(Camera fades in on a new and improved SEWF banner. It spins slowly getting faster and faster until it reaches a speed that makes it look like just a stationary 3-D oval. Like a marquee, the words MidSummer Night's Brawl move up the oval. Suddenly the oval explodes and this massive explosion reveals the return of Stylin' Steve Chen alongside "The Prodigy" Jason Cline and EoA's own Dez Phearson. SSC begins to speak....)
SSC: Welcome folks to another PPV spectacular put forth by the SEWF as only the SEWF can. It's good to be back in the booth even it is for just PPVs nowadays with the absence of SNM. I'd like to thank Mr. Cline here and Mr. Dez Phearson for joining me. Welcome guys.
JC: Yeah, well, I wanna see who's gonna die. Plain and simple, death is going down in here.
DP: I'm a little less blood thirsty, but it will be intriguing to see who gest the ax, literally.
SSC: Well, first we'd like to go to President Shaw who is the ring to make a special dedication for the PPV. Take it away, Prez.
(Camera cuts to the middle of the ring, newly embossed with a MidSummer Night's Brawl logo in the middle. Prez Shaw is standing in the ring with the SEWF title.)
PS: Thanks, Steve. SEWF fans, employees, and administration alike were hit with a devastating blow when the news of Rob Dalton's early demise first hit our ears. The man that personified what an SEWF champion should be was tragically taken from us in a horrible plane crash. Now, the administration has had its differences and strugle with Mr. Dalton, but he was truly an asset to this federation. So, in memorium to Mr. Dalton, the world title I hold now in my hands is hereby retired. It will hang below the United States flag in the Shawplex as an eternal reminder of Rob Dalton's courage, excellence, and pure charisma that graced the SEWF. This show is dedicated to him and his memory. Rest in peace, Rob.
(The Shawplex is silent as the fans recognize the solemn moment. The camera then cuts back to the broadcasting team.)
SSC: Very well put by our esteemed prez.
JC: Great remarks to eulogize a great man indeed.
DP: Well, on a much lighter note we've got great action for you all right off the bat with what promises to be a wild brawl for the TV title.
SSC: That's right Dez, let's cut to the ring and action!
TV Title Gauntlet Match
(Camera cuts to the massive SEWF entryway as one by one the combatants for the TV title gauntlet emerge from the entryway.
Here is a quick summary of the falls in the television title guantlet match. I will summarize the falls up to the final four men.
1.Nathan " Kid Dropper" Kaplan - Eliminated by Tornado DDT to the outside by Steve Maldor
2.El Dorado - Eliminated by a top rope leg drop from Rick Stone
3.Tom Collins - Eliminated by Rapid Fire putting him in a sharpshooter on the outside of the ring
4.Justin Hammer - Eliminated after Lucious Luciano and Kyle Morden beat the living shit out of him with chairs...Kyle made the pin
5.Rapid Fire - Eliminated by Luciano in the center of the ring with the figure four leg lock.
OK....Now we're down to four men who have been wrestling for about 28 minutes already. Just to keep you up to speed, before we get to the match let me address each of the four men's physical condition.
1. Lucious Luciano: Luciano kept a fairly even pace throughout the match, but injured his left knee when he dove off the top rope to attack Justin Hammer. After the leg incident Kyle Morden worked it over more with a steel chair.Luciano also got his head busted wide open from a side kick to the jaw by Steve Maldor. Right now Lucious Luciano is lying in the far corner of the ring trying to get a breather while the other men remain occupied.
2. "Rebel" Rick Stone: He is just a mess. Right from the beginning of the match he had been double teamed. First it was by Rapid Fire and Morden and then by El Dorado and Collins. Rick Stone is showing a great amount of persistence, but that might not last too long seeing that he can't even stand up on his own from his body absorbing to much punishment. Most of his damage was done when he rammed the steel steps headfirst after an irish whip from Maldor. Rick Stone is trying to pull himself up on the outside of the ring below Luciano.
3. Steve Maldor: He started out the match being attacked by Nathan Kaplan. Kaplan got a few good shots in, but was quickly beaten by this former champ. What Steve did wrong was thinking he could trust Kyle Morden. Steve and he seemed to be working together until Morden split him open with a chair. Maldor also injured his back from being tosssed into the guardrail. Stone also had him in a boston crab until he got jacked by Luciano. Maldor is now fighting with Morden all the way back at the entrance to the ring. He is standing, but there is an incredible amount of blood pouring out of his head and he seems to be in a great deal of pain from hurtining his back.
4. Kyle Morden: Even though he is in the best condition out of the four he is still hurting pretty bad. Morden found a way to stay out of the thick of things until later in the match when Justin Hammer put him through a table. Morden seemed fine, but Maldor followed it up with a frogsplash to the outside which took the wind out of him. The only injury I can see is when Morden went to punch Maldor in the mouth, but missed and hit the ringpost instead. His left hand seems to be broken. Just to reiterate, Morden is at the entrance way fighting with Maldor.
(Back to the ring: Luciano is beginning to pull himself up using the ropes as the crowd cheers him on. As he uses his last burst of energy to pick himself up he sees Rick Stone lying helplessly on the floor. Luciano crawls out of the ring and makes his way over to Stone who had been playing possum. WHAM...Stone just cracked Luciano in the face with some sort of metal object. Luciano falls to the floor as Stone gets to his feet.)
JC: Hey, Stone might be gettin the hang of this wrestling thing, foreign objects never hurt.
DP: Unless you're hit with one of course.
(He begins stomping away at Luciano like there's no tomorrow. Stone then lifts him to his feet and whips him into the ringpost. Stone goes charging in only to see Luciano move out of the way. CLANG!!!! Stone hits head first and collapses to the floor right beside Luciano. Meanwhile, up at the top of the ramp we can see Maldor choking Morden with a television cable. The blood is just dripping out of Maldor as he chokes away. He finally breaks the hold and lifts Morden to his feet. Maldor then grabs Morden by the hair and whips him back down the ramp. Morden starts to tumble as Maldor slowly limps behind him. Maldor then plants a boot in the back of his head a few times before attempting to suplex him.)
SSC: This could get pretty nasty pretty fast.
(He gets him up and SMASH!!! Right on top the steps. Morden is now holding his back in absolute agony as Maldor walks over to where Luciano and Stone are lying. Maldor lifts up Stone jacks him in the jaw which sends him floundering back to the ring apron. Stone gets his balance and rolls into the ring. Little does he know that Morden had made his way in with....A WRENCH??? Stone turns around just in time to see Morden swinging the wrench as hard as he can. It connects right between the eyes. As soon as we hear the sickening thud of his face breaking we can see his face just explode with blood and cartilage.)
SSC: And I was write about the pretty nasty part. Stone is cooked.
(Stone is out cold before he even hits the ground. Morden then drops on top of him and makes the cover.....ONE.....TWO......THREE!!! Rick Stone has just been eliminated and Maldor has slipped into the ring to attack Morden from behind. He clips him in the back of the knee and starts to punch Morden in the back of the head. Just then Luciano rolls in and startsstomping on Maldor. Maldor is so hurt at this point that all he can do is lie there and take the punishment. Morden then gets up and the double teaming begins. They hit him with a double suplex for starters. Maldor is practically unconcious but they want to make sure. Luciano grabs Maldor by the legs as Morden slowly makes his way to the top. Morden perches high above the ring and then dives off for a splash. He connects and Luciano lets go of Maldor so the pin can be made...ONE...TWO...KICK OUT BY MALDOR!!! The two men just look at eachother with amazement. Morden then grabs Maldor and punches him in the temple. The only problem is he used the injured hand.)
JC: Always smooth to use your injured hand to nail a piece of bone. Quick thinking there.
