Well, in honor of the Colorado Avalanche beating the worthless, piece of shit, dicklicking, cocksucking Detroit Red Wings, or as I preferably like to call them, the Motor City Meatheads, I have updated the page, and it looks pretty god damn good now, so all you fucking Red Wings fans can kiss my fucking ass!

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Okay, you heartless bastards, I'm gonna stick it to all Red Wings fans with this web site. Everything I've always wanted to say about this worthless team will be said, and I'd be happy to take any donations of hatred from the public, just send it to lroling@colint.com - I'd be happy to add it to the page. And all you fucking Wings fans who thought 3-peat, GO TO HELL! Typical Russian chokers, and just plain sucky goaltending doesn't win you shit. And to top it all off, it was my Avs who beat your asses.

There are a lot of damn reasons why I hate the Wings, but I'm not gonna list them all out on just one page, so for the Red WingHaters, I sectioned out my hatred. Hehe, pretty creative, huh?



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