Hey, what's up all? In case you have been surfing around and you just happened to stumble upon my little page, feel free to look around and explore. If you are interested in e-wrestling and you want to get in one of the best feds around, just click on the application button below and I'll set ya up. If you are a current SEWF'er, thanks for stopping by and let me know what you think of the site. The fed is going great, let's keep it up. If anyone out there is a potential writer, booker, and/or VP, email me at the address below.
Special thanks to all of my friends out there in Carmel, to everyone who visits this site, Scott Myser for actually checking this place out, and all of my friends. Hey to Kim another love of mine. Hey to Jessica, Lisa, and Crystal in CO. Thanks
I have a brand new guestbook now, thanks to Geocities. I urge you to sign it. If you had signed the other one from LPage, please sign this one. Thanks.
© 1997 SEWF
Mail your thoughts to The Shawman himself at wgzz80c@prodigy.com
Congrats on being person to enter this wonderful site!
Scoops Sports Direct!
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