Paul's Fencing Page

Ooooh look!, I remember this web page....
Hmmm I haven't changed it since august 1997, I'd better do something about this.

These are a couple of little fencing pages I made while I was backin college. However I haven't done any Web Design since I started working for Logica Aldiscon at the start of 1998.

At this minute, I have absolutly nothing to do, waiting for the other members of my team to finish their work, so while searching for something to do I remembered this page, and decided it was time to update them a little.

Firstly I now have a new E-Mail address, ( to go with my new job, in telecommunications software. I am still fencing at a competitive level, despite putting on a significant amount of weight in the last year, I guess my body has deciced it wants to be like the other sabre fencers (see Paul's Guide to Fencers)

If you have any gripes or (especially) suggesions regarding this web-site, please, please mail me, so I can correct them/act on them.

Ta, Ta for now........

A Fencer's Guide to Paul - All about me.
Paul's Guide to Fencers - All about fencers
The Lexan Masks Page - What I think of the New Lexan masks.
Irish Fencing - All about the same
Fencing on the web - My very incomplete list of links

This page was last updated 28-January-1999 by Paul Bouchier-Hayes,

This page and all who follow her are hosted by Get your own Free Home Page