Anne P. Newhall
129 Spoonville Road
East Granby, Connecticut 06026
(860) 651-5769





To obtain a position where I can effectively utilize my experience with premature pregnancies and child development as a counselor to those in need of emotional support during their troubled or high risk pregnancies





Community Involvement


Hartford, Connecticut



Support Group Member

January 1999 - present



  • Responsible for emotional support of women having high risk or troubled pregnancies
  • Provide, based on the personal experiences of raising a 25 week preemie, ways to better handle potential obstacles during pregnancy






Women’s Club of East Granby

East Granby, Connecticut




June 2003 - present



  • Responsible for overseeing all activity of the Women’s Club
  • Coordinate the location and timing of monthly meetings
  • Arranging for guest speakers, ranging on such topics as financial management, self defense



Scholarship Committee Chairperson

June 2002



  • One of 4 individuals responsible for granting annual scholarship to female High School Senior who best exhibits strong community presence while maintaining good academic standing



Winter Wonderland Co-Chairperson

December 2000



  • One of 2 chairpersons responsible for the annual event focused on children visiting with Santa Claus
  • Responsible for arranging logistics of a Santa Claus and event tables for children ages 0-13
  • Arrange for refreshments to be donated by area restaurants




June 1997 – June 1999



  • Responsible for the financial aspects of the Women’s Club
  • Establish the annual budget for the club
  • Manage the revenue and expenses associated with the club’s events



Craft Fair Co-Chairperson

June 1997 – May 1999



  • One of 2 chairpersons responsible for the annual spring craft fairs of 1998 and 1999
  • Responsible for the fair’s budget and appropriate sub-committees involved with the fair
  • Arrange working space for as many as 75 crafters in local elementary school





Work Experience

First National Bank of Suffield

Suffield, Connecticut



Teller / Customer Service Representative

September 1995 – July 1998



  • Support the daily functions of the East Granby branch as a teller
  • Knowledgable in the functions of the customer support representative






New England Preschool Academy

Windsor Locks, Connecticut



Daycare Teacher

January 1995 – September 1995



  • One of 4 teachers working with twenty 2-year-old children
  • Taught them fundamental skills, such as the alphabet and numbers
  • Coordinated graduation activities for the children, including songs and skits for their families and friends







Enfield, Connecticut



Daycare Teacher

August 1994 – January 1995



  • One of 4 teachers working with twenty 2-year-old children
  • Taught them fundamental skills, such as the alphabet and numbers






State University at Potsdam

Potsdam, New York



Bachelor of Arts, Spanish and Education



  • Completed 4 years, GPA 2.3 / 4.0
  • Student teacher of Spanish for 7 Special Education students (ages 13-16) with varying degrees of learning abilities at Norwood / Norfolk Central High School in Norwood, New York
  • Tutored one 15-year-old first year Spanish