(Morden falls to his knees in pain as Maldor falls to his back. Luciano then climbs to the top in hopes of finishing Maldor off. Maldor, however, had other plans. He jumps up to his feet and pushes Luciano to the floor hard. Maldor then runs over to Morden and kicks him in the jaw. This floors Morden and Steve then makes his way to the ropes. He uses his last bit of strength to pull himself up to the top rope. He then jumps off in a desperate attempt and hits an elbow right in the sternum of Luciano. Maldor then covers him as the ref counts...ONE...TWO...THREE!!!! Luciano has just been eliminated. Morden is beginning to get up, but can't surprise Maldor because Steve has gotten to his feet and is staring right at him. With a swipe of his left hand, Maldor wipes away the blood from his eyes and stares at Kyle Morden with a great deal of determination. Morden takes a step back and invites the former TV champ into the ring to end this thing once and for all. The two are standing eye to eye now. Maldor with blood running down his cheek and Morden with sweat running into his eyes.)
DP: Morden looks like he's been through a 40 hour workout. His endurance will come into play now.
(Morden is obviously favoring his hand as they lock up, but with Maldor's back injury he has enough power to get him over. Maldor is flat on his back and Kyle is driving his knee hard into Maldor's stomach. Maldor rolls out of the ring in an attempt to get away, but he runs into Lucious Luciano who is a little sore about being eliminated. He cracks Maldor over the head with some piping that was underneath the ring. Maldor falls to the floor as Luciano stomps him repeatedly. Morden is quick to the outside only to get swung at by Luciano. Morden ducks under the pipe and hits Luciano in the ribs. He then clotheslines him to the ground and the two men are fighting furiously while Steve Maldor is fighting to his feet. He gets up and blindsides Luciano, driving his head into the floor over and over again until the puddle of blood starts to run into the fans. About ten referees have started to run to the ring to get Luciano out of there. They finally strip Maldor away from his fit of rage and he tears into one of them. Maldor grabs the official by the throat and rams him into the ringpost.)
JC: Beautiful, just beautiful. Ram the ref into the ringpost, I love it!
DP: Well, that ref ain't gonna be seeing any pinfalls this side of Dreamland for awhile.
(He then lets out a scream and charges at Morden. Maldor grabs Kyle by the hair and drives him headfirst into the guardrail. The fans are going crazy as Maldor starts to show us a new side to his demeanor. He is pounding Morden's face ferociously until blood starts to squirt out of his eyes. Morden's left eye is already beginning to swell as Maldor stumbles back. That tyrade he just went on drained him of his energy. He rolls into the ring a bloody mess and tries to climb the ropes. He is so weak that he can't get up and falls to his back in the center of the ring. Keep in mind that these two athletes have been fighting their hearts out for over fourty five minutes. Morden is beginning to get to his feet, but Maldor has beaten him to it. Steve Maldor bounces off the ropes and hurles himself over them to hit a suicide dive on Morden. Both men go crashing to the concrete, but neither man is out.)
SSC: Great high risk move from Maldor, something we haven't seen too much of lately.
(They begin to roll around on the floor, punching and scratching at each others faces and backs. Maldor begins to get the upperhand, but is jabbed in the eye with Kyle's thumb. Steve rolls off of him and gets to his knees. Kyle gets up as well and pulls Maldor all the way to his feet. Kyle grabs Maldor by his hair and drags him to the top of the ramp. He then powerbombs him onto the entrance way and goes for the cover...ONE...TWO...THR...KICK OUT BY MALDOR...WHAT INTESTINAL FORTITUDE!!!)
DP: This one's gonna go all night folks!
JC: Better not, I wanna see someone die dammit.
(Morden, who has been looking good in this match considering his hand is busted, is beginning to get frustrated. He lifts Maldor up and tosses him through the curtains to the backstage area. We are trying to follow with are camera's as the action moves down the hallway to the back doors of the Shawplex. Morden grabs Maldor by the throat and runs him back first into the glass doors and they shatter immediately. Morden, still holding onto his neck, rams Maldor into the wall directly beside the door and then chokeslams him to the floor. Morden falls down from using to much of his energy, but finds a way to get to Maldor's bloody body to make the cover...ONE...TWO...THREE...NO.NO.NO..MALDOR GOT HIS SHOULDER UP JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME...WHERE DOES ALL OF THIS ENERGY COME FROM????)
DP: I take that back, this thing ain't gonna go all night, it's gonna all damn week at this rate!
(Morden is really getting frustrated at this point. He takes a few steps back and attempts a leg drop, but Maldor moves out of the way. Maldor rolls onto his front to push himself up and we can see several gashes on his back from the door breaking. The blood coming out of this man is unbelievable...but he refuses to give up. Maldor pulls himself up using a handle to a maintenance closet. Morden is already up and tries to suplex Maldor. Steve, however, blocks the move and knees Kyle in the groin as hard as he can. Kyle starts to fall down, but Steve grabs him by the hair to hold him up. Steve Maldor then positions himself and suplexes Morden. On the way down Morden's left leg breaks the SEWF trophy case which was postioned across from the two combatants. The camera then zooms in on Kyle's leg which has a large shard of glass jammed in the calf muscle.)
JC: Now that's a pretty sight.
SSC: Not if you happen to be eating....
(Kyle is screaming like nothing I have ever heard as Maldor crawls over to it. Steve then rips the glass out of Morden's leg. Before we give him a humanitarian award I should tell you that he immediately sticks his thumb in the wound. Morden is still screaming as Maldor jams his thumb into the fleshy mess which was Kyle's leg. Maldor soon stops with the assault and slams his forearm into Kyle's face. Kyle goes down like a bag of bricks and Maldor makes a cover....ONE.....TWO....THRE...KICKOUT BY KYLE MORDEN...THESE TWO MEN ARE PHENOMENAL...THEY REALLY WANT THIS BELT!!!!)
DP: This is what competition is about folks, nothing but raw want and determination for that gold.
SSC: I'm loving this.
(Steve then slithers his way over to a buffet table so that he can lift himself up. Kyle is yanking with all his might to get up. He grabs a large plaque with a picture of the late Rob Dalton on it. Kyle then hobbles over to Steve and smashes him in the back with it. Morden is holding himself up with his left arm and punching at Maldor with his right. Steve Maldor is trying to fight the punches off, but is absolutely too weak from the amount of blood lost. Kyle then falls on Maldor for the cover, but the ref doesn't get there in time.)
JC: These guys could be IronMen no doubt!
(Maldor and Kyle are fighting each other to their feet, but Kyle has the distinct disadvantage of not being able to use his leg. Maldor pushes him intop a corner and then charges at him both men crash through a wooden door. As luck would have it it's Lucious Luciano's dressing room. He is sitting there by himself with ice on his head. As soon as he sees who has fallen into his room he jumps to his feet. Luciano then grabs the official by the neck and slams him into the wall. The ref is out and there is no one to officiate the match. The camera cut to a shot of three officials running down the hallway to the dressing room.)
DP: I don't think that even three refs can keep it together in this wild fight!
JC: I always said refs are useless, get rid of 'em.
(The camera's then cut beck to action just in time to see Morden force Maldor into the mirror. The mirror shatters into a million pieces, but Maldor doesn't fall. He stays there...standing...Steve then grabs the shocked Morden and cinches him in for a bodyslam. As soon as he gets him up Luciano cracks Maldor in the back of the knees with a wooden chair. It breaks and Maldor falls down hard. The referees then make it into the dressing room to make sure it's a fair fight. They question Luciano, but he swears he didn't interfere. The whole time they are arguing with Luciano Kyle Morden is taking advantage of the interference and is choking Maldor.)
JC: Good man, keep it goin!
