Dylan Cebulske - 06/22/99 05:21:36
My Email:DQswansea@icss.net
How You Found This Page: geocities
Age (Optional): 14
Nationality (Optional): american
Steve - 12/01/98 20:02:28
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~cooper191/elwhome
My Email:iluvjc0815@hotmail.com
How You Found This Page: just surfed on in
Interested in being in a Christian e-fed? Then check out my site!
Michael Williams - 11/26/98 07:50:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/1efed
My Email:ccwfed@hotmail.com
Come join Coast to Coast Wrestling for the hottest e-wrestling action. We have 4 cards a week and 4 titles. We just opened registration, so join now and get a jump on the competition.
DESTINY - 10/20/98 15:52:51
My Email:windrunner3@juno.com
How You Found This Page: strolled on in
From time to time, there are people that relish in the past. "I was the best" From time to time there are those that discredit all values in search for the answers. Time is irrelevant. Time is a number. Destiny has been the one true foreverness in th
s world. Denstined to be great, destined to be the best, destined to destroy. Whatever you call it, you will soon fear the one thing everyone fears. Destiny. Time is coming, and so am I. Prepare for the awakening of a new era of destruction unlike an
you have ever imagined. Destroyer of hopes, conquerer of dreams, I AM DESTINY.
President of the WwW - 10/16/98 02:49:35
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nb/stunner50
My Email:stunner50@hotmail.com
How You Found This Page: go to the url
Fav Part of Page: everything
Least Fav Part of Page: nothing
Gender (Optional): Male
John Geesey - 08/23/98 01:41:10
My Email:Chiefs2570@aol.com
How You Found This Page: Link from DECWF
Fav Part of Page: SNM
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): 26
Nationality (Optional): hard to explain, like just I'm German
When I was in the DECWF, I once and awhile click on the link to SEWF to see all the action, hype and whatnot. To be in the SEWF, takes me back in my days of hanging out with great friends and lots of beer. I love the site and I don't know how you could
ake it better. Later David, take you the great work.
J.R. Ward - 08/19/98 03:00:45
My URL:http://www.gecities.com/Area51/Dungeon/2704
My Email:adam_hoke@hotmail.com
How You Found This Page: ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fav Part of Page: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Least Fav Part of Page: ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kletus Kassidy - 07/31/98 16:23:56
My URL:/Area51/Dungeon/2704
My Email:adam_hoke@hotmail.com
How You Found This Page: Former wrestler
Fav Part of Page: This E-Fed
Least Fav Part of Page: Join
Join The UIWF in time for our PPV BLOODFEST
Ive sent several applications and havent gotten any responce yet. Please someone respond.
Sid - 07/29/98 19:14:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Track/5723/index.html
My Email:slausotp@uwec.edu
How You Found This Page: luck
Fav Part of Page: signing up
Least Fav Part of Page: none
Gender (Optional): male
Age (Optional): 14
Nationality (Optional): USA
CRUSHER QUINN - 07/13/98 19:47:12
My Email:chrisquinn@tnsofres.com
How You Found This Page: from Handsome Phill Apollo
Fav Part of Page: The Archives!!
Least Fav Part of Page: none
Age (Optional): 26
Nationality (Optional): Irish
All I can say is Wait! For I have arrived, Be carefull!, as Iam near! Run away! Cause if I Catch you, You will be no more!
jonathan Buterfield - 06/21/98 14:57:54
My Email:jbutterfield@btinternet.com
How You Found This Page: Meta Webcrawler
Fav Part of Page: The Stats and real match reports!
Least Fav Part of Page: how could I have one?
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): 13
Nationality (Optional): english
Superb. I have just joined and I hope you accept my wrestler. Can't wait!!!!!!!
jonathan Buterfield - 06/21/98 14:56:36
My Email:jbutterfield@btinternet.com
How You Found This Page: Meta Webcrawler
Fav Part of Page: The Stats and real match reports!
Least Fav Part of Page: how could I have one?
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): 13
Nationality (Optional): english
Superb. I have just joined and I hope you accept my wrestler. Can't wait!!!!!!!
Phil Woodyard - 06/12/98 04:58:08
My Email:philw15@hotmail.com
How You Found This Page: Surfin'
Fav Part of Page: PPV reviews
Least Fav Part of Page: None
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): An ancient 31
Nationality (Optional): English
Watch out guys,there's a new gun in town.My Wrestler will turn some heads.........and a few stomachs too! This is the site I will visit most over the next few months.I love it.Thanks for giving an old man a chance to grab the gold!
Felony - 06/09/98 02:12:16
My Email:sassy@eurekanet.com
How You Found This Page: lycros search
Fav Part of Page: all
Least Fav Part of Page: ?? not sure yet
Gender (Optional): female
Age (Optional): 29 for the first time
Nationality (Optional): American
Just visited once but this is pretty cool!!
