Finally, some answers to your questions!
What is Earl Weaver Baseball?
- Earl Weaver Baseball (EWB) is a computer baseball
simulator written in the mid - late 1980's. It allows you
to run a fantasy league by creating divisions, teams,
ballparks, and using real player's statistics. When
combined with the Commissioner's Disk, you can schedule a
league and examine statistics accumulated in league play.
The graphics leave a little to be desired, but the
results are realistic.
How can I get a copy of EWB?
- Many of you once used EWB for the PC and wanted to know
where you could get a copy now. We have a couple used
software shops in Rhode Island that have been known to
stock it. Our league has had our copy since 1987, and we
once had to return it to Electronic Arts because the
disk, which is copy-protected, wore out. For the Amiga
version, check the newsgroup comp.sys.amiga.marketplace
or go to our marketplace page
and check out those vendors.
Updated 09-MAR-98
Mail to: earlweaver@geocities.com
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