(We see Maldor's eyes begin to turn red before closing. The ref then counts as Morden makes the cover...ONE...TWO...THREE!!! WHAT A SPECTACULAR MATCH..EVEN WITH INTERFERENCE BOTH MEN SACRIFICED THEIR LIVES AND CAREERS FOR THE LAST TWENTY FIVE MINUTES OF THIS MATCH!!! Morden then rolls off of Maldor as the medics come to help both men who are cut badly. As the bandage Morden's leg and place Maldor on a stretcher Luciano just stands there with a smile on his face.)
WINNER AND NEW TV CHAMP: Kyle "Cannibal Morden"
SSC: Well, in the end Kyle "Cannibal" Morden comes away with the win, it does look like the new talent in the SEWF is taking over.
DP: But the final four also produced two old school combatants in Maldor and Stone.
JC: Screw the final four. All they are are runners up to the Cannibal, a guy who eats small children in his spare time. He laid it all out for that match, along with Maldor, they did great no doubt.
SSC: Anyway, as I'm almost out of breath after that marathon, we've got a special interview with one Frazer Fury up next. Enjoy.....somehow.
["Killing in the Name" by Rage Against the Machine starts up, and out walks Frazer Fury, wearing his wrestling attire as well as a black "Midsummer Night's Brawl" t-shirt. He mugs for the fans, slapping some hands, as they cheer him on, despite his heel status. Frazer gets up on the ring apron, and slingshots himself in, as the ring announcer hands him the house mic...]
Frazer Fury: Y'know...I could come out here, and ask you to "raise the roof" or "wave ya hands in the air like ya just don't care", or soemthing stupid like that, but I don't. And you love me for it, don't you? do..
[The Crowd is still popping big time for Frazer, and a couple of pro-Frazer chants start up.]
FF:Tonight, I meet one of my greatest challenges yet, when I step into the ring with my good friend, Dean McGrath.
[The crowd pops for Dean, as well. Frazer nods in accordance, acknowledging their cheers for Dean..]
FF:It'll be a match of respect, one of the few I've had..a match without a loser. One man will emerge with that 15 pounds of gold around his waist, with the gory, the accomplishment...the other will leave with everything but the belt. This is kind of deep, so I doubt a lot of you can grasp it, but Dean... I'd like to thank you for every punch you're going to hit me with, and I know you feel the same, most likely. It'll be..interesting. Dean and I have basically said everything there is to say, it'll be a great match, there's really not much more to it than the actual match now. I'm ready, I'm sure you are... I'll be waiting..
[With that, Frazer tosses the mic down, as "Killing in the Name" starts up again. He steps through the ropes, stands on the apron, taking a good look at the crowd, and walks back up the aisleway, anxious for his match to begin...]
SSC: On that Frazer note, we're gonna keep this thing rolling with some great Lethal Lotto action all for a shot at the US strap.
DP: This teams were selected out of a hat and I think it shows. You wouldn't catch Adam Williams and Maniac on the same team unless you shot both of them up with tranquilizer any other time.
JC: I say those two last about 3 seconds as a cohesive unit before they go straight for the jugulars.
SSC: And that, folks, is why it's called the Lethal Lotto. No one has yet suffered the ultimate loss, the loss of their life, so stay tuned for that upcoming sometime. Any guesses guys?
JC: You.
DP: Uh....I'll go with that stupid Reverand dude.
SSC: And I'll pick dinner for the Cannibal. To the ring we go!
Jay Ward/Dynamite David Shaw v/s Reverand/Killer Christian Holmes
(Out of the entrance first was Dynamite David Shaw with the familiar black tights with dynamite stick on one leg emerging to "Layla" by Eric Clapton. Immediately behind him was Jay Ward who settled to come out to Layla. No eye contact took place between the two fighters as DDS took the time to slap a few hands on his way to the ring. JW and DDS planted themselves in the ring to await Reverand and Killer Christian Holmes. Killer emerged to KillerThemeSong alongside the Reverand. Reverand was quiet as always with a solemn look on his face to match that of Killer's. Killer kept his eyes on the ring and his opponents the entire walk to the ring. He hopped in, as did Reverand, and the two teams went nose to nose. The ref separated them into their respective corners and the bell sounded.)
SSC: It'll be interesting to see if Ward and DDS can get along especially if you think back to that vicious beat down on Jay Ward, a beat down that DDS and the then Youngbloods participated in.
JC: I'm very familiar with both that beatdown and the Youngbloods. I also know DDS and with that said, I say that some friction will definitely take place.
(Reverand and DDS hook up first and DDS simply throws Reverand into a corner.)
DP: Great show of strength by DDS.
(Reverand hops back up and the two lock up once again. This time Reverand gets the advantage and twists DDS' arm back into a hammerlock. DDS reverses it into a hammerlock of his own.)
SSC: Great counter by DDS, he's one of the best in the business at that.
(With DDS hooked on, Reverand throws a couple of elbows to cause some separation between the two. DDS staggers back and Reverand hits him with a drop kick to send DDS down to the mat.)
JC: Ooooooo, a drop kick, I guess this guy is great, NOT. DDS has the experience and know how in the ring, Reverand needs to tag in Killer.
(Reverand picks up DDS and whips him into the ropes to hit a heel kick on DDS. DDS this time does not go down, but staggers back. Reverand charges at him and DDS drops out of the way, sending Reverand into the ropes. DDS uses the reactive momentum to roll up Reverand.)
SSC: DDS with a 1...2...kick out. I didn't think it'd be over that quick.
DP: No, but a good opportunity capialized by DDS.
(Reverand gets to his feet first and lays a couple right hands into the skull of DDS. Reverand puts DDS in a headlock and brings him over to his corner to tag in Killer. Killer comes in and gives DDS a quick kick to the ribs.)
JC: Finally got the only guy in this match with decent talent in the ring, maybe it'll pick up now.
(Killer grinds a couple fingers into the eyes of DDS up to the 4 count. DDS' hands go up to his eyes, leaving his midsection open to another quick kick from Killer. DDS staggers back and Killer hits him with a European uppercut.)
DP: Whoa, that had some steam on it.
(Killer stays on the offensive, whipping DDS into the ropes. DDS ducks on the way back and the two collide in a shoulder block that sends both men down. Killer tries to shake it off while DDS desperately tries to crawl over to Ward. Ward begins to pound on the turnbuckle for fan support.)
SSC: The fans are really getting behind Ward, let's see if DDS has enough.
JC: Screw the fans, it's all up to DDS' conditioning right now.
(DDS inches closer and closer as Killer finally gets back to his feet. Killer runs at DDS who makes a final desperate lunge that.......nails Jay Ward's outstretched hand.)
SSC: Uh oh, Ward's got the fresh legs and he's clearing house right now folks.
(Jay Ward hits a running clothesline on Killer and nails Reverand off of the ring apron with a drop kick. He hits the ropes and delivers a big leg drop to Killer.)
DP: Looks like Jay Ward was itching to get in, and it's paying off for him right now.
(Jay Ward clotheslines Reverand who tried to re-enter the ring. Killer is now up and Ward whips him into the turnbuckle. Killer staggers out and Ward hits the opposite rope to nail a huge bulldog. He flips Killer over for the cover.)
SSC: Leg hooked, 1....2....Killer just got the shoulder up.
(Killer tries to get up but Jay Ward is up first and kicks him in the head. Ward then picks up Killer and whips him into the ropes. Ward hits the ropes himself and leaps in a big cross body block only to meet Killer doing the same thing. The two smack hard in midair and fall to the ground.)
DP: Another test of conditioning, this time for Killer.
(Killer inches towards his corner as Ward does to his. Ward reaches his corner first but all of the sudden, DDS just jumps of the ring apron. Meanwhile Killer makes the tag into Reverand. Ward is yelling at DDS who is walking away. Reverand comes behind Ward and nails a huge inverted DDT!!!)