Flexy Kavana - 06/07/98 15:10:34
My Email:PuFFy4Iife
How You Found This Page: Cauz its the best fed
Fav Part of Page: Bios
Least Fav Part of Page: None It's All Good
Hey Sup This is New Wrestler Flexy Kavana ! I just wanted to say i am sure that i am going to Take On This Competition By Storm Hopefully . And I realize this is the Elit Only So Im Just Gonna Hope I Kick Some Ass Thanx and i would like to join a stable i
possible Thank You
The Ewww - 06/03/98 05:13:01
My URL:http://www.telusplanet.net/public/walks/Ewww.htm
My Email:walks@telusplanet.net
How You Found This Page: Search
Fav Part of Page: the top
Least Fav Part of Page: the bottom
Hi Id like to invite you all to join what some say is the greatest E-fed of all time. People can come out and say there e-fed is the best but they cant prove it. Well I can, so thats why I would like you to check out the Ewww. Two cards a week, your own w
estler profile and if your sick of those lousy roleplayers, well theres none here only the best need apply. Be sure to check itout. And just one more thing if enough people check things out I might even start paying wrestlers..yep you heard me right, payi
g e-fed wrestlers!!! Check the Ewww out at
http://www.telusplanet.net/public/walks/Ewww.htm we might be moving to e-wrestling.com soon though.
VICTOR MACIAS - 05/23/98 02:58:27
My Email:hmacias@gte.net
How You Found This Page: AT EWWF
Fav Part of Page: NONE
Least Fav Part of Page: THE WRESTLERS NAMES
Gender (Optional): MALE
Age (Optional): I'M 9,452 IM OLD
Nationality (Optional): AMERICAN I THINK
Killer Kurt Scott Hopke - 05/14/98 07:59:38
My Email:kurthopke@mail.utexas.edu
How You Found This Page: link on the DECWF page
Fav Part of Page: seeing some of the old DECWFers
Least Fav Part of Page: some guy named himself Gambit
Gender (Optional): bitch
Age (Optional): I age very well
Nationality (Optional): Catholic, I think
Hey y'all, This here is Killer Christian Holmes and I was just seeing what the SEWF could possibly offer me. I'm a monogamous kind of guy and I'll be faithful to my ho, the DECWF, for now, but I know you guys want me. So what would the Killer have to ga
n from joining this here farm league? You know you want me.
GUESS! - 05/05/98 13:10:33
My Email:Umm... I don't HAVE one >P
How You Found This Page: THere was this blue clicky thingy.
Fav Part of Page: The part with me in it... WAIT!! THERE ISN'T A PART WITH ME IN IT!! >(
Least Fav Part of Page: Ummmm... er... uhhhhhh...
Gender (Optional): Gender is not optional.
Age (Optional): Age IS Optional!
Nationality (Optional): I am an andorian in disguise!! ummm... OK, I'm just a guy...
Signed: ME!! YOU THOUGHT I WAS GONE, WELL I AM!! WAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (Deosn't Spydy look great in that dress)?!
AWO - 04/28/98 06:10:56
My URL:http://www.ewyp.org/awo/index.html
Come and check out the AWO We need some good wrestlers. The url is http://www.ewyp.org/awo/index.html
Scotty Jaguar - 04/06/98 19:10:31
My URL:http://members.aol.com/tmydreamer/tcewa. html or http://members.aol.com/tmydreamer/scotty.html
My Email:tmydreamer@aol.com
How You Found This Page: Got promoted from the DECWF to the SEWF
Fav Part of Page: All of it pretty much
Least Fav Part of Page: Umm......let me get back to you on that one.
Gender (Optional): You know.
Age (Optional): As I said before, old enough to know better but young enough to still act stupid
Nationality (Optional): I am an Alien, hahaha, and you all thought I was normal!
Hey, hey, hey. Fat Albert here. No, just kidding. It's the one, the only, the marvelous, the great, the Heartbreak Kid(again Im kidding), Stone Cold(bet you didn't know I was kidding on that one too did ya?), ok you get the drift. I'm great and your n
t, nah, nah, nah! Scotty Jaguar here, I just wanna say thanks to Dave Shaw for giving me the chance to wrestle in the SEWF and promoting me from the SEWF. I WANNA START!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Hehehehe, but when I do start, Cruiserweights......
...GIVE ME A TITLE SHOT!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehehehe, see what school has done to me? Anyway, I'm here, I'm NOT queer, and I'm gonna kick some (BEEP!) Hehehehe, catch ya'll on the flip side. But just ONE peice of advice before I go and you al
go back to your miserable lives without me. Don't start a war you can't finish!
Eric(Scotty Jaguar) IMPORTANT!!! - 04/03/98 17:41:07
Hey, this is Scotty Jaguar from the DECWF. I need someone to do me a favor if they would. I need one of you SEWF'ers to get a hold of Rob Dalton, the prez of DECWF, and let him know that my AOL is messed up so I can't sign on. It will also say that I a
not an AOL member but I am. Dean, Iron Man, Wild Horse, Dirk, Frazer, Wolfe, or Dalton himself, if one of you guys read this please let Rob know that I will be back and tell him NOT to kill Jaguar ok? Thanks alot
Eric - 04/02/98 21:04:49
My URL:http://members.aol.com/tmydreamer/tcewa.html
My Email:tmydreamer@aol.com
How You Found This Page: from the DECWF
Fav Part of Page: all of it pretty much
Least Fav Part of Page: no updates
Gender (Optional): I have a girlfriend and my name is Eric, you tell me.
