Phil's Phantasy Phootball Primer
Greetings Coaches. Welcome to Fantasy Football 2001
and the Gulf Coast All Pro League (so what if you're not on the Gulf Coast, it's
fantasy, so you can wish you were).
I thought I'd take a moment to share a couple of bits of info and reminders about the league. Even if you've played in the Sandbox before some of this may be helpful.
After you propose a trade, the other owner must accept the trade. There is no time limit for this. It's cordial to accept or decline the trade, or make a counter-offer. It's not protocol to let them hang out there, because an owner might need to start working other deals if you are going to decline, and vice versa. If an offer is accepted, everyone will (hopefully) get an email from the commish, and there is a 48-hr review period. During this period the league owners have the opportunity to contest (protest) the trade, but you must post a comment as to why. Basically you have to convince the commish that the trade is not fair in some way. A minimum of three owners must contest a trade before it will be even reviewed by the commish (whether it's a fair trade or not). Remember, if you want a trade to take effect for the coming week's games, you should have a deal in agreement probably by Thursday (except for weeks with Thursday games, which would need to be sooner). After (and if) the trade passes, you need to check your roster to make sure the right players are starting, etc. Sandbox will not automatically do it for you unless the trade specifies that a player will move to a starting position (if that is confusing, I can go into more detail later). If you read the Help/Trades text, it should be clear.
I will email more tidbits as I think of them. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel feel to send them on. Here's case you
didn't notice there are some wacky team names this year. I am encouraging wacky team names, and you CAN change your team name at
ANY time (View Roster/Edit Team).
Good luck,
Phil, the Phantasy Phootball Phellow
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Coast All Pro League and is not for commercial gain or use. Please do not distribute this website. This league is for recreation only and no money has changed hands.