About 100% Cobblers

This a wholly unofficial website, maintained by Gareth Kingston and Jonathan Collura. No attempt has been made to create a definitive site, instead this site aims to provide an alternative slant on NTFC. For a list of other NTFC sites, visit the links page.

This site is not being run for profit. The authors derive no financial gain from their wor. As this site is run on a voluntary basis the regularity of its updating may fluctuate.

About the authors

Gareth Kingston
Gareth is currently exiled in Sheffield, but fortunately his employers pay him enough to finance his Cobblers fixation. Gareth mainly attends away games in the North and the Midlands, however occasional visits to his parents cunningly always coincide with home matches.

Jonathan Collura
Hailing from the USA Jonathan is primarily a Crystal Palace fan, and he also runs a Crystal Palace site. However in the last year Jonathan has also become a Cobblers fan, and was instrumental in transfering this site to its current location.

Views expressed on this site are those of the authors and in no way reflect the views of NTFC.