Age (Optional): old enough to know better, but young enough to still be stupid
Nationality (Optional): I live inside the computer...........hehehe
Hey everyone, if you wanna join a brand new fed that is in need of members and good RPers, check my fed out. It's called the TCEWA, Twin Cities Extreme Wrestling Association.
titan70 - 04/02/98 16:00:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/colosseum/track/6078
My Email:titanplayer@usa.net
How You Found This Page: Surfing
Fav Part of Page: The results
Least Fav Part of Page: No least fav
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): 18
You did a great job with this page:)
GWA Prez - 03/29/98 16:47:25
My Email:pcollins@interlog.com
Known of you in this federation know what it's like to join the big leagues. Known of you have faced true competitors, and until you join the GWA, you never will...
Mail me to get info on the big leagues...
Scotty Jaguar (Eric) - 03/25/98 19:04:37
My URL:http://members.aol.com/tmydreamer/scotty.html
My Email:tmydreamer@aol.com
How You Found This Page: From the DECWF page
Hey, this is soon to be new Television Champion Scotty Jaguar from the DECWF just saying what's up to all you SEWF'ers. I'm havin a blast in DECWF and I hope to make it to the SEWF soon....til then, later!
davey, the one man party, the Deaner - 03/24/98 01:56:50
How You Found This Page: I was promoted from the DECWF, and the SEWF needed me, I think, huh?
Fav Part of Page: Well, the rankins I guess
Least Fav Part of Page: The inconsistency of updates, yeah that!
Gender (Optional): Male, even my penis tells me that =)
Age (Optional): I am old, but hey, you dont need to know just how much!
Nationality (Optional): Wisconsonian (i wish)
Hey everyone, this little guest book needs to be emptied, there is shit from almost a year ago. Anyways, hi, I am the Deaner, learn to love me, bye now...
Jim Gadziemski - 03/23/98 02:04:41
Been there, done that, and on my way back for another run-1998-YEAR OF THE WARRIOR!!!!
Robert Kane - 03/22/98 18:59:47
My Email:navbobcv65@aol.com
How You Found This Page: search
Gender (Optional): male
Age (Optional): 57
Dirk Ryan - 03/20/98 03:11:30
My Email:Bignoon@aol.com
How You Found This Page: I was invited to join
Fav Part of Page: Its all pretty cool
Least Fav Part of Page: not updated enough
Gender (Optional): male
Age (Optional): 9+9*6/33*143+9775675-909/32*0+18
I've been here long enough, I figure I had better sign this. Anyway, I could give it a review if I wanted to, but it may sound pretty stupid. Dave, thanks for letting me wrestle here.
CHARLIE PIASIO - 03/19/98 22:46:22
My Email:Charlie85@webtv.net
Fav Part of Page: APPLICATION
Least Fav Part of Page: AWARDS THIS SITE HAS WON
NMWF - 03/17/98 04:20:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nd/cjs99/
NEW FED JUST STARTING OUT, Need good roleplayers!!! Sorry for butting in..
TDog411 - 03/16/98 19:02:21
My Email:InSqCrcles@aol.com
Fav Part of Page: Everything
Least Fav Part of Page: none
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): 21
Nationality (Optional): All American
TDog411 - 03/16/98 19:01:04
My Email:InSqCrcles@aol.com
Fav Part of Page: Everything
Least Fav Part of Page: none
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): 21
Nationality (Optional): All American
Insane Pane - 03/14/98 21:41:16
My Email:k_dawg_g
How You Found This Page: 1wrestling.com
Fav Part of Page: All
Least Fav Part of Page: none
Gender (Optional): male of course
I've sent in an app to join this wonderful fed and become a champion - be prepared to be in awe when the insane Pane unloads the Fallen Star on you. If it's exciting matches and great roleplays you need look no further than here, the wonderful Insane Pan
Xtremist - 03/14/98 20:44:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Sideline/9102/index5.html
How You Found This Page: from Prez Shaw
Fav Part of Page: Everything
Least Fav Part of Page: Nothing
I can't wait to start competing here in the SEWF. I am excited and this fed is well done. I'm honored to wrestle in this e-fed.
THE BARBER - 03/12/98 22:37:59
How You Found This Page: from 1wrestling .com
Fav Part of Page: the guestbook.
hello my name is THE BARBER from hardknocks.
i have been getting screwed there latley and i need one member of this leauge to come and join me in wiping out hardknocks. you will need to help me on wednesday and saturday and pay per views. e-mail me at glassley@pacbell.net if you want to help me.
Ryan Schrader - 02/27/98 02:08:12
My Email:Schrademan@hotmail.com
How You Found This Page: looking for a good e-wrestling fed.
Fav Part of Page: Finding one that wasn't full to join.
Least Fav Part of Page: Not knowing if it was free or not.
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): 16
Nationality (Optional): American, Sutton Nebraska
Hey dude!!!! Good site!!!! I'm looking forward to wrestling!!
Jason Rogers - 02/23/98 21:34:20
My Email:JRock 84
How You Found This Page: Web Search
Fav Part of Page: none
Least Fav Part of Page: none
Age (Optional): 13
Nationality (Optional): usa
I don't like how you don't inform people if they have or have not been accepted into this federation. Also I don't like how much time there is in between times that you update the page. I understand the dificulty of this but I think it could be a little
faster and more proficient.