JC: BAM!!!!
(Reverand flips Ward over for the cover.)
SSC: Both legs hooked, 1...2...3! This one's over folks.
WINNERS: Reverand/Killer Christian Holmes via Rev's Inv. DDT
DP: Well, Reverand and Killer are the first to advance to the battle royal for the US strap.
SSC: And who would have thought Reverand would be the one to do it for them?
JC: Not me or any other sane person out there, that's for sure. Did I tell you that there would be friction? That says it all right there.
SSC: At any rate Reverand and Killer advance. To find out who they will be fighting against, let's go right to the next match.
Jake Rockwell/Eradicator v/s Calvin Simmons/Ghost
(...Eradicator starts to walk out slowly, the crowd pretty much jeering him as he makes his way to the ring, stepping in catiously, then awaiting everybody else...Jake Rockwell begisn his trip down as well, looking to the crowd for a reaction, but not getting exactly what he wanted...a dark, Halloween-type song plays now, as Ghost begins his way down to the ring, as the fans give him a little pop...his partner, Calvin Simmons comes through the curtains to "Murder the Government" by NOFX...the fans give him the biggest pop of the four, but nothing really extravagant...he steps into the ring, and before the bell can even ring, Calvin runs and tackles Jake, leveling him right in the middle of the ring...Eradicator and Ghost just kind of look at each other, and go to each other's respective corners)
DP: That's one way to get the early advantage.
JC: That's how everyone should do it, no doubt.
(...Simmons has Jake down, throwing rights and lefts to his face, as Jake is doing his best to block them...Jake finally lets up, pulling Jake up by the hair, Calvin kicks him to the gut quickly, then gives a fast European uppercut, sending Jake blindly to the mat once again...Jake goes to make the tag, as Calvin doesn't even THINK of tagging Ghost)
SSC: Calving being reluctant to tag could easily hurt the time. I wouldn't wanna piss of Ghost needlessly.
JC: Ghost is nothing, Calvin IS that team.
(...Eradicator runs in with a fast clothesline attempt, but Calvin ducks it, and catches Eradicator with a spinning heel kick, that definitely sends him down, and outside of the ring...Calvin follows in pursuit, throwing Eradicator into the steel steps, as Eradicator's back springs out like that arch in St. Louis...Jake Rockwell attempts what looks to be like a double axe-handle off the ring apron, but Calvin catches him in a bear hug-like maneuver, as jake gets belly-to-belly'ed right over the railing outside...)
SSC: And we've spilled outside with quite a move from Cavlin!
(...Ghost reaches down and tags Calvin out, as Calvin looks at the ref, the ref of course signaling a tag has been made, Calvin throws a fit, as Ghost waits in the ring for Eradicator to get back in...when he does, Ghost floors him with a dropkick, then attempts a pin...1...2...kickout by Eradicator)
DP: Calvin wasn't too thrilled about that tag, but like it or not, Ghost is in control.
(...Ghost whips him inot the ropes, as Eradicator comes back, he hits a dropkick, then after a few struggling seconds, re-tags Rockwell back in, as Ghost re-tags Calvin back in...Calvin comes in with a running "I am so full of energy, I am going to just run into you"...Rockwell goes down hard...Calvin, looking like a savage beast, picks Jake back up, delivering a belly-to-back suplex, rocking the fallen Jake, as he covers...1...2...the save by Eradicator...Ghost comes into help Calvin, and dispose of the Eradicator...Eradicator is whipped into the turnbuckle, crushing the referee, and Ghost waits on the opposite side, Calvin grabs a chair from outside)
SSC: Tell me, someone, who the hell leaves all those damn chairs just lying around.
JC: Who cares, death by chair sounds good to me.
( Rockwell confronts Ghost in the corner, Calvin comes rushing in with the chair, completely leveling Ghost, his own partner...Calvin gives a "Whoops, I'm really sorry look")
DP: Anyone who thinks Calvin is really sorry, turn us off and watch the WCW, they need it.
(...Jake looks at Calvin, only for a second, right before Calvin has the same chair wrapped around Jake's face...Calvin tugs Ghost over on top of Jake, as he disposes of the fallen Eradicator, and pulls the ref the ref shortly thereafter wakes up, he counts...1...2.....3...Calvin has already begun his walk to the back, not even looking twice to see if he won the match...)
SSC: I guess no nead to confirm a win if you know you've got it locked up.
JC: I still wouldn't be sure a no talent hack like Ghost could even pin a guy.
WINNERS: Calvin Simmons/Ghost via Calvin chair shot
SSC: Another excellent showing for Simmons who was truly in control of that match.
DP: He decided that match, no doubt.
JC: Ghost is gonna get his Casper-ass kicked in the battle royal, just watch.
SSC: Speaking of that battle royal, let's figure out the last two that will join Killer, Reverand, Ghost, and Calvin Simmons to fight for the title.
Xtremist/Don Marvin v/s Adam Williams/Maniac
(Xtremist and Don Marvin are already in the ring. They came out to music and stuff with an okay pop. The people taunted them on how boring they were. They mocked Xtremist and his catch phrase. They kept calling Don Marvin.."Dan Martin" for some odd reason. Screwy bunch of fans. Hey, they did it...not me. Out comes Maniac looking like a total bum. He's wearing raggady street clothes and stuff that bums wear. "Purple Haze" by Jimi Hendriz blares over the PA system as the lights go pitch dark. There is a single red spotlight in the entrance ramp, but Williams is nowhere to be seen. The lights go back on after 30 or so seconds, and Adam Williams is going medeival on Don Marvin with punches and kicks the to the ribs.)
SSC: Another quick start, geez!
(Don Marvin tries to get up, but Adam Williams kicks a field goal in the mouth of Don Marvin. He then kicks Marvin square in the ass which sends him spriling to the corner where he tags in Xtremist. Adam Williams gives Xtremist the universal "F-U" sign, and Williams slings in Maniac for the tag. It looked like a tag that is. Williams just knocked the hell out of Maniac so it's legal..aaaanyways. Xtremist hits the stunned Maniac with a lionsault. He picks up Maniac then repells off the ropes with a spinning heel kick. This sends Maniac to his corner, but Williams drops off the apron, and ignores Maniac.)
DP: Double crosses galore in this Lotto!
(It looks as though he even spits on Maniac. A bigass loogey I think. Xtremst picks up Maniac, and tigerbombs him to the mat. He then climbs the top-rope, and hits Maniac with a top-rope legdrop. He drags Maniac over to his corner where he tags in Don Marvin who is bleeding from his mouth by that bigass field goal Williams laid on him. Don Marvin hits Maniac with a shoulder breaker. He then picks him up, and rams him shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Marvin then hits Maniac with a mafia kick. He comes reeling over to Williams, but Williams bitch slaps Maniac sending him over to Don Marvin.)
JC: What's what we like to see, some attitude!
(Marvin then hits Maniac with a dragon suplex following through. He sits Maniac on the top rope then nails him with a weak looking top-rope jackhammer. The fans laugh at the move I think, or maybe that Maniac is getting his ass kicked. Marvin then tags in Xtremist. He drags Maniac to the turnbuckle, and hits him with a 450 splash. Instead of going for the pin he picks him up, and nails him with a Michinoku Driver II for the 1..2...3. Afterwards Don Marvin is sideswiped with a bigass tireiron knocking him out. Adam Williams nails Marvin in the head with it again knocking him to the floor unconcious. Xtresmit goes to the back, but Adam hits Don Marvin square in the face with that tire iron from the top rope. Adam then goes to work over Maniac with the tire iron.)
SSC: That can't be too fuzzy feeling.
