SEWF Rules and Regulations

There aren't too many rules but the ones I have, I would like you to follow. If you disagree with a rule or think another should be added, just drop me a line.
Cussing will be kept at a minimum. At least use astericks and stars for the words.
Limit is one tag team and one singles wrestlers or 2 singles wrestlers.
President has final say in all matters, including the inclusion of role plays and interference.
Interference will only be used when presented in a creative way, or to further and/or start a fued. Pointless inteference serves no purpose.
Stables can exist only when 2 or more DIFFERENT handlers are involved. No one man stables will be tolerated. I will give you a time period to recruit members openly, but if too much time passes and no one wants to join, the stable becomes defunct.
Making fun of the fed should be nonexistent, it will get you nowhere.
This is not a dictatorship, there will always be room to negotiate on everything.
Everytime you come to the web page, click on my sponsor's banner. It helps!
Follow these and you should be ok. Thanks.
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David Shaw SEWF Prez.