Thank you
Jay Rogers
Prez Justin - 02/22/98 13:56:03
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Roth_J/AEWA.html
My Email:ddd
Everyone,If you want great action and know how to roleplay then come to the AEWA.The Best in E-wrestling entertainment!!!
jr - 02/18/98 04:13:49
My Email:jr_ds@hotmail.com
How You Found This Page: search engine
Fav Part of Page: easy to apply
Least Fav Part of Page: not easy to request matches
Put something on here to make it easier to e-mail matches.....
concerned wwf fan worrying about NWO and WCW fans - 02/17/98 01:06:38
How You Found This Page: I wanted to start spreading the truth about WCW and NWO's "Bischoff problem"
Fav Part of Page: guestbook to spread the word
Least Fav Part of Page: it's for NWO and WCW fans
Gender (Optional): all, pick one
Age (Optional): all ages should know the danger eric Bischoff poses
Nationality (Optional): all
Do you have a Bischoff parasite? here are some easy symptoms you can read to find out.
1.You have the uncontrollable urge to BUTTKISS to everyone.
2.You spend your money FOOLISHLY on ELDERLY athletes.
3.Your pants don't fit all the way on your backside.
5.you have an urge to go out and TRY to run other corporations out of business (Like really cool wrestling organizations)
6.You think of yourself as "Cool" and "The best"
7.You want others to SHOW YOU THEIR GUNS.
8.In short, YOU ARE A PARASITE!!!
If these symptoms progress see your doctor IMMEDIATELY! surgery on the anal region might be required if that thing gets further lodged up there! To prevent getting the parasite known as Bischoffis anal kissus, or commonly reffered to as the Bischoff paras
te you have to:
1.Watch what SILLY things you spend your money on
2.Stay away from ANTIQUE stores
3.Watch what you sit on
4. And lastly:
Thank you, this has been a message from the Health Organization Going Against Nasty Stuff, or H.O.G.A.N.S
Joshua - 02/02/98 00:21:01
I have just signed on to this league. I have nothing more to say. I have spoken.
Jake Devine - 02/01/98 21:48:12
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/JDevine
My Email:avatar@msmisp.com
How You Found This Page: I didn't, it found me...
Fav Part of Page: that Frazer Fury is mentioned on it, many, many times...
Least Fav Part of Page: That anyone else is
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): I am timeless
Nationality (Optional): The Republic of Frazer, a Rebellious territory enveloped in a standoff with the government
I am slingblade I am from the another sewf that is ful but i erg you to go to the siwa at www.expage.com/page/siwa
WRF President - 01/22/98 06:28:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/KKWL
My Email:hojoxff7@aol.com
Hey there. I run the Wrestling Riot Federation, a up and coming e-wrestling page. I am looking for people to join so you can come on over and join. We accept fake and real wrestlers. So why don't you come on over and check it out. You may want to join. We
l, hope to see you soon. Over here, we're just crazy, so check out the craziest e-fed place there is!!!
Hardcore Heavywieght Wrestling Federation - 01/20/98 06:48:47
My URL:http://www.anglefire.com/md/HHWF
Come join the newest and most extreme e-fed on the net The Hardcore Heavywieght Wrestling Federation...The HHWF is now starting to accept applications for original wrestlers to try to win one of the 4 open titles. Come join the fed that has over 20 speci
lty matches and still gaining more by the day. Come join us at www.angelfire.com/md/HHWF/ and go to the extreme!
Ricky the Wrecker - 01/15/98 18:25:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Arena/1378/index.html
My Email:samurai@monumental.com
How You Found This Page: Scoops Direct
Hello all wrestlers and handlers. Please allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Ricky the Wrecker. I am the leader of the best new e-wrestling
stable on the planet and we are now recruiting new members. I am not
advertising an e-fed nor am I trying to lure wrestlers out of this fed so
fed president, please do not erase this message from your guestbook. What
I am trying to do is add to the growing number of members of this great stable.
We currently base our operations out of the TWF but we are looking to expand our
reaches to feds on every corner of the net. If you handle a hardcore heel wrestler
and you think you have what it takes to be a part of greatness, visit my
stable homepage by clicking the link above and read our requirements. If you are
accepted into the Wrecking Crew you will always have support from all
Wrecking Crew members and you will recieve your own section on the homepage
to describe your man. Any fed that has a wrestler in the stable will get a link
from my page to yours and a spot for a brief advertisement for your fed. Check it out
for yourself even if you don't want to join. It will give you a glimpse of the future
of e-wrestling.
Ricky the Wrecker and The Wrecking Crew
Sexyboy Lane - 01/09/98 22:14:44
My Email:sayten@gte.net
(scene opens with the announcer introduceing sexyboy lane then the music starts and Lane comes walking out to the ring)
Lane: woooooo its great to be here in this new fed baby! Now you all know that Iam new here and I am indeed the hottest free agent out there, see I just signed a contract today and now Iam ready to bring the pain and kick some ass and if here are any stables out there that is intrested in me give me a call and we can talk about me joining. Now I came to this fed for one thing and one thing olny and that is to be the champion, the man and stay the man, see I am and I will be called the bes and that is a fact.
