Welcome To Dave's Sports Bar & Grill

I want a new blue Ranger cap! By the way I hate the Yankees!

Howdy everyone! Its me the allmighty Dave Palmer and welcome to my sports bar and grill! To all my friends I would like to say hi! One of my most favorite things in life is the wonderful world of sports. Thats why this page is dedicated to sports and the teams I like to root for. (Sure some of them suck but I don't give a hoot what you think) I'm new at this web page making stuff so I need a good swift kick to my pants to make it better. So please leave me an email if you live too far to kick me and just save that good kick till the next time you see me. Adios :)

You wanted a picture of me well here I am. No I am not a 3 headed monster it's just my best buddies and I making asses of ourselves. The guy left is Danny "Dumpy" Quist, He is a computer geek at New Mexico Tech but don't hold that against him. Joe "The New Yawker" Brower is in the center, he is a super cool broadcast journalism at Texas Tech for the time being (UPDATE Joe is now a hardcore PHYISICS major. Yeah I know he's a masachist), and major update to anyone who hasnt seen him since high school he wears COLOR! Finaly thats me holding the tortillas. This picture is a little old now because I have decided on growing a goatee. New pictures are on their way. The story behind the picture is one night the three of us decided to toilet paper Dumpy's girlfriends house and we dressed up like supercomandos off to the hunt. We made a realy cool mess.

Here is some new pictures of us being stupid that night.

Protector of children and los puppies!

Some of my favorite happy sites! There are more links inside the bar!

Dumpy Quist's web page
Joe's Happy Anime Fun
The wonderful world of ESPN
The greatest sports talk show host in the world!
The best radio talk show on earth!
New Mexico States site

Enter my sports bar!

Well here is a little bit about myself to you people who really don't know me real well. Right now I am stuck here in El Paso, TX and currently attending New Mexico State University. Now you might ask how do I live in Texas and go to school in New Mexico. Well let me tell you this, IT AINT EASY! But El Paso is far enough from Austin that it should be part of New Mexico anyhow. Well back to what I was saying, I coumute to school. And let me tell you this it really sucks. It's about 65 miles of one long and boring road. The only good part of my comute is watching the decay of roadkill over the days, and the smell of the dairies. One of these days I might want to stop off the side of the road every now and then and take some pictures of the really nice sights I see plastered on I-10 every school day and post them on my page.

Anyhow I am currently double majoring in international business and economics. To do exactly what I have no idea but if you have a nice job offer for me please give it to me.

FREE TIME: (This is starting to dwindle)
During my spare time I enjoy watching pro sports. I love baseball ( TEXAS RANGERS and DODGERS.), hockey ( GO AVALANCHE and Blackhawks.), basketball (Go Spurs!), Football (Go anyone who plays against the Dallas Cowgirl um I mean Cowboys. Or the Bears!) (Yes I live in Texas and hate the Cowboys), finally pro wrestling. (Yes I know its fake but its cool watching 300 pound guys fly in the air and not kill themselves.) An other hobby of mine is photography. My old friends from high school can say that it was a rare site to see me without a camera. Well guys let me tell you this I am in vacation from taking pictures. I'll have to wait till I have a real job after college to start that up again. In other words I need money to take pictures and to have a cool darkroom. And going to college doesn't bring in the cash. But if any one reading this who have a couple million dollars to spare I'll gladly take that money and put it into good use. With the 90s being a decade of corporate advertisement this page is sponsored bySPAM (TM.). SPAM (TM.) is the greatest stuff on earth. That's why I endorse that stuff. =oP Actually the Spam thing is a joke I started during my senior year of high school and I decided to continue on with all its wackiness. So that's basically me in a nutshell. Check out my page often since I am trying to add more links every week and I might use this to rant and rave about things that bug me. :^)

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