(He hits him over the head, neck, arm, shoulder, and knee with it. Then he hits him sqaure in the nuts with it. He then takes the sharp point of the tire iron, and gauges Maniac in the eye with it. Williams goes to the outside, and gets a chair. He places Maniac's neck in the chair. Williams goes to the top rope, and jumps full force onto the chair sending Maniac into convulsions. Williams picks up Maniac, and piledrives him twice on the chair. Williams then sets up Maniac for a top rope falcon arrow from the top rope onto the chair. He goes to the outside, and after a few minutes he pulls a table out. Williams sets the chair up on the table. Williams then puts Maniac on the top rope again. BAME with a top rope falcon arrow through the chair and table. After a minute Williams gets up again, and kicks Maniac in the face a few times. When he walks off he says something to the effect of "That's whta your sorry ass gets from running from me in the BsWo."
WINNERS: Don Marvin/Xtremist via Maniac's obliteration
JC: And a nice little parting remark about their past to boot, not bad really, even if Williams did lose the match.
SSC: We will keep you posted on the condition of Maniac, who is being buckled down to be rushed to the hospital as we speak. Our prayers are with him.
JC: Speak for yourself Steve, that was great! I think that might just be the stench of death I smell.
DP: That could be something else, you're sitting in Musty Rhodes' old chair.
(Cline hops up quickly)
JC: Damn, what the hell is the wrong with you guys, pulling some crap like that, get me a new chair.
(A stage hand brings a new one.)
JC: That's better, I thought the butt indent was a little too big.
SSC: Not to interrupt this great intelligent conversation, but up next the vacant tag titles will find an owner. Your thoughts Dez?
DP: Well, I'd have to go with LL/ED. The Linewalkers may have the experience edge, but both RF and JW have been pretty beat on tonight so far. Polish Hitmen have an advantage in not wrestling yet tonight, but I think LL and ED's talent will make up for that.
JC: Well, for once, I'll agree. The new guys are better than the old guys and the foreign guys, very simple.
SSC: It's Spyders vs. Sausage vs. Savvy. Let's go to the ring introductions.
Linewalkers vs. Polish Hitmen vs. Luscious Luciano/El Dorado
(As Yash and Stash, the Polish Hitmen, walk out from the entrance way, some crazy polka (probably the Beer Polka, but you can't be sure they all sound the same) blares over the PA system. A handful of the fans cheer loudly, most of those are wearing the Official SEWF Polish Hitmen Polish Sausage Foam Hats sold in every concession stand here in the elegant and charming Shawplex concourse. The Hitmen play to the 100 or so fans who bothered to make positive noise for them. About the same number, maybe a little more, boo at them, but the majority of the crowd is pretty apathetic and doesn't say much. When they get to the ring, whatever music the Linewalkers have set up plays, and the fans respond well to it. Cheers are much more prevalant then the scattered boos, and all in all, it's a good pop. As they charge into the ring, the Polish Hitmen leap out, and the Linewalkers, Jay Ward and Rapid Fire, bounce off the ropes a bit, do a little huddle thing, and warm up for it. The two teams gather in their respective corners when Luscious Lucianno and El Dorado's music blares. The crowd goves a hell of a pop, and scream for the two, even though their combined SEWF experience is one whole match, and that was only LL. What a great thing hype and anticipation are, huh? Anyway, they play to the crowd and do the required hand slapping and such. LL stops to give a few beauties kisses and lovin', and El Dorado waits for him silently, arms crossed, foot tapping. They finally get to the ring, after LL has spread Mononucleosis to about 50 girls in the crowd (that's the Kissing Disease for our younger viewers). The two finally hop up onto the apron, and El Dorado joins Rapid Fire and Yash in the ring to start things off as the bell rings.)
SSC: Well after all that intro, we're off and running for the tag titles.
(RF immediately jumps upon Yash, pounding away with a flurry of lefts and rights. El takes his time, letting the other two duke it out while conserving energy. Yash is flung to the ground by a bitchin' right hand from RF, and ED finally steps in, and right onto Yash's head. RF and ED stomp on Yash, and Stash sneaks in, hitting Dorado, which brings in Luscious, who is stopped by the ref.)
SSC: The refs tonight have really had their hands full no doubt.
(Stash climbs back out, and so does LL, but by now, ED is slumped in the corner, and RF is on top of him punching him in the face, much to the delight of the crowd, who, of course, counts along. Yash walks over to tag in Stash during this little melee. And the crowd counts on. WAIT! El Dorado picks up RF, takes a step or two, and drops him HARD onto the knee via inverted Atomic Drop.)
JC: Say goodbye to your unborn kids Rapid Fire.
DP: My sentiments go out to Mrs. Rapid Fire as well.
(The crowd, well, the male portion at least, all cup their hands over their genitals, wince, and go "Oooooh!" all in unison. ED goes to tag in LL, but is stopped by Yash with a quick german suplex. He goes for the pin, but ED kicks out at 1 1/2. RF has crawled, one hand clutching his tender manhood, and tags in Jay Ward with the other. Ward rushes in and pounces on Yash, with a couple of bodyslams, a suplex, and now is grinding Yash's head in a side headlock. This allows, El Dorado to tag in Luscious, who instead of joining in right away, climbs onto the turnbuckle, flexes his muscles, blows some kisses and makes some girls faint.)
DP: Yes, LL is quite popular with the ladies.
JC: And I think a few men too.....
(Jay Ward picks up Yash, and uses him as a weapon, whipping him into LL's turnbuckle. LL is flung forward, and Yash falls to the mat. LL's head strikes the top of the ringpost, HARD, and he puts his hands over his head and he cries out in pain, shouting obscenities that would make a pirate embarrased. Jay Ward pins Yash, and Stash comes in to try and make a save, but takes a look at LL and runs away in fright. The ref drops to the mat for the count, 1...2...3! the Polish Hitmen have been eliminated, so I guess that it's okay that Stash took off, but for what reason? Suddenly, as LL turns towards us, Jay Ward sees what Stash did. The horror of Luscious Lucianno's head dripping blood right through his fingers. Normally, a manly SEWF wrestler grows thirsty at the sight of blood, but lest we forget, Luscious bleeds STD filled blood. Diseases of every type and name flow within LL, and are being poured out in mass quantities. JW backs away from him, and screams for a time out, refusing to fight with him. The ref oddly stops the fight, and calls a doctor to ringside, the doctor, in a fully covering latex suit, sews up LL's head, good as new, and meanwhile, the fighting resumes with Ward and El Dorado.)
SSC: Did we just see that?
DP: Um, I don't think that LL has tested positive for any STD's at any of the SEWF testing.
JC: Who gives a damn, the fight, the fight!
(Dorado catches Ward with a scoop slam, and goes for a quick pin, but is thwarted by an even quicker kickout by JW. ED tries a suplex, but it's blocked and reversed by JW. JW picks him up, and hits him with a belly to belly, and a DDT. He drops down, hooks the leg and the ref counts 1...2..NO! Kickout by Dorado. JW gets up, frustrated, and pounds on Dorado twice as hard. He nails him with a couple of right hands, and a boot to the gut. Then he throws ED into his turnbuckle, where Rapid Fire chokes him. JW tags in RF, who gets back to work. He sets ED up on the top turnbuckle, and SUPLEXES HIM!! HOLY MOLY! ED looks to be out of it, and RF tries a pin. 1...2...AND LUSCIOUS RUNS IN! RF immediately jumps up, and backs away from LL, scared of the STD's.)
SSC: These guys are messed up. Whoever gave them their info is really disturbed.