(sceen ends with fireworks exploding and the crowd scream as Lane walks out of the ring)
Victor O'Keefe - 01/05/98 19:22:56
My Email:NotreD8055@aol.com
How You Found This Page: Part of it
Fav Part of Page: Archives
Least Fav Part of Page: None
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): 16
SEWF is great keep up the good work Dave, and Remember time to take out the trash in the BsWo...........
MR. RELIABLE - 01/04/98 18:45:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/broadway/5327
My Email:uwf@geocities.com
Just click the link to get to some REAL wrestlin'
Big Daddy Cool - 01/02/98 02:27:40
My Email:DHu5317398
How You Found This Page: Commerical
Least Fav Part of Page: where do u get matches at
Gender (Optional): male
Big Daddy Cool and Da' Badguy have arrived baby!!!
We'll whoop anybody's (*) !! Are u man enough? We are also looking for a stable to join we accept only the best, because we are the best! We want a some singles and some tag team matches!!! So just send a e-mail to DHu5317398 and we'll talk.
Dustin - 01/01/98 18:17:40
My Email:Dhu5317398
How do u get matches signed? Is this a rp or sim? When can Da' Badguy or Big Daddy Cool get their 1st match?
Birdman - 12/31/97 05:05:16
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Birdman316/index.html
My Email:Birdman316@aol.com
Fav Part of Page: Me being on it
Least Fav Part of Page: Me not being on it before now
Gender (Optional): Male
Oh yeah! I am a founding father of the 5th Element. You all will pay dearly at the hands of the 5th! The above mentioned page is the 5th's page so go and visit the damn thing now!
Cucka Doran - 12/29/97 21:20:19
My Email:cuckadoran@hotmail.com
How You Found This Page: Thru 1wrestling link
Fav Part of Page: Rankings
Least Fav Part of Page: Not enough updates
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): 15
Nationality (Optional): American
The Fantasy wrestling is something I just signed
up for. I hope I can enjoy it. If you could send me some mail so I can start wrestling, I would appreciate it.
Royal All-Star Wrestling - 12/25/97 13:28:36
My URL:http://www.Angelfire.com/ca/KittyHeaven/
My Email:lna8@hotmail.com
How You Found This Page: searching for the 2nd best...
Nationality (Optional): WORLD WIDE!!!
Check out the hottest WRESTLING FEDERATION TO EVER BE BORN!!! RAW is HERE. PRESIDENT, please email the RAW STAFF, we are running a link to your great Federation and would like it if you did the same for us. Thank you for your time.
NOTORIOUS J.O.N. - 12/23/97 20:54:43
My Email:THEMANizME@aol.com
How You Found This Page: DECWF
Fav Part of Page: IT KICKS ASS
Gender (Optional): MALE
Jay Ward (Spyder) - 12/22/97 02:41:48
My Email:nanny@roman.net
How You Found This Page: I'm a SEWFer
Fav Part of Page: Archives
Least Fav Part of Page: none,really
Gender (Optional): Male, 100 %
Nationality (Optional): American
Just wanted to thank you once again for allowing Spyder to be a star here. Just wanted to let you know that he and TA want to be more involved until Bishop comes back. Also, kill Frazer. Anyway, thanks for all the time you take with me, and wis
me good luck in January as I try out for WCW! Yes, I actually got a appoinment to try out with Greg Hammer, the trainer down there! Wish me luck! See ya later!
Spyder (Jay)
John Bitowt - 12/17/97 13:07:39
My Email:JBitowt@aol.com
How You Found This Page: EWWF wrestling
Fav Part of Page: wrestling federations
Least Fav Part of Page: none really
Gender (Optional): male
Age (Optional): 25
Nationality (Optional): white
Dear Dave,
I enjoy your wrestling federations and mostly I enjoy participating as a wrestler myself;since joing the SEWF, I 've had nothing but fun! All of the graphics on the web-page are kick ass;especialy the smoking skull,"FIRE IT UP SIR!!!!" KEEP UP THE COO
JOB YOU HAVE BEEN DOIN' and I just want you to know as my federations president when are we wrestling again!!
See Ya,
John Bitowt
Johnny Dangerously - 12/12/97 23:05:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Stadium/2641
My Email:Easymoney10@Juno.com
How You Found This Page: From EWWF Homepage
Johnny Dangerously: How Y'all doing down here in the rookie leagues??? You guys are probably wondering why an established wrestler like myself is leaving a comment on a Rookie guestpage. Well, I'm going to tell you, I'm down here looking for a couple s
ablemates to join the Dangerous Alliance up in the EWWF East. I know that there are quite a few of you who are ready to join the big leagues. Ropin' Tex has made the move back up. Christian Alicea and Rob Dalton have made the move up, if anybody else f
els that they are ready, and can prove themselves in the ring. E-Mail me at EasyMoney10@Juno.com. Send me an RP saying that you want in the Alliance, if the RP is good, I'll send it up to Tony Tellez, the VP of the EWWF East. No Jabronies may respond<
EHW PREZ - 12/07/97 19:17:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/EHW
My Email:hardcore@westol.com
Gender (Optional): male
Tim - 12/07/97 05:40:01
How You Found This Page: From the now gone IWA
Fav Part of Page: Everything
Least Fav Part of Page: That my wrestler is not on the title page
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): Somewhere between 5-99
Nationality (Optional): USA
I figured I have been here long enough so I guess I better sign this thing. You have a great fed here Dave keep up the good work. Give me a title or I will piledrive you through the Shawplex.
