1/2 disk $6
My First Alphabet Atari ? New-Shrink Wrapped $6
Pac-Man Atari C cart only $2
Pengo Atari U 1983, cart only $7
Pitfall Activision U 1984, cart only sold
Pitfall Activision U Complete in box sold
Pitstop Epyx U 1983, cart only $5
Pole Position Atari C 1983, cart only $5
Pole Position Atari C 1983, Complete in box $9
Popeye Parker Brothers C 1983, cart only sold
Popeye Parker Brothers C 1983, complete in box $12
Programming Language PILOT Atari U New-Shrink Wrapped, cassette sold
Programming Language PILOT (Educator's Package) Atari ? New-Shrink Wrapped, cassette sold
Q*bert Parker Brothers C cart only $4
Q*bert Parker Brothers C Complete in box $9
Qix Atari C 1982, cart only $4
Princess and Frog Romox R cart only sold
RealSports Football Atari C 1983, one of best sport simulation game for Atari home computer, cart only sold
River Raid Activision U 1983, cart only sold
Robotron 2084 Atari C   $6
Sea Chase Romox R cart only sold
Shamus Synapse Software C 1982, Cart only sold
Shamus Synapse Software C 1982, complete in box sold
Smart Terminal Microbits R 1983, cart only $7
Soccer Thorn EMI U 1982, cart only sold
Space Invaders Atari U 1981, 16K, variation of the classic arcade game, poor rendition, cart only $4
Space Journey Roklan U 81, cart only $7
Space Shuttle Activision Rare 1983, cart only sold
Space Shuttle Activision Rare Complete in box sold
Success With Math CBS ? Complete in box, Data Cassette $3
Star Raider Atari C 1980, excellent game, cart only $3
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulation Sega U 1983, cart only sold
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulation Sega U 1983, complete in box sold
Star Wars: The Arcade Game Parker Brothers U 1984, cart only sold
Star Wars: The Arcade Game Parker Brothers U 1984, complete in box $23
Star Wars: ROTJ-Death Star Battle Parker Brothers R 1983, 16K, cart only $10
Star Wars: ROTJ-Death Star Battle Parker Brothers R complete in box $20
Submarine Commander Thorn EMI U 1982, cart only $6
Submarine Commander Thorn EMI U 1982, complete in box $15
Super Breakout Atari C 1979, cart only $4
Super Cobra Parker Brothers U complete in box sold
Telelink I Atari U cart only $5
Tennis Atari C cart only $5
Turmoil Sirius U 1982, by 20th Century Fox, cart only sold
TYPO Romox Rare 1982, cart only sold
Video Easel Atari U 1979, cart only $6
Whiz Kid Romox R cart only sold
Wizard of Wor Roklan C 1981, cart only $7
Zaxxon Sega ?? complete in box, Data Cassette $6
Conversational French Atari ?? complete, 5 data Cassettes $5
Conversation Spanish Atari ?? New-Shrink warp, complete, 5 data Cassttes sold

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Equipment-item Description Price
Atari 800 dust cover good shape sold
Atari XM301 modem complete in box, compatible with Atari XE, 800, 800XL $12
Atari XE console system console, power supply, 1 joystick, 1 game, tv converter sold
Atari 130XE system with box (no manual), console, power supply, 1 game, tv converter sold
Atari CX853 Memory Module 16K-Ram Some games requires the extra memory, upgrade now $4
Atari CX801 Operating Sytem 10K-ROM === sold
Atari Touch Tablet with pen, box, package foam, no manual or software $17
Atari 400 Folder holds 6 cartridge games & manuals $7
Atari XE lightgun it also works on the atari 7800 system $14

5% off with orders of $70 - $99, 10% off with orders of $100 or more.    Atari 400/800/1200/XE Rarity List     home 

BOOK-Title Description Price
Atari Basic by Bob Albrecht, LeRoy Finkel, Joh Wiley & Son, Inc., 331 pages $7
Atari Basic Faster and Better by Carl M. Evans,  IJG, 300 pages $8
Atari Basic Learning By Using by Thomas E. Rowley, Ing.W. Hofacker GmbH, 73 pages $6
Atari Games & Recreations by Herb, Kohl, Ted Kahn, Len Lindsay, Reston Publishing Co., 338 pages $8
Atari Programming with 55 Programs by Linda M. Schreiber, Tab Books Inc., 244 pages $7
Best of Antic An Anthology vol. one, The by James Capparell, Robert DeWitt, 298 pages $7
Basic Exercises for the Atari by J.P. Lamoitier, Sybex, 251 pages $7
Compute!'s Atari Collection volume 2 by Stuart Goldenberg, Compute! Books Publication, 229 pages $8
Compute!'s First Book of Atari Compute! Publication, 184 pages $7
Compute!'s Second Book of Atari Compute! Publication, 250 pages $7
Compute!'s Second Book of Atari Graphics Compute! Publication, 220 pages sold
Compute!'s Third Book of Atari Compute! Publication, 308 pages sold
Compute!'s Mapping The Atari Compute! Publication, 194 pages sold
Free Software for your ATARI Enrich/Ohaus $5
Games For Your Atari Computer by Paul Bunn, Dell, 128 pages $6
Musical Atari, The by Hal Glicksman, DataMost, 167 pages $7
Your Atari Computer A guide to Atari 400/800 personal computers, 458 pages $7
Magazine-Title Description Price
Antic Dec. 1986, volume 5, number 8 $3
Antic Mar. 1987, volume 5, number 11 $3
Antic Dec 1987, volume 6, number 8 $3
Antic May 1987, volume 6, number 1 $3
Antic June 1987, volume 6, number 2 $3
Antic July 1987, volume 6, number 3 $3
Antic Sept. 1987 Volume 6, number 5 $3
Antic Nov. 1987, volume 6, number 7 $3
Antic Jan. 1988, volue 6, number 9 $3
Antic Feb. 1988 Volume 6, number 10 $3
Antic-The Atari Resource March 1988, volume 6, number 11 $3
Antic April 1988, volume 6, number 12 $3
Atari Explorer July/August 1988 $3
Atari Explorer September/October 1988 $3
Atari Explorer September/Octorber 1989 $3