(LL helps Dorado up, and walks him back to the corner, steps out, and tags in. Luscious wastes no time in runnig over to RF, who ducks out of the way and tries to tag in JW. But Ward shakes his head no, and RF grabs his hand, and forces the tag. JW climbs into the ring, and locks up with Luci after a defiant "Dammit!" on having to face him. Luci headbutts him, and Ward falls, screaming, wiping his head with his hands. D starts to laugh, as well as LL and the rest of the crowd. LL tries to pin Ward, who rolls out of the way and slaps RF's hand before he could pull it away. Ward rolls right out of the ring, and gets back up, and Rapid Fire climbs in. LL reaches , but RF lunges out of the way. LL tries again, but again, RF ducks. LL screams, "Enough of this shit, fight already! Gawd-damn!" )
JC: Really, just fight you dumb puss.
(LL finally gets a hold of RF, and nails him right across the throat with a lariat. Then LL picks him up, and rmas his head into the turnbuckle, and flings RF onto the back of his head. LL climbs to the top, and MOONSAULTS ONTO RF!! HOT DAMN! Then LL tags in El Dorado, and hoists RF onto his shoulders. Dorado climbs to the top rope, and turns, facing the crowd, and leaps backwards off the ropes. He grabs RF's head under his arm, Scorpion Death-Drop style, and CRASHES to the mat. WOWZIE-WOWZA! RF is definetly out, and probably dead from the way it looks. El goes for the pin, and LL clotheslines Jay Ward off the apron, the ref counts 1...2...3!! The ref receives the SEWF Tag Team Championship belts from some guy in a tux outside, and hands them to LL and El Dorado.Luscious and Dorado raise the belts in the air, and the referee raises their hands in victory.)
WINNERS AND NEW TAG CHAMPS: Luscious Lucianno and El Dorado via Super Inverted DDT
SSC: Well, Dez, your prediction rang true and LL/ED have their first taste of SEWF gold.
DP: The sting of LL's loss in the TV title gauntlet match is no doubt gone as fast as Hollywood Phil. They must feel pretty damn good.
JC: I've tasted gold before, I've walked that road, those chumps have a long trip ahead to hold on to what everyone's gunnin' for.
SSC: And I believe they can stand up to that, they are very talented young men. At any rate, with no further waiting, the six successful combatants earlier in the Lethal Lotto will be up next to fight for the US title they all want. Predictions?
JC: Simmons, plain and simple, he caried that pathetic Ghost.
DP: I'll go with Xtremist, he showed well.
SSC: And I'll go with Don Marvin just because the new guys are on a roll.
Lethal Lotto Battle Royal
(All of the participants for the match came out from the back, as "Black" by Sevendust played. They are Reverend, "Killer" Christian Holmes, Ghost, Calvin Simmons, Don Marvin, and Xtremist.. All of the men anxiously enter the ring, as the US Title sits on a table outside the ring, waiting for a new owner. Xtremist is very active, getting ready, while the others pretty much hang back in the areas they wound up in... Finally, the bell rings, and the battle royal begins. Instantly, Killer clotheslines Reverend out of the ring. What he doesn't notice is that he clotheslined him right onto Brittany, who was standing outside the ring, busting her head open when she falls.)
ELIMINATED: Reverend via "Killer" Christian Holmes clothesline @0:06
SSC: In and out for Reverand.
JC: Hope he doesn't get paid by the hour.
(Xtremist goes crazy, bouncing off the ropes and dropkicking Don Marvin, giving the same treatment to Ghost. Calvin Simmons leaves the ring, rolling under the ropes. Holmes, seeing what he's done, is clipped from behind while looking down on Brittany, and narrowly avoids going over the top. Ghost, who had attacked him, follows it up with a clothesline, which also fails to dump Killer out. Holmes retaliates with a knee to Ghost's midsection, followed by a DDT. On the outside, Simmons has set up tables on three sides of the ring, and is now tossing steel chairs into the ring, obviously trying to make the match more hardcore, since that would benefit him. Killer gladly picks up one of the chairs, only to have Xtremist thrust kick it into his face, knocking him down and bloodying him a bit. Calvin grabs up another chair, and smashes Reverend over the head with it on the outside, on the one side without a table. Reverend's head splits like a watermelon, much to Calvin's pleasure, gushing blood.)
SSC: This blood gushing stuff is getting kinda common.
DP: At least we don't zoom out like some feds.
JC: They're gonna start bringing ponchos for the front row.
(That task achieved, Simmons rolls back into the ring. Inside, Don Marvin nails Ghost with a gutwrench suplex. He then whips Ghost into the ropes, going for a back body drop that would send him out of the ring, but Ghost stops short and kicks Marvin in the face. After that, Ghost drops several elbows onto Marvin's abdomen, until Xtremist wheel kicks him in the back of the head, knocking him down.)
SSC: Great take down from X.
(Xtremist picks Ghost back up, sends him into the ropes with an Irish whip, and gets him with a flying headscissor takedown, which sends Ghost flying out of the ring and onto the table, which doesn't break. Due to battle royal rules, which stipulate that until you touch the ground with a foot, you're not eliminated, Ghost is still active.)
DP: Lucky break, the first one for Ghost.
(In the ring, Xtremist spiked Killer on his head with a Tornado DDT, then hitting a standing somersault legdrop. X goes for another wheel kick, but Killer catches it, and turns it into an atomic drop which sends Xtremist over the top rope. The small aerialist clings to the ropes, though, and is able to pull himself back in under the bottom rope. On the other side of the ring, Ghost is now up, and turns around met with a chairshot flying thrust kick from Calvin Simmons, who had climbed through the middle ropes, and then gone to the top turnbuckle. Simmons lands badly, and winds up hitting hard on the outside, but Ghost does a bacflip off of the table, still unbroken, and flies into the crowd. He lands on concrete, most likely badly injuring himself and possibly people in the crowd. SEWF Security instantly rushes into the area Ghost landed in, keeping fans back some.
ELIMINATED: Ghost via Calvin Simmons' Out-Of-The-Ring Flying Chairshot Thrust Kick @ 7:36
JC: Straight to the after life with that guy.
(Slowly, Simmons gets up and rolls back into the ring. Xtremist and Don Marvin are double-teaming the now very widely busted open Killer, as Marvin has Holmes up on his shoulders, and Xtremist is climbing the turnbuckles. X reaches the top, and nails Holmes with a somersault press, knocking Marvin over as well. Seeing his advantage, attempts to toss Marvin out, but is unsuccessful. Calvin just steps back and hits a big kick to Marvin's groin, sending him to the ground. Killer is up first, and grabs Simmons from behind, dropping him with a belly-to-back suplex.)
JC: WOW, spectacular move from Killer.
SSC: Some great athleticism in that guy for sure.
(That done, Killer grabs himself another steel chair, and legdrops it onto Xtremist's back. Killer swings at Xtremist again, but X rolls out of the way, and then legsweeps Killer, sending him face firsti nto the chair on the groun. X goes up top, only to be rushed by Don Marvin. Marvin attempts to shove him off, but recieves a good kick in the face for his try. Xtremist grabs Don's head, and bulldogs him off the top in a way that he also legdrops Killer's head. Simmons, now up, picks the downed Marvin up as well. He hits a belly-to-belly suplex that sends Marvin through the middle ropes, to the outside, smacking his head on the end of the table and bleeding a small amount, too.)
JC: Blood, blood, blood, that's what it's all about folks. These guys put their bodies on the line for the gold strap and nothing else.
(Simmons taps X on the shoulder, and after a quick conversation, they do twin topes out onto Marvin, all three men going through the table behind Marvin. X is up first, and climbs onto the ring apron. He grabs a chair, and then goes up the turnbuckles. As Marvin and Simmons get up, X moonsaults to the outside, drilling both of them with the chair. Killer, seeing his oppurtunity, rolls to the outside and sends all three men back into the ring. He hits each of them with a DDT, and almost gets anothero ne on Marvin, but Marvin gets him with a Northern Lights Suplex.)