Mike Walbert - 12/07/97 04:26:03
My Email:walbs@rocketmail.com
How You Found This Page: BsWo Baby!!!!!!
Fav Part of Page: The Archives
Least Fav Part of Page: The Links...WCW Sucks!!!!
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): 16
Nationality (Optional): "Proud to be an American...."
Good job on keeping the archives up, Dave. I just hope that you can find some more old SEWF matches, because they truly were classic! Oh, by the way... I'm still gonna kick your arse in the BsWo:)
-"Da Gangsta" Lyndell Jackson
-Matthew "Dollar Man" Hutchinson
-Da Diamond Dog AKA 3D
James Taylor - 12/01/97 03:48:06
My Email:starman3@webtv.net
How You Found This Page: Newsletter ad
A wrestling newsletter called Starman. It covers WCW, WWF, ECW and more. It comes out two days a week. To subscribe, e-mail starman3@webtv.net
Jerry Valeri - 11/30/97 08:11:20
My Email:bvaleri@aasdcat.com
How You Found This Page: By searching for a fantasy wrestling site.
Fav Part of Page: The easy access to all needed information.
Least Fav Part of Page: Only one match a week
Gender (Optional): male
Age (Optional): 20
Nationality (Optional): U.S.A.
I would like to thank you for several things. 1. You always write back even if I ask something stupid.
2. You truely appreciate wrestling
3.(the most important) Ever since I was young I have had an unexplainable obsession with wrestling. I have always wanted to be a wrestler, but have never had the opportunities to do it. In this federation I feel like a real wrestler involved in real thing
. You have given me a chance to do what I have always wanted, but never gotten. If it wasn't for your dedication to this site it wouldn't be what it is now. Thank you very much Dave.
Birdman - 11/29/97 06:04:53
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~QBirdman/index.html
My Email:QBirdman@aol.com
Visit my page! The 5th Element Rules!!
Josh - 11/28/97 18:00:58
My Email:Raor_Ramon@webtv.net
How You Found This Page: I saw it.
Fav Part of Page: The whole thing
Least Fav Part of Page: none of it
Gender (Optional): MALE
Age (Optional): 17
Nationality (Optional): AMERICAN
I messed up on my last entry. So here is my new
one. I would also like to tell all the wrestlers
in the SEWF to watch out 'cause here comes Vandal
Savage and his manager Warpath!!!
Josh - 11/28/97 17:58:37
My Email:Raor_Ramon@webtv.net
How You Found This Page: I saw it.
Fav Part of Page: The whole thing
Least Fav Part of Page: none of it
Gender (Optional): MALE
Age (Optional): 17
Nationality (Optional): AMERICAN
I messed up on my last entry. So here is my new one. I would also like to tell all the wrestlers in the SEWF to watch out 'cause here comes Vandal Savage and his manager Warpath!!!
Josh - 11/28/97 04:36:14
My Email:Razor_Ramon@webtv.net
How You Found This Page: I am trying to get in.
Fav Part of Page: I like all of it.
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): 17
Nationality (Optional): Hungarian
sarah st.aoro - 11/25/97 17:05:38
How You Found This Page: i was just looking around and i found it
Gender (Optional): female
Age (Optional): 16
Nationality (Optional): white american
Myst - 11/25/97 04:54:20
My Email:KidIrish4@aol.com
How You Found This Page: Friend
Fav Part of Page: Being part of it
Least Fav Part of Page: I love it all!!!!!!
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): 19
Thanks for letting be Myst. The site is too cool!!!! Don't change a thing. Just get more stuff. I want to get the Cruis wieght title in there. I know it is coming soon. Thanks again for this site. You have, believe it or not, made a difference in my
ife. I have been watching wrestling for 15yrs. I have always wanted to be a pro. You made that dream come true, even if it is only fantasy. I always have my imagination
Rev. Rob I. Payne, The Minister of Pain - 11/24/97 05:10:08
My Email:phisigs@worldnet.att.net
Gender (Optional): male
I see a lot of things here in the SEWF. I see a lot of things that are wrong! I see a lot of things that are SINS! Well, I, The Minister of Pain intend to RIGHT THOSE WRONGS!
There's a lot of punks running around this federation spouting off at the mouth. Well, the GOSPEL ACCORDING TO PAYNE teaches us that Silence is a VIRTUE, and I intend to enforce that virtue by making all of you underrated braggarts shut yer big, fat mout
You see I am on a mission...a mission from the Almighty One. Thus, I will not be denied in my quest. My quest to RULE the SEWF. The Almighty One has commanded me to bring home the gold -- all of it! I have been blessed by his DIVINE powers and I wil
stop at NOTHING. My job will not be complete until I have conquered everyone and left the pitiful ranks here in ruins.
Some may wonder how one man plans on doing this. But I am not one man. You see there are more of us coming. In fact some of my Brothers are already here amidst the rest of you. Just who are they? I cannot reveal that yet. Only when HE commands me, w
ll I reveal these secrets
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid. A wise Prophet has forseen of my rise. Now is the Hour of the Minister of Pain. Now is the minute of YOUR decline.
But you can save yourself from total annihalation. Just confess your sins to the Minister of Pain, and I shall set your soul free...
