Nolan Ryan's Future
Hall of Fame
"I really don't think about it. The subject is brought up more and more each year as guys
younger than me are being elected. People used to debate whether I'd make it. Now they pretty
much assume I will. I don't think about it one way or the other. I believe you can only
control what you can control, and since Hall of Farmers are chosen by people voting, I'll leave
it at that. If they think I'm deserving, I'll make it. If they don't, I won't."
On which team he will represent when he's elected to the Hall of Fame in two years:
"I still haven't thought about that. I guess I'll deal with it when it gets here. At some point
I'll have to give it some thought. I don't think about the Hall of Fame right now. As we sit
here right now, I'm still with the Texas Rangers organization."
"Being realistic, the two organizations that come into play are the Angels and the Rangers.
If there's a choice, that's the choice to be made. Obviously it won't be the Mets. That's
not part of the equation, what with the record I had there."
What he will miss after retirement
"The camaraderie and the competition. There'll be adjustments that have to be made. And those
are the two things that'll be the toughest to adjust for."
On whether he might someday move away from Alvin:
"The thing that has kept me here is the fact that we have a home here and the bank and office
here. Do I think I'll remain here? That's questionable. I don't have any plans right now but
I'm realistic enough to know that if my situation was to change business-wise and we've gotten
the (Nolan Ryan) foundation building built and we've accomplished some things that we're
trying to do, I'd like to be more active in my cattle operation on a day-to-day basis.
Arlington is possible, too. I've still got an office there at The Ballpark, though I've never
gotten around to decorating it."
On where he'll be five years from now:
"That's a good question. I'm kind of in a transition period in my life. I'm not a ballplayer
any more and I'm dealing with that. You've got to decide what direction you want to go. I
don't see a position for me in baseball other than with a club. And I don't see me getting
involved as a general manager, manager or pitching coach."
If he could, he would increase his involvement with the Rangers - he will spend about 30 days
in Arlington this year, making appearances for the them - but he doesn't know how he would
find the time. Besides the bank and ranches, he is associated with Advil, U.S. Long Distacne,
Soutwest Airlines, Justin, Wrangler and Bollinger fitness equipment as well as some smaller
companies. He hosts an outdoor show on Prime Sports that will include two on-site shoots
starring the legend himself. He is a Texas Parks and Wildlife commissioner and an assistant
pitching coach at TCU.
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