SSC: We are seeing every move in the book here in this match.
DP: My personal fav, the Northern Lights, especially.
(Don Marvin picks Xtremist up, and tombstones him ot the mat viciously. After that, he gets Simmons, and attempts a powerbomb, but Simmons turns it into a rana. Simmons goes to the top, and leaps off, getting an ungodly amount of hangtime on his finisher, the Monster Frogsplash. Calvin picks Marvin up, and nails him with a double underhook DDT, then follows that up with a piledriver from butterfly suplex position. X is up, and goes after Marvin as well. Simmons sets the large man on the top rope, and Xtremist does a shoulder-spin rana, dropping hi minto the middle of the ring. Marvin looks to be unconscious, as Simmons walks over to him, but surprises Calvin with a punch to the face, as he gets up quickly. Don clotheslines Simmons into the corner, and puts him up top for his finisher, a Top Rope Jackhammer.)
DP: This could be disaster for Simmons.....
(Marvin gets Simmons into suplex position, but Simmons wiggles out and lands on his feet behind Marvin. Calvin, showing remarkable knowledge of his ring presence, backs up, and gets Don into a powerbomb position just by grabbing him from the turnbuckles. Xtremist sees that Marvin is well set-up, and climbs the top ropes, as Simmons advances toward the ropes with Marvin. Don struggles to get out of the move, but Xtremist missile dropkicks him in the face right as Simmons gets to the ropes, knocking him out of the ring and eliminating him.)
ELIMINATED: Don Marvin via Xtremist/Calvin Simmons Missile Dropkick/Powerbomb @ 17:03
SSC: Simmons barely squirmed out of that one, but knew how to put Marvin away in a hurry.
(Killer, now up, clotheslines X and Simmons from behind, nearly knocking both men over the top. X does a mule kick, getting Killer right in the jaw with it. Calvin rushes to hit a high impact move on Killer, and does so with a Split-legged Moonsault. X climbs up top as well, as Simmons sets up a chair. Xtremist comes off the top with the X-Sault, and Calvin finally has his chair set up. Killer gets up, and just as he does, Calvin bounces off the ropes, leaps onto the chair, and then flies off with a spinning kick to the temple that sends Killer flying out of the ring. His feet appear to brush the ground, but he clings to the middle rope with all his strength. Calvin and Xtremist, not noticing he is still in, lock-up. Being the bigger man, Simmons easily wins the lock-up, and drops Xtremist with an Exploder Suplex.)
SSC: Suplex city in the Shawplex tonight.
(Holmes pulls himself back into the ring, though his elimination status is not very clear, as it looks like he was eliminated, but the officials aren't escorting him away. Calvin follows his Exploder up with a brainbuster, and a legdrop. Noticing Killer, Simmons immediately kicks him in the face, knocking him back onto the mat. X is up, but also takes note of Holmes. After another quick conversation, Simmons and Xtremist both go to the top turnbuckle, yes, one turnbuckle. Simmons ducks low, and gorilla presses Xtremist, looking like they're ready to do a Super Rocket Launcher. As Killer gets up, Calvin presses Xtremist higher over his head, and throws him....................out of the ring and through a table, eliminating him.)
ELIMINATED: Xtremist via Calvin Simmons' Doublecross Gorilla Press Slam Off the Top @ 24:58
DP: Killer's lucky that Simmons has no integrity.
JC: That and that Xtremist is one stupid mofo to let a guy get him up in a press slam in a battle royal willingly.
(Calvin laughs wildly, looking down at Xtremist. He doesn't see Killer sneaking up on him, and holmes is able to drop him to the mat with a Super Wrath of God. Holmes, now bloodied and obviously not with iron man endurance, lethargically drops an elbow onto Simmons, and both men lay on the ground for nearly a minute. Killer eventually gets up, and picks Simmons up for a piledriver. He spikes Calvin on his head with the move, and both are still again. Holmes crawls over to Simmons, and locks on a crossface chickenwing for several minutes, a good tactic since Killer is tired and the move should slow Calvin down some. Simmons is able to stand up, and when he does, he jumps up and springboards himself off the middle rope, and is able to hit Killer with something of an Inverted DDT.)
SSC: I smell Juvi Juice....
(As the match reaches the thirty minute mark, Calvin's superior endurance is definitely showing, because of his less muscular but better conditioned physique. Holmes' recent bout with food poisoning also seems to be playing a role. Holmes looks to be totally unconscious, as Calvin does a bit of a Fargo Strut. Done posing, Simmons bounces off the ropes and does a senton on Killer, following it up with a series of four more sentons. Killer's eyes roll back in his head and his tongue lolls out, but Calvin is relentless. He grabs Killer up, places him in a corner, and charges in for a clothesline... Suddenly, Killer's eyes return to normal, he smiles evilly, and he ducks low, tossing Simmons up high.)
DP: Just regained his whereabouts just in time there. Killer has been having some great good fortune in this match.
(Simmons holds onto the ropes, just barely holding himself in the air, sort of in a position not unlike the Ultimo Dragon's Turnbuckle Headstand, but not in control of himself. Killer Christian grabs himself a chair and smashes Calvin in the head with it...and with that, Calvin drops to the outside, not landing far from the ring steps.. Killer collapses mid-ring, face bloody but smiling, and he crawls to the outside, picking the KO'ed Brittany up in his arms, and taking her into the ring with him.)
WINNER: "Killer" Christian Holmes via Back Body-Drop and a Chairshot on Calvin Simmons @ 36:12
DP: Now that was a damn fine match on the part of Killer.
JC: If X hadn't been so stupid, I think he might have taken this belt home.
(As Killer celebrates in the ring, looking out at the fans in the crowd, who are giving him a mixed reaction, Simmons, Marvin, and Xtremist all get back into the ring, and start brawling again. Xtremist doesn't seem like he wants revenge on Simmons, as he is focusing more on Marvin. Simmons kicks Killer in the back, and then picks a chair up, and starts clobbering him with it. Marvin forearms Xtremist in the face, following with punches. From the back, a mysterious figure runs out, and grabs the US Title Belt.)
SSC: Hey, who the hell is that??
(It's SEWF's former US Champ, "The Critic" Dirk Ryan! He's wearing a "MR. SPARKLE" t-shirt and some baggy jeans... Dirk runs into the ring, and nails Holmes in the back of the head with the US Title, then puts it in the corner. Ryan picks Killer up, and dellivers three straight Critical Danger uranages, before leaving as fast as he came, wit hthe US Title Belt. Simmons, Marvin, and X look on in awe...until Simmons kicks Marvin in the back of the head. Calvin places Simmons on top of Killer, and goes to the top. He flies off with his Monster Frogsplash, and then repeats the move. After stopping for a moment to pose for the crowd, Simmons grins and goes to the back, as EMTs take Killer and Marvin off, along wiht Ghost, who was already taken away to the hospital..)
SSC: Well, looks like we were all wrong about Killer. He had some major resurgances of energy in that match!
DP: That guy never gave up, so credit due to him. And what is Dirk Ryan all about? I thought he was gone.
JC: Yeah well, he's just lucky that Simmons decided to double cross X or he would have been screwed royally.
SSC: Anyway, we've come to the end of our great night of wrestling action with the main event of the evening pitting two of the best wrestlers ever to grace the SEWF against each other.
DP: It's almost a dream match of sorts, and I, for one, am glad Prez. Shaw decided to stick on the card.
JC: We'll have a decent champ guaranteed, after this match is over.
SSC: Intros and entrances as always....