And before I close let me just recite my favorite passage from The Gospel According to Payne:
"A non-believer shall spend his eternity in Hell, but the converted will walk the Earth as Kings ruling over the weak."
So Sayeth Payne...
The Rev. Rob I. Payne, Minister of Pain
Jake Devine - 11/23/97 07:02:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/JDevine/index.html (among others)
My Email:avatar@msmisp.com
How You Found This Page: Dave Told me about it...I think
Fav Part of Page: That I'm rated so high
Least Fav Part of Page: That I'm not rated even higher.
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): Ah weel nae reveal thees information
Nationality (Optional): Yo soy de los estados unidad
Well...I rule the SEWF. I'm the man. E-mail me to join RWP...or face my wrath.....oh yeah, I also currently hold the US Belt here, send all hate mail to the address above. Byebye now...
Carrie - 11/16/97 06:22:29
My Email:ya' know it
How You Found This Page: you
Age (Optional): 15
hi David! I still don't understand all of this
wrestling stuff, but that's okay, it's great.
I saw the Little Mermaid today, fun! I still need to see your video. I talked to Kim about it (does
she have an 3-mail address? -give to to me if so)
and last I heard Lisa had it.
love you, Carrie
Michael Dodge - 11/13/97 15:08:01
My Email:dodge76@ix.netcom.com
How You Found This Page: by accident
Fav Part of Page: the e-fed
Gender (Optional): male
I created a wrestler for your e-fed, "Super Nova". I'm just a bit curious as to how one gets to be a bit more involved in one of these e-fed's?
h8 wcw - 11/11/97 00:08:40
How You Found This Page: none of anyone's business
Fav Part of Page: nothing
Least Fav Part of Page: it's about wcw and their old, used up wrestlers
Gender (Optional): neither
Age (Optional): younger than hogan
Nationality (Optional): stone cold
WCW is the same old crap day after day!!!!! I HATE THAT SHIT!!!!!
Warrior - 11/08/97 22:21:54
My Email:gadj@hotmail.com
where are the past results?
Alan erceg AKA skullman - 11/02/97 13:55:52
My Email:ecw4life@mailcity.com
How You Found This Page: I'm in the SEWF
Fav Part of Page: All of it
Least Fav Part of Page: none
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): 15
Nationality (Optional): American
The Sewf Kicks ASS!!!! Everyone should join!! The Prez is fair, aand he and his staff write really good match outcomes!! Keep Up The Good Work!!!!
Awesome Amy - 10/19/97 00:26:13
My URL:http://members.aol.com/awinn911/index.html
My Email:AWinn911@aol.com
How You Found This Page: By another web page
Fav Part of Page: Your creativity. Take it from somebody in the business, this fed seems so real!
Least Fav Part of Page: Nothing.
Gender (Optional): Female
Age (Optional): Twenty
Nationality (Optional): American
Keep up the great work you guys! I suggest this for any fan to join.
Daniel Fries - 10/03/97 22:29:21
How You Found This Page: ROBERTS page
Fav Part of Page: none
Least Fav Part of Page: none
add news and rumors
Kez - 10/03/97 04:01:05
How You Found This Page: I'M A MEMBER OF THE SEWF
Fav Part of Page: EVERYTHING
Least Fav Part of Page: NOTHING
Gender (Optional): MALE
Nationality (Optional): AMERICAN
Pres. Dave Shaw, is the ultimate Email Fed President. Kez and DDS will live forever!!!!!
WWC President - 09/30/97 18:54:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/colosseum/arena/7977
My Email:preswwc@hotmail.com
How You Found This Page: Webcrawler
There's a new fantasy wrestling league in town. Visit the World Wrestling Conference! Rookies are also very welcomed...
Chris Miller - 09/30/97 11:33:07
My Email:nmjry
How You Found This Page: Surfing
Fav Part of Page: The hunky wrestlers
Least Fav Part of Page: YOU
Gender (Optional): black
Age (Optional): 21
Nationality (Optional): Jamaican mon
Chris Miller - 09/30/97 11:30:39
My Email:nmjry
How You Found This Page: Surfing
Fav Part of Page: The hunky wrestlers
Tayvon Epps - 09/28/97 12:05:45
My URL:http://www.msn.com/default.asp
My Email:Cocoa_Devine@msn.com
How You Found This Page: Surfing
Fav Part of Page: none
Least Fav Part of Page: everything
Gender (Optional): male
Age (Optional): 19
Nationality (Optional): black
This website is the phoniest on the internet!
- 09/24/97 20:17:06
mean bitch - 09/22/97 18:17:43
Gender (Optional): female
Age (Optional): 21
Nationality (Optional): american
Victor - 09/19/97 10:47:02
My Email:NotreD8055@aol.com
How You Found This Page: Searching
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): 16
Nationality (Optional): American
Shawman the SEWF is great fun and you need to keep up the good work all my wrestlers are already in her =.....................Have a NICE DAY
All-American Powerhouses of the BsWo
Mike Walbert - 09/19/97 01:38:37
My Email:walbs@rcoketmail.com
How You Found This Page: BsWo
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): 16
Nationality (Optional): ALLLLLLLL AMERICAN
Cool page Dave. I'll have to think about putting a man in your fed. Just might happen:)
-Da Gangsta
david lang - 09/12/97 07:25:30
How You Found This Page: sad
Fav Part of Page: none
your page sux
chris skidmore - 09/09/97 23:20:23
How You Found This Page: surfing
Brady - 09/08/97 18:54:14
My Email:irvineb@prsb.ab.ca
How You Found This Page: lookin' around
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): 17
Nationality (Optional): Canadian
nathan cody - 09/04/97 16:52:31
How You Found This Page: messing around
Gender (Optional): male
Age (Optional): 16
Nationality (Optional): american
- 09/03/97 22:46:17
dave, this is great, but why?
