
that's me!


Personal data.

Name: Maarten Meinesz
E-mail: mmeinesz@yahoo.com
Date of Birth: November 29th 1974
Place of Birth: Málaga, Spain
Nationality: Dutch
Gender: Male
Marital status: Maried
My status

Post elementary education.

Work experience / Practical training.

  1. Practical training: University of Twente, The Netherlands. Faculty of Applied Physics at the Low Temperature Division. Subject: Design of an 800 KN Cryogen Press for testing of Full Size prototype ITER cables (40x5x5 cm)
  2. Practical training: Texas Instruments, Almelo, The Netherlands. Subject: Design of software for testing prototype transponders for mountainbike racing and testing mechanical properties for a better performance.

  1. Practical training: National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida, U.S.A. Subject: Stress-strain-critical current properties of a superconductor tape made of Bi2212 with an AgMg matrix at cryogenic temperatures. The results were published at: Advances in Superconductivity XI. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'98). Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, Japan, 1999. Viouchkov-Y; Weijers-HW; Meinesz-M; Qu-Q; Hascicek-Y; Schwartz-J.
  2. Started in May '99 as an engineer at the High Field Magnet Laboratory, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Mostly worked for the SHIFT (Superconducting high Tc coils for High Field Technologies) project. The main target of this project, is the development of basic technologies of high field coils for magnetic field generation and for SMES (Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage). Partners in this project are EDF, Alcatel, Aventis, Oxford Instruments, Nijmegen High Field Magnet Laboratory and the Technical University of Tampere.


Dr. Ir. Ing. B. ten Haken Ing. A. Godeke
Group leader High Current Applications Group Research Engineer
Tel.: +31 53 489 3190 Tel.: +31 53 489 3140
Fax: +31 53 489 1099 Fax: +31 53 489 1099
E-mail: b.tenhaken@tn.utwente.nl E-mail: a.godeke@tn.utwente.nl
University of Twente, Low Temperature Division, Faculty of Applied Physics, PO Box 217, 7500AE Enschede, The Netherlands

Ir. H.W. Weijers
HTS Magnets & Materials Group
Tel.: +1 850 644 3102
E-mail: weijers@magnet.fsu.edu
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University, 1800 E. Paul Dirac Dr., Tallahassee FL 32310, USA

Dr. Peter F. Herrmann
Project Leader
Advanced Technology for Cables
Tel.: +33 1 6963 1174
Fax: +33 1 6963 1977
E-mail: peter.herrmann@ms.alcatel.fr
ALCATEL Corporate Research, route de Nozay, F-91461 Marcoussis Cedex, France

Dr. Jos A.A.J. Perenboom
Facility Manager
Tel.: +31 24 365 3370
Fax: +31 24 365 2440
E-mail: peer@sci.kun.nl
High Field Magnet Laboratory, University of Nijmegen, Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Short description of my work.

After studying Applied Physics at the Enschede Polytechnic and some practical training, I started to work as a researcher at the High Field Magnet Laboratory of the University of Nijmegen (Holland)
I performed critical current (Ic) measurements versus magnetic field at different angles (from 0 0 to 90 0 with steps of 15 0) on 76 filament Bi2212/AgPd samples at 4.2 K. The measurements were done in a 17 Tesla Hybrid Magnet with an external superconductor magnet, able to generate 8 more Tesla.
All the measurements were processed and studied for further research.
I realized Ic and Tc measurements on Cylinders of Bi2212 Bulk Material from Aventis Research & Technologies for the development of SMES systems.
Furthermore, I developed for Alcatel (France) a software program (LabView) for automation of Ic measurements on long length (200 meters) Bi2212/AgPd cables and assisted with these measurements.
I supervised two students (VWO Deventer, The Netherlands) to make Tc measurements and teached the principals of superconductivity.

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