Frazer Fury vs. Dean McGrath
(Dean emerges from the entryway psyched up and ready to go. Along with him is his good friend and former SEWF wrestler Christian Alicea. He trotted to the ring under a rain of cheers from the rafters. The fans respect his ability for sure. "Killing in the Name" by Rage Against the Machine hits the Shawplex's top notch sound system, as Frazer Fury emerges from the back. He looks determined, and although he takes his time getting to the ring, he doesn't play to the crowd as much as he usually does. Frazer rolls into the ring, ready for the match...)
DP: The battle of respect, as Frazer dubbed it, begins.
(The bell rings and the two men immediately lock up. The twist around, moving all around the ring in the locked up position. The two finally end up in the corner where the ref makes them break it up. They break clean and circle each other in the middle of the ring. Frazer puts up one hand and Dean meets hit with his own. They lock both hands and Dean drives a shoulder into the midsection of Frazer. Hands still locked, Dean slips his head under Frazer's armpit and suplexes him over.)
SSC: Wow! Great move from Dean, don't see that too often.
DP: First point goes to Dean.
(Frazer gets back up and smirks a bit before locking up with Dean once again. Dean swings Frazer down into a side headlock. Frazer forces Dean back into the ropes and shoots him off into the opposite ropes. Frazer nails a drop kick to the knee of Dean on the way back. Dean hits the ground and his hands immediately go to the knee.)
JC: Smart move, take out the mobility of a man and break him down on the mat. That's what I'd do.
(Frazer picks Dean back up only to leg sweep him back to the mat. Dean rolls around in pain a minute and Frazer hits the ropes to come off with a leg drop on the legs of DM. Frazer sets one leg up on the bottom rope, jumps on the bottom rope, and slams down on Dean's leg.
SSC: Man, he's really going after that leg!
(Frazer picks Dean up and whips him into the rope, Dean then goes right back to the mat as FF hits a drop toe hold. He locks up the legs and twists Dean into a sort of STF. Dean yells in pain and finally wriggles to the ropes.)
DP: Without the ropes, Dean might have his leg seriously injured very quickly. He better get it going here in a minute.
JC: Yeah, he's sucking wind right now, he better pull some energy up.
(Frazer backs off and Dean pulls himself up by the ropes. He steps gingerly on his beat on leg. Frazer runs at him with a clothesline but Dean ducks to grab FF around the waist. Standing switch by FF, another by Dean, and Dean hooks both arms to hit a nice Dragon Suplex.)
SSC: Cover, 1....2....kick out.
(Frazer hops back to his feet and kicks the fallen Dean. Dean counters with a couple lefts to the midsection of Frazer. He gradually pulls himself up and blocks a couple FF punches to counter with a few of his own. FF staggers back and Dean hits the ropes to nail a big running lariat. He drops a quick elbow on Frazer and goes outside.)
DP: Dean now goes on the offensive with the new found surge.
(He drags Frazer's head out over the edge of the apron and drops a nasty elbow on FF's neck. Dean flips FF over and throws him chest first into the mat.)
JC: I've had that done to me, doesn't tickle.
(Dean hops back up in the ring and Frazer grabs on to the bottom rope. Dean grabs FF's legs and throws him up and off the ropes to pound him down into the mat. Frazer writhes in pain and Dean picks him right back up. Dean whips him in and hooks him a tight sleeper hold on the way back.)
SSC: Roddy Piper would be proud, which doesn't say much, but it is a firm sleeper.
DP: And yes, Frazer is slowly crumbling to the mat.
(Frazer's knees buckle and he falls to his knees. Dean keeps it on tight and slides Frazer on to his side. The crowd begins to get into the mat, cheering as the ref checks on Frazer.)
SSC: Hand up once, falls, twice, falls, three for the title, it's alive, Frazer's still in there.
(Frazer begins to struggle his way back up to a vertical base. He delivers a couple big elbows into Dean to cause separation. He gets it and hits the ropes. Dean jumps at FF but FF in a great feat of strength catches him. He hooks Dean's head and...)
(Frazer immediately gets to the top turnbuckle. He raises his hands in the air and waits for Dean to get up, all facing away from the ring. Dean arises in a groggy state and FF comes off and connects with a huge corkscrew moonsault!
SSC: Cover,, Dean barely gets the shoulder up.
(Dean rolls on to his back which Frazer takes advantage of by placing his foot just above the back of Dean's knee to slam it down to the mat. He stands on Dean's hamstrings and gets control of Dean's hands. He rocks back once, twice, and rolls back on to his back to but Dean in a spectacular surfboard!
JC: Now that's how you immobilize somebody.
(Dean refuses to give in and Frazer finally lets him out of the hold. Frazer gets up and pulls Dean up with him. Dean gets whipped into the ropes where he ducks a Frazer clothesline and Frazer puts his head down too early on the trip back. Dean takes Frazer's head between his legs and elevates him in piledriver position. He jumps and...)
JC: WOW!!! A spectacular piledriver from Dean!
SSC:, Frazer slips out.
(Dean picks up Frazer and picks him up. He hitches him for some sort of suplex. Dean elevates and comes down with a violent brainbuster!!)
DP: That looks like a set up to me!
(Dean wheels Frazer around and signals to the crowd before he grabs both of Frazer's legs. He looks around and drops a head butt between FF's legs. He signals once more, grabs the legs, and spins Frazer into the Shaolin Sword!!!!!!)
SSC: He's got it locked on in the middle of the ring folks!!!!
DP: This could be it!!!!
(Frazer screams in pain but struggles violently. His yells one last time and puts all of his energy in his powerful legs. His legs force Dean off and across the ring with the force of their thrust!)
JC: Now, that's a counter with power.
(Dean gets up and charges Frazer in rage. Frazer ducks slightly and lifts Dean into a Fireman's Carry!)
SSC: That's the position FF wants.....
(Frazer looks at the crowd a moment and....)
(Frazer looks exhausted as he falls to his knees and hooks a leg...)
SSC: COVER, 1.......2........3!!!! IT'S OVER!!!! FRAZER HAS WON THE TITLE AGAIN!!!!!
JC: That was a damn fine match, a true dream to watch.
DP: That may be easily the greatest title match in the history of the SEWF. Those two guys are so even, you didn't know which way it was gonna go!!!
WINNER AND NEW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMP: Frazer Fury via FrazerDriver '97
SSC: Well, that took my breath away.
DP: Same here.
JC: I've got plenty left.
SSC: Well, we've still got a few remarks from one guy with plenty of breath.
(Camera cuts to Prez. Shaw once again in the middle of the ring. He is holding a brand new SEWF Heavyweight Title along with the other belts unified into the title, the EWWF Internet title and IWA LW title.)
PS: Well, Frazer, you've been in this position before and you earned it here tonight. I present to you the brand new SEWF Heavyweight Title.
(Frazer graciously, for once, takes the title from Mr. Shaw and takes the mic as well.)
FF: This title is dedicated to the memory of a great friend and great champion, the Flamethrower. Let's have a quick James Cameron moment of silence.
(The fans all observe the moment in respect of the great champ. Breaking the silence is a great CRACK. The camera wheels around to the source of the sound, much like a gun shot. A man is seen running out an arena exit. A few fans with a few security guards run after the man. Screaming can be heard around the front rows. The camera wheels back in the chaos to see the source. In the middle of the ring, in the middle of the MNB logo, Prez Shaw lay in a heap on the mat. Blood can be seen surrounding his head. Frazer seems to be in shock and kneels down to Prez. Shaw. He puts an ear to his chest and stands up. He moves away and out of the ring to motion for some medical attention. He yells and some medics come running to the ring. They examine the body of Prez. Shaw and try to plug the source of the bleeding on his head. They put some fingers to check for a pulse on his neck. They also put an ear to the chest of the Prez. and shake their heads. They look straight down at the mat. Fans scramble for the exits in the chaos.)
(Fade to black silence)

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David Shaw SEWF Prez.