Since, I think that the BsWo is getting a little bogged down, here we go.
Wrestlers name: Maniac
Height: 6'4
Weight: 245lbs
style: all-around
finisher: tazmission, diamond cutter(Maniac splash) Top rope DDT
Manager: none of course
Face/Heel: Face in a sting/raven mode
I could do Writing. Be a Vp. this could make it better than BsWo, more matches, quicker because more people running it. Peace!
dick rogers - 08/21/97 19:23:01
How You Found This Page: bullshit
Fav Part of Page: no updated material
Least Fav Part of Page: update your shit
Gender (Optional): male
Age (Optional): 25
BooBear - 08/12/97 06:49:16
My Email:jelly@pilot.infi.net
How You Found This Page: with Alta Vista
Fav Part of Page: Rumors and News
Least Fav Part of Page: The fact that some updates are outdated.
Gender (Optional): Female
Age (Optional): 17
Nationality (Optional): American
BILL KLEIN - 08/10/97 23:30:53
How You Found This Page: WEBCRAWLER
- 08/10/97 01:01:58
Frank Mann - 07/30/97 21:17:36
My Email:Hickory@OklaNet.Com
How You Found This Page: I always read the Shawman
Fav Part of Page: rumors
Least Fav Part of Page: none
Gender (Optional): male
Age (Optional): 49
Nationality (Optional): Heinz 57
I do read the Shawman. What is the scoop on Sting wrestling again?
NICK - 07/29/97 17:57:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sc/Nosewater
My Email:hilbou@sccoast.net
How You Found This Page: WWAW
Fav Part of Page: NOTHING
Least Fav Part of Page: EVERYTHING
Gender (Optional): ALL MAN
Age (Optional): 12
Nationality (Optional): GOOD OL' USA
Gayle - 07/28/97 20:26:44
My Email:lucretia@ntplx.net
How You Found This Page: linked from another site
Fav Part of Page: news and rumors
Gender (Optional): female
Nationality (Optional): from USA!!
Great site,it takes some work,we appreciate it!Any
fans of Piper,e-mail me!
Dick "The Bruiser" II - 07/28/97 19:47:32
My Email:ddshaw@lucent.com
How You Found This Page: Skulking Around
Fav Part of Page: Nice Layout
Least Fav Part of Page: Keep it Up To Date
Gender (Optional): Yes
Age (Optional): Ageless
Nationality (Optional): CalCitian
Nice work, clone. Keep it up. Hey to all the
boys in car-MEL.
Chris Klooz - 07/28/97 06:16:44
My Email:ctkandtrm@iquest.net
How You Found This Page: I know David
Fav Part of Page: Results
Gender (Optional): Male
Age (Optional): 14
Nationality (Optional): American
Nice page but you'll never get Kim so settle down
roy tomlin, jr. - 07/27/97 16:18:16
My Email:rtomlin@tyler.net
How You Found This Page: surfing
Fav Part of Page: scoops
Least Fav Part of Page: none
Gender (Optional): male
Age (Optional): 28
Nationality (Optional): usa
they, wcw, need to change hannds with the belt
give it to sting or luger. hogan has had it gor
over a year now. time to move on and create
some more excitement for wcw and nwo.
Brent - 07/22/97 19:31:23
How You Found This Page: you showed me shaw
Gender (Optional): male
Age (Optional): 14
the sprungman has entered the building! see ya
The Ultimate WCW Source WEbmaster - 07/22/97 18:25:29
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~thewcwsource
My Email:thewcwsource@hotmail.com
How You Found This Page: surfing
The ultimate source for up-to-date wrestling info, plust RealAudio entrance music with ActiveX technology
The Ultimate WCW Wrestling Source Webmaster - 07/22/97 18:08:28
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~thewcwsource/
My Email:thewcwsource@hotmail.com
How You Found This Page: Infoseek
The ultimate source for up-to-date wrestling info, plust RealAudio entrance music with ActiveX technology
craig murphy - 07/19/97 13:13:28
My Email:acmurph@bigpond.com.au
How You Found This Page: excellent
Fav Part of Page: results
Least Fav Part of Page: none
Gender (Optional): male
Age (Optional): 30
Nationality (Optional): australian
keep up the good work
David Shaw - 07/18/97 04:19:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Field/6165
My Email:wgzz80c@prodigy.com
How You Found This Page: It's Mine
Fav Part of Page: All of it
Gender (Optional): Male
Just getting this thing started.
- 07/17/97 15:25:16
This is #4. So how is Colorado. Carmel sucks!!!! It has been in the 90's for the past week. So, do you have a woman yet in Colorado. Don't worry. I don't either. well that is about it.
- 07/